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Operations Manager Management Pack Authoring - Module Types

This document is part of the Operations Manager Management Pack Authoring Guide.  The Microsoft System Center team has validated this procedure as of the original version.  We will continue to review any changes and periodically provide validations on later revisions as they are made.  Please feel free to make any corrections or additions to this procedure that you think would assist other users.

Data Source Modules

Data source modules in Operations Manager 2007 accept no input from the data stream because they are used at the start of a workflow. They produce a single output data stream. Data source modules are used in rules, discoveries, and regular detection in monitor types. They are always the first module in these kinds of workflows, since they define the schedule for the operation of the workflow and the initial data that is retrieved.

Data source modules collect information from an external source and pass that information into the data stream. They start workflows by using a timed-trigger mechanism that does not require user intervention. Data source modules perform activities such as collecting events from a specified log, sampling performance data at set intervals, or running a script according to a defined schedule.

Data source modules are not expected to make any changes to the environment but instead collect information that is sent into the data stream for other modules to potentially work with. This restriction cannot be enforced with custom modules performing actions such as running a script. The management pack author is expected to make sure that any such scripts or other actions used in a data source do not change the managed system.

Common Data Source Modules

The following table lists typically used data source modules. This is not a complete list of all data source modules that are available, but they are the most common modules that management pack authors will directly use in building custom workflows. The Module Types Reference can be accessed for a complete list of data source modules that are available to use for composing custom modules and workflows.

Module Name Management Pack Function Output Data Type
Microsoft. Windows. Discovery. WMISinglePropertyProvider Microsoft. Windows .Library Runs a WMI query and returns discovery data. Includes an expression to determine whether discovery data should be created. System. Discovery. Data
Microsoft. Windows. EventProvider Microsoft. Windows .Library Retrieves events with specified criteria from the Windows event log. Microsoft. Windows .EventData
Microsoft. Windows. FilteredRegistryDiscoveryProvider Microsoft. Windows .Library Collects keys and values from the registry and returns discovery data. Includes an expression to determine whether discovery data should be created. System. Discovery. Data
Microsoft. Windows. RegistryDiscoveryProvider Microsoft. Windows .Library Collects keys and values from the registry and returns discovery data. System. Discovery. Data
Microsoft. Windows. TimedPowerShell. DiscoveryProvider Microsoft. Windows .Library Runs a Windows PowerShell script at regular intervals and returns output as discovery data. System.Discovery.Data
Microsoft. Windows. TimedScript. DiscoveryProvider Microsoft. Windows .Library Runs a script at set intervals and returns output as discovery data. System. Discovery. Data
Microsoft. Windows. TimedScript. EventProvider Microsoft. Windows .Library Runs a script at set intervals and maps property bag output to event. System. Event. Data
Microsoft. Windows. TimedScript. PerformanceProvider Microsoft. Windows .Library Runs a script at set intervals and maps property bag output to performance data. System. Performance. Data
Microsoft. Windows. TimedScript. PropertyBagProvider Microsoft. Windows .Library Runs a script at set intervals and returns output as property bag. System. PropertyBagData
Microsoft. Windows. WmiEventProvider Microsoft. Windows .Library Monitors for occurrence of specified WMI event. System. PropertyBagData
System. Discovery. Scheduler System.Library Output a trigger on a schedule. Used only for discoveries. SystemTriggerData
System. Performance. DataProvider System. Performance. Library Collects a performance counter at set intervals. System. Performance.Data
System. Performance. OptimizedDataProvider System. Performance. Library Collects a performance counter at set intervals only if delta between samples matches specified criteria. System. Performance.Data
System. Scheduler System. Library Output a trigger on a schedule. System. TriggerData
System. SimpleScheduler System. Library Output a trigger on a schedule using frequency and sync time only. System. TriggerData
Microsoft. SystemCenter. Azure. RoleInstance. EventLog.CollectData. DS Microsoft. SystemCenter. Azure Retrieves events with specified criteria from an Azure application at set intervals. Microsoft. SystemCenter. Event. LinkedData
Microsoft. SystemCenter. Azure. RoleInstance. PerformanceCounter. CollectData. DS Microsoft. SystemCenter. Azure Collects a performance counter from an Azure application at set intervals.  System. Performance. Data

Probe Action Module

Probe action modules resemble data source modules because they collect information and pass it into the data stream. A probe action module is also not intended to change the agent in any way. The difference is that a probe action requires some trigger to start it.

Probe action modules accept a single input from the data stream and produce a single output data stream. The input could be data from another module, or it could be a simple trigger for probe action modules that do not require input data.

Probe action modules are directly used in monitor types for On Demand Detection and can be used in Diagnostics and Recoveries. All those workflow types provide a trigger that is required to initiate the probe action. Probe action modules are most frequently used within composite data source modules. Many of the data source modules that are included in the management pack libraries actually contain probe action modules to perform their core functionality.

