다음을 통해 공유


Set forwarders

dnscmd servername /resetforwarders

Disable forwarders

dnscmd servername /resetforwarders

Add conditional forwader

dnscmd NewServer /ZoneAdd Name /Forwarder MasterIP1, MasterIP2

To see a complete list of zones on your DNS server

dnscmd contoso.com /enumzones

To set the current time on a time stamp to resource records

dnscmd reskit.com /ageallrecords test.reskit.com

To display a list of autocreated zones that are also reverse lookup zones on the DNS server

dnscmd reskit.com /enumzones /auto-created /reverse

To export the resource record list

dnscmd contoso.com /zoneexport contoso.com contoso.com.dns

Enable or disable the Global Query Block list

dnscmd [<ServerName>] /config /enableglobalqueryblocklist 0|1

Export DNS records to Excel to read time stamps and static records

dnscmd /enumrecords contoso.com @ /Type A /additional > c:\dnsdata\dns.csv


