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Windows Server 2012 Failover Cluster: Hotfixes

The latest Failover Cluster service packs, updates, and hotfixes for Windows Server 2012 are listed here in chronological order.

Applies To

 Windows Server 2012

Last Updated: Jan, 2013, Mar. 2013, and Feb. 2014.

Originally published: January 27, 2013

These updates and hotfixes can help avoid some known issues and may save you a support call.

A hotfix is intended to correct only the problem that is described in the article. You should not apply the hotfix if you have not seen the symptoms.


A catch 22, do you install it to try preventing the problem from occurring or do you only install it if you see the problem and have an outage?

Note: Some updates are required only under certain circumstances, as noted in the table.


Q.  What's the difference between the KB Recommended hotfix article for "Failover Clusters" and this list?

      2784261 Recommended hotfixes and updates for Windows Server 2012-based Failover Clusters


A.  The KB 2784261 article is the official list by our Supportability Program Managers for Failover Cluster.  That applies to everyone.

This technet wiki post, is every single "Failover Cluster" hotfixes that we have shipped since Windows Server 2012 RTM'ed (also known as gold or shipped).


KB Article Required? Applies to: Availability
2916993 Stop error 0x9E in Windows Server 2012 or Windows 8


Yes Windows Server 2012 Hotfix
2913695 OffloadWrite is doing PrepareForCriticalIo for the whole VHD in a Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V host


Yes, if you have Hyper-V installed. Windows Server 2012 Hotfix
2894464 Error message when you try to schedule a shadow copy task in Windows Server 2012 R2 or in Windows Server 2012


Yes Windows Server 2012 Hotfix
2878635 Update is available that improves the resiliency of the cloud service provider in Windows Server 2012: December 2013


Yes, if you have Hyper-V installed. Windows Server 2012 Hotfix
2869923 The Physical Disk resource for a Cluster Shared Volume may not come online during backup


Maybe Windows Server 2012 Hotfix
2870270 Update that improves cloud service provider resiliency in Windows Server 2012


(Replaces the hotfix that is described in KB article 2848344)

Yes Windows Server 2012  Hotfix
2838669 Update that improves cluster resiliency in Windows Server 2012 is available


(This obsoletes KB2813630 - Superseded by KB2848344)

Yes Windows Server 2012  Hotfix
2813630 Virtual machine enters a paused state or a CSV volume goes offline when you try to create a backup of the virtual machine on a Windows Server 2012-based failover cluster


(This obsoletes KB2799728, that caused massive memory leaks)

Yes, if you have Hyper-V installed. Windows Server 2012 Hotfix
2796000 You cannot create a cluster file share on a third-party disk resource in Windows Server 2012


(Install with 2795997 and 2795993 below)

Maybe Windows Server 2012 Hotfix
2795997 UI is displayed incorrectly when you right-click a third-party disk resource in the Available Storage area in Windows Server 2012


Maybe Windows Server 2012 Hotfix
2795993 New Share Wizard does not start when you try to create a cluster file share on a third-party disk resource in Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012


Maybe Windows Server 2012 Hotfix
976424 Error code when the kpasswd protocol fails after you perform an authoritative restore: "KDC_ERROR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN"


Maybe Windows Server 2008 / 2008 R2 Hotfix
2803748 Failover Cluster Management snap-in crashes after you install update 2750149 on a Windows Server 2012-based failover cluster


Yes Windows Server 2012, Windows 8 Update
2838043 Can't access a resource that is hosted on a Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012-based failover cluster


Maybe Windows Server 2012 Hotfix
2848344 Update improves cluster resiliency in Windows Server 2012


(This supersedes KB2838669/KB2796995/KB2824600  - Superseded by KB2870270)

Yes Windows Server 2012 Hotfix
2838664 - A hotfix that enables SQL Server availability groups support in Windows Server 2012 is available


Maybe  Windows Server 2012 Hotfix
2903938 - Data loss occurs on a SCSI disk that turns off in a Windows Server 2012-based failover cluster  Yes Windows Server 2012 Update Rollup

Also, you may want to see the:

List of Cluster Hotfixes for Windows Server 2008 R2