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Maths Revision V1.0

http://www.scproject.biz/MRV1.0_files/image002.jpgMaths Revision V1.0

This is a suite of 22 revision aid programs + tools I wrote...

You can download the compiled version (msInstaller) here + the zipped source code for the 22 applications here.

Direct link to my website where you can download the individual apps source code



Table of Contents

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My Algebraic Equations program formulates questions for you to answer, + has a scoring system to keep track of your progress:


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My Geometric Shapes + Angles + Areas program is another old one from 2009:



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This is my Transformations program, written in early 2012. There are 4 different types of transformation:


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This is my Divisors program, written to find all possible divisors of a user entered integer:




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Here’s my Prime Number Finder. You choose how many prime numbers to find + what number to start at:


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This is my Simplified Fractions program + my Decimal to Fraction program: 


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This is my -/+ (Positive/Negative) Effects program that demonstrates the effects of performing mathematical operations on positive + negative numbers: 


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This is my Mean, Median, + Mode calculator: 


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This is my Square Root Finder, that uses the pre calculator method of determining the square root of a number: 


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This program (on the left) converts Weights + Measures + outputs in Scientific Notation. The program on the right converts numbers between decimals + Scientific Notation + vice versa: 



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This program is a Significant Figures quiz: 


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This program is a Wallpaper Calculator tool:


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This program is a Mixed Numbers Division + Multiplication program, with random formulated questions + a scoring system: 


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This is an UnDoing quiz program, where you must work backwards from the answer to find the value of X: 


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This is a Patterns program where you can display various types of pattern + number pattern in a grid comprised of hexagonal cells: 


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These are 2 tanGram programs, first an analytical look at the tanGram, + an interactive tanGram Shapes game: 


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This is an Areas + Volumes Converter with graphical conversion solution:


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This is a Factorial Calculator:


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Finally (for now), a Temperature Converter:
