다음을 통해 공유

Installing Office Web Apps 2013 and Integrating with Lync, Exchange, SharePoint and Online Viewers


In this paper I will show how to install the first Office Web Apps Server and create a server farm using HTTPS. After the farm configuration, I will configure Exchange Server 2013, Lync Server 2013, SharePoint Server 2013 to use Office Web Apps Server to work with Office archives. 

Review the guidelines and feature in the article Understanding Office Web Apps 2013

All servers in this scenario are installed as five virtual machines with Windows Server 2012 RTM. All servers are member of the same Active Directory Domain Services home.intranet. The picture below shows the servers and functions:


The DNS zone home.intranet is configured with these records:

FQDN   IP Server Role
Hm01.home.intranet Domain controller and Enterprise Certificate Services
Hm02.home.intranet Lync Server 2013 
Hm03.home.intranet  Exchange Server 2013
Hm10.home.intranet SharePoint Server 2013
Hm11.home.intranet Office Web Apps Server 2013

The domain home.com.br  is configured as a SIP domain on Lync Server and a authoritative domain on Exchange Server. The following records are created for the zone:

FQDN   IP Server Role
OfficeWeb.home.com.br Office Web Apps Web Server
Correio.home.com.br Exchange OWA
SharePoint.home.com.br Public URL SharePoint

Prerequisites for Installing Office Web Apps

Install the following server roles and services

  • Web Server
    • Common HTTP Features
      • Default Document
      • Directory Browsing
      • HTTP Errors
      • Static Content
    • Health and Diagnostics
      • HTTP Logging
    • Performance
      • Static Content Compression
      • Dynamic Content Compression
    • Security
      • Request Filtering
      • Windows Authentication
    • Application Development
      • . 4.5 Net Extensibility
      • ASP.NET 4.5
      • ISAPI Extensions
      • ISAPI Filters
      • Server Side Includes
    • Management Tools
      • IIS Management Console

Install the following Feature Server on the server:

  • Ink and Handwriting Services

Execute the following command in Windows PowerShell

​ Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server,Web-Mgmt-Tools,Web-Mgmt-Console,Web-WebServer,Web-Common-Http,Web-Default-Doc,Web-Static-Content,Web-Performance,Web-Stat-Compression,Web-Dyn-Compression,Web-Security,Web-Filtering,Web-Windows-Auth,Web-App-Dev,Web-Net-Ext45,Web-Asp-Net45,Web-ISAPI-Ext,Web-ISAPI-Filter,Web-Includes,InkandHandwritingServices,NET-Framework-Features, NET-Framework-Core, NET-HTTP-Activation, NET-Non-HTTP-Activ, NET-WCF-HTTP-Activation45 -source D:\sources\sxs


After the command complete, restart the server. 

Install Office Web Apps Server

Download the disk image from Microsoft licensing portal and mount on the server.


Execute the server install and accept the license terms


Select the file location for the install 


The wizard installs the files and services, then click Close




Create the Office Web Apps Server farm

Digital Certificate Installed

For this scenario I will publish the services using only HTTPS.  

Once IIS is installed, one digital certificate with following names. 

 http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-0XDjRMgccsw/UJRlIDjzwEI/AAAAAAAAEpU/cv67L6UPD34/s320/OffWeb07.png http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rQtYI3WJOHU/UJRlJNrfrBI/AAAAAAAAEpc/KV4B8zgemT8/s320/OffWeb08.png 

The  Friendly Name is configure as Office Web Certificate


Configure URLs

With the certificates installed. execute the following in PowerShell. The -EditEnable parameter enables Office archives to be edited on *Sharepoint 2013. 

New-OfficeWebAppsFarm -InternalUrl https://<Internal FQDN Name of Office Web Apps Server> -ExternalUrl <Public FQDN create for internet publication> –CertificateName "Certificate Friendly Name" -EditingEnabled


Testing the Configuration

To verify that the configuration was successful, access the configured URL https://<Server Name>/hosting/discovery. A page containing XML should be shown like the image below.


Configure Servers to Use Office Web Apps

Configure Exchange Server

This session demonstrates how to configure the integration of Office Web Apps 2013 with Exchange Server 2013.