Common Probe Action Modules

The following table lists common probe action modules. This is not a complete list of all probe action modules that are available. However, they are the most common probe action modules that management pack authors will directly use in building custom workflows and modules.

Module Name Management Pack Function Input Data Type Output Data Type
Microsoft. Windows. PowerShellDiscoveryProbe Microsoft. Windows. Library Runs a Windows PowerShell discovery script. System. BaseData
System. DiscoveryData
Microsoft. Windows. PowerShellPropertyBagProbe Microsoft. Windows. Library Runs a Windows PowerShell monitoring script. Requires input data. System. BaseData System. PropertyBagData
Microsoft. Windows. PowerShellPropertyBagTriggerOnlyProbe Microsoft. Windows. Library Runs a Windows PowerShell monitoring script. Does not require input data. None
System. PropertyBagData
Microsoft. Windows. ScriptPropertyBagProbe Microsoft. Windows. Library Runs a monitoring script. System. BaseData System. PropertyBagData
Microsoft. Windows. WmiProbe Microsoft. Windows. Library Runs WMI query to retrieve data. Requires input data. System. BaseData System. PropertyBagData
Microsoft.Windows. WmiTriggerProbe Microsoft. Windows. Library Runs WMI query to retrieve data. Does not require input data. None
System. PropertyBagData
System. CommandExecuterProbe System.Library Run a command line program. System. BaseData
System. CommandOutput
System. PassThroughProbe System.Library
Use to provide input to non-trigger probe action modules for on demand monitor type workflows. None System. BaseData

Condition Detection Module

Condition detection modules in an Operations Manager 2007 management pack take one or more inputs from the data stream and produce a single output. They are used regularly in rules and monitor types. Although they are not directly used in other workflow types, they are included in composite modules whenever their functionality is required.

Condition detection modules perform one of the following three functions:

  • Filter the input data according to a specified condition.
    For example, a condition detection module might be used to determine whether a particular sampled performance counter exceeded a specified threshold or whether an event matched certain criteria.

  • Map data from one data type to another.
    For example, condition detection might be used to map data from a property bag generated by a script run from a data source module to performance data required for insertion into the Operations Manager database.

  • Consolidate the data from multiple data streams.
    For example, a particular workflow might only generate a message when multiple events of the same type are generated in a specified time window. A condition detection module can be used to compile the events and determine when the specified number of events have been collected.

Common Condition Detection Modules

The following table lists frequently used condition detection modules. This is not a complete list of all condition detection modules that are available, but they are the most common ones that management pack authors will directly use in building custom workflows.

Module Name Management Pack Function Input Data Type Output Data Type
System. Event. GenericDataMapper System. Library Maps data to an event. System. BaseData  System. Event. Data
System. ExpressionFilter System. Library Evaluates data according to specified criteria to determine whether the data should be allowed through to the next module in the workflow. System. BaseData System. BaseData
System. OptimizedCollectionFilter System. Performance. Library Optimizes performance data. System. Performance. Data System. Performance. Data
System. Performance. DataGenericMapper System. Performance. Library Maps data to performance data. System. BaseData System. Performance. Data

Write Action Modules

Write action modules accept a single input from the data stream and make a change to system state. They have no output into the data stream and represent the end of a workflow. The change made by a write action module could be to the monitored system or in Operations Manager itself. Examples include generating an alert, writing information to the Operations Manager database, or running a script to try to fix a detected problem in an application.

The following table lists common write action modules. This is not a complete list of all write action modules that are available. However, they are the most common ones that management pack authors will directly use in building custom workflows.

Module Name Management Pack Function Output Data Type
Microsoft. SystemCenter. CollectEvent Microsoft. SystemCenter. Library Write events into the Operations Manager database.
System. Event. Data
Microsoft. SystemCenter. CollectPerformanceData Microsoft. SystemCenter. Library
Write performance data into the Operations Manager database. System. Performance. Data
Microsoft. SystemCenter. DataWarehouse. PublishEventData Microsoft. SystemCenter. DataWarehouse. Library Write event data into the data warehouse. System. Event. Data
Microsoft. SystemCenter. DataWarehouse. PublishPerformanceData Microsoft. SystemCenter. DataWarehouse. Library Write performance data into the data warehouse. System.
Microsoft. Windows. PowerShellWriteAction Microsoft. Windows. Library Run a Windows PowerShell script. System. BaseData
Microsoft. Windows. ScriptWriteAction Microsoft. Windows. Library Run a script. System. BaseData
System. CommandExecuter System. Library
Run a command line program.
System. BaseData
System. Health. GenerateAlert System. Health. Library
Generate an alert.
System. BaseData