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Distribution Point is not updating the content after upgrading SCCM 2012 to SP1

Recently I updated our production SCCM 2012 to SP1.  The install seemed to go fine and a few tests passed when I was on the primary server. I tried to open the Admin Console installed found it wouldn't connect to the site.  After running the console installation again, it worked. Just deploy the console to a collection to all who have it installed?  I tried to do so, but it never deployed.

Here's why - My primary DP (only local one) isn't updating content.  My other 3 remote ones are.  I checked the logs and here's what I found

Console / Monitoring Console / Monitoring

*Distribution Manager failed to find or create the defined share or volume on distribution *

Distribution Manager failed to process package SCCM Console SP1

I checked my distmgr.log file and that is showing like that,


Failed to set share security on share \XYZ2.domain.com\SMSSIG$. Error = 5

Failed to set access security on share SMSSIG$ on server XYZ2.domain.com

DPConnection::Disconnect: Revert to self

Cannot find or create the signature share*.*

STATMSG: ID=2324 SEV=E LEV=M SOURCE="SMS Server" COMP="SMS_DISTRIBUTION_MANAGER" SYS=XYZ2.domain.com SITE=ABC PID=2340 TID=6220 GMTDATE=Tue Jan 09 15:16:35.474 2013 ISTR0="["Display=\ABC2.domain.com\]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=BBS"]\XYZ2.domainy.com\ ISTR1="XYZ001A1" ISTR2="SMSSIG$" ISTR3="" ISTR4="" ISTR5="" ISTR6="" ISTR7="" ISTR8="" ISTR9="" NUMATTRS=2 AID0=400 AVAL0="XYZ001A1" AID1=404 AVAL1="["Display=\XYZ2.domain.com\]MSWNET:["SMS_SITE=ABC"]\XYZ2.domain.com\

Error occurred. Performing error cleanup prior to returning.

So far, I opened the SMSSIG$ & SMSPKGE$ shares on the server and compared NTFS & Share permissions to other DPs which looked good.  I also added the host mane of the primary site server as well as the sccm service account with full rights to them, but it didn't help any.



I had my Site System Installation Account set to my service account which I use for most everything.  

We changed that back to "Use the site server's computer account to install the site system."

After doing that, I restarted the SMS_Executive services updated my packages, and they worked!



