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App-V 4.6 HTTP Streaming Registry Configuration Values

 ****Note: This wiki is based on App-V 4.6. With App-V 5 the location of the registry settings has changed and the configurable options have also changed.

The following values are used to fine tune communication, performance, and proxy interaction when using the HTTP transport for streaming in App-V 4.6 environments. All of these values are located in the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SoftGrid\4.5\ Client\Network\Http or

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\SoftGrid\4.5\ Client\Network\Http

Value  Type   Default   Applied   Description
 REG_DWORD  1048576
 in bytes  This value determines the buffer size used to handle data requests. If the request size is larger than StreamBufferSize, the request is broken into multiple requests where the maximum data size requested will be less than or equal to the StreamBufferSize. If the StreamBufferSize value is 0, all of the data will be retrieved in a single request. Requires a restart of the App-V client service.
 REG_DWORD  30000  in milliseconds  This value is used by WinHttp for name resolution. If the resolution takes longer than this timeout value, the action is canceled. This is only for HTTP streaming. Requires a restart of the App-V client service.
 ConnectTimeout  REG_DWORD  30000  in milliseconds  This value is used by WinHttp for server connection requests. If a connection request takes longer than this timeout value, the request is canceled. Requires a restart of the App-V client service. 
 SendTimeout  REG_DWORD  300  in milliseconds  This value is used by WinHttp for sending requests. If sending a request takes longer than this timeout value, the send request is canceled.          Requires a restart of the App-V client service.     
 REG_DWORD  3000  in milliseconds  This value is used by WinHttp to receive a response to a request. If a response takes longer than this timeout value, the receive request is canceled. Requires a restart of the App-V client service.     
 REG_DWORD  0  0-1  When this value is set to 1, it forces auto proxy detection instead of using IE proxy settings. Requires a restart of the App-V client service.         
 ConcurrentRequests  REG_DWORD  4  1 - infinite  If the value is greater than 1, divides the Http streaming request into concurrent sub-requests for parallel streaming. The Value must be greater than zero. Recommended setting is 4 (default).  Requires a restart of the App-V client service. 
 SkipProxyDetection  REG_DWORD  0  0 or 1  If the value is set to 1, App-V will not use IE proxy configuration. If 1, it overrides ForceProxyAutoDetect flag. Requires a restart of the App-V client service.   
 FailedProxyAutoDetectRetryTimeout  REG_DWORD  60  varies  Don’t try auto-proxy-detection if it failed in last ‘x’ seconds for the current user. Where ‘x’ is the value of this flag. Requires a restart of the App-V client service.      
 ProxyCacheLife  REG_DWORD  60  varies The number of seconds the http proxy info is cached by App-V in memory for a user       Requires a restart of the App-V client service.