Digital Certificate OWA

 The Exchange 2013 OWA is configured with the digital certificate with the following names:

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-tbdIfklWRkw/UJpRo2_GjPI/AAAAAAAAE18/om9IcuhvKEc/s320/Offw40.png  http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-QNH-3lH_6F8/UJpRpvRFlhI/AAAAAAAAE2E/P1rp_Pu0oAA/s320/Offw41.png 

The certificate was created by the same certificate server that generated the certificate for Office Web Apps Server.


Configure Office Web Apps URL

Start the Exchange Management Shell and use the cmdlet to configure the URL address of the *Office Web Apps

Set-OrganizationConfig -WACDiscoveryEndPoint https://<Office Web Apps Server>/hosting/discovery


Verifying the Configuration

Use the Get-OrganizationConfig cmdlet to verify URL 

Get-OrganizationConfig | Format-List WACDiscoveryEndPoint


After the setting, an event ID 140 and 142 are created in the Application event log on Exchange Server



Enabling Web Ready

By default, the Web Ready feature is enabled. The cmdlet Set-OwaVirtualDirectory is used to enable or disable functionality.

Enable access to private computers: 

Set-OwaVirtualDirectory "Hm03\owa (Default Web Site)" -WacViewingOnPrivateComputersEnabled $true

To configure access on public computers:

*Set-OwaVirtualDirectory "Hm03\owa (Default Web Site)"-WacViewingOnPublicComputersEnabled $ true



View Document

To view the document using the Office Web click Preview in any email attachment


The document should open in browser


Configure Lync Server

Configure Front End Server to use Office Web Apps Server

Enable Lync Server 2013 to use Office Web Apps Server for PowerPoint presentation. Open the Topology Builder and navigate to Shared Components, right click on Office Web Apps Servers and select New Office Web Apps Server.


Set up the publish name of the server and click OK.


In Topology Builder, right click on Front End Server and select *Edit Properties... *


Check the box Associate pool with an Office Web Apps Server and choose the pool created. 


Verifying the configuration

After publishing the topology changes, two events are created in the log in the *Lync Server 

*Logging stating that the Office Server was added to the list of trusted servers with ID 33022


And the log of the discovery of the URLs configured in Office Web Apps with ID 41032


Presentation Sharing

Share a presentation between the clients to see if the servers are working 


The person who is sharing the presentation needs a minimum of PowerPoint and Office Shared Features installed on the machine.

Configure SharePoint Server

Certificate installed on SharePoint Server

For configuration SharePoint Server 2013 with external URL configured https://SharePoint.home.com.br. was installed on the server a digital certificate with all the names configured for access to the portal 

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-rlONAe_g7ws/UJfGIGpznMI/AAAAAAAAEtg/uI1il5Y1yKA/s320/offish01.png   http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ucQUbeCEH5s/UJfGJDH9PbI/AAAAAAAAEto/2vynOqra720/s320/offish02.png

A caution to be taken is that the certificate must be trusted on the server of Office Web Apps


To create a link between SharePoint Server and Office Web Apps Server, execute PowerShell on the SharePoint Server. Since the service will be Internet published, the external FQDN name is used to configure the link. 

*New-SPWOPIBinding -ServerName <Office Web Apps Server FQDN> *


Additionally, alter the zone to allow the internet publication 

Set-SPWOPIZone –zone “external-https”


Testing access

To check if the link is working properly, login into the portal that contains any Office document published


Clicking on the document window opens to edit directly if you click next to the name of the document preview window is displayed




To edit the document click *Edit *


The document is displayed in the browser


Configuring Online Viewers

To enable the feature Online Viewers execute the PowerShell in Office Web Apps Server 

Set-OfficeWebAppsFarm -OpenFromUncEnabled -OpenFromUrlEnabled


Configure a Bind on port 80 in IIS




With the features enabled, a portal is created on Office Web Apps Server. This portal helps to create the links for the files in a shared folder. Access https://<Office Web Apps Server>/op/generate.aspx


To finish the configuration, you need to change the NTFS permission on the file server and add the server account that running Office Web Apps right to read the archives


Using the link it is possible to open the article 


Other Languages

 This article is also available in the following languages:

Brazilian Portuguese

This article was originally written by: 

**Fernando Lugão Veltem **

**blog: ** http://flugaoveltem.blogspot.com/  

**twitter: ** @ flugaoveltem