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DirSync: List of attributes that are synced by the Azure Active Directory Sync Tool

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This article lists the attributes that are synchronized from your on-premises Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) to Windows Azure Active Directory by the Active Directory Sync tool (DirSync). 


DirSync is a legacy sync tool. Azure AD Sync (AAD Sync) is also a legacy tool.

For information on the current tool: Azure AD Connect, see: Azure AD Connect sync: Attributes synchronized to Azure Active Directory

 This contents of this article are as follows:



Table 1: Attributes that are synced from the on-premises Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) to Windows Azure Active Directory (Windows Azure AD)

The following table lists the attributes that are synced from the on-premises AD DS to Windows Azure AD.

Be aware that objects must contain values in the following attributes to be considered for sync:

  • cn
  • member (applies only to groups)
  • samAccountName (applies only to users)
  • alias (applies only to groups and contacts)
  • displayName (for groups with an mail or proxyAddresses attribute populated)


Synced Object Attribute User Group Contact (Src) Description
assistant Read - Read The name of the assistant for an account.
authOrig Read Read Read Relationship that indicates that the mailbox for the target object is authorized to send mail to the source object.
C - - Read Two-letter ISO 3166 [ISO3166] country code.
cn Read Read Read The common name of the object.
co Read - Read The country/region in which the person (user or contact) or company is located.
company Read - Read The person's (user or contact) company name.
countryCode Read - Read The country code for person's (user or contact) language of choice.
department Read - Read The name of the person's (user or contact) department.
description Read Read Read Human-readable descriptive phrases about the object.
displayName Read Read Read The display name for an object, usually the combination of the person's first name, middle initial, and last name.
dLMemRejectPerms Read Read Read Relationship that indicates that members of the target object are not authorized to send mail to the source object.
dLMemSubmitPerms Read Read Read Relationship that indicates that members of the target object are authorized to send mail to the source object.
ExtensionAttribute1 Read Read Read Custom attribute that is defined in the customer on-premises directory.
ExtensionAttribute10 Read Read Read Custom attribute that is defined in the customer on-premises directory.
ExtensionAttribute11 Read Read Read Custom attribute that is defined in the customer on-premises directory.
ExtensionAttribute12 Read Read Read Custom attribute that is defined in the customer on-premises directory.
ExtensionAttribute13 Read Read Read Custom attribute that is defined in the customer on-premises directory.
ExtensionAttribute14 Read Read Read Custom attribute that is defined in the customer on-premises directory.
ExtensionAttribute15 Read Read Read Custom attribute that is defined in the customer on-premises directory.
ExtensionAttribute2 Read Read Read Custom attribute that is defined in the customer on-premises directory.
ExtensionAttribute3 Read Read Read Custom attribute that is defined in the customer on-premises directory.
ExtensionAttribute4 Read Read Read Custom attribute that is defined in the customer on-premises directory.
ExtensionAttribute5 Read Read Read Custom attribute that is defined in the customer on-premises directory.
ExtensionAttribute6 Read Read Read Custom attribute that is defined in the customer on-premises directory.
ExtensionAttribute7 Read Read Read Custom attribute that is defined in the customer on-premises directory.
ExtensionAttribute8 Read Read Read Custom attribute that is defined in the customer on-premises directory.
ExtensionAttribute9 Read Read Read Custom attribute that is defined in the customer on-premises directory.
facsimiletelephonenumber Read - Read Telephone numbers (and, optionally, the parameters) for facsimile terminals.
givenName Read - Read Name strings that are the part of a person's (user or contact) name that is not their surname.
GroupType - Read - Flag attribute indicating the type of group (security, global, etc.)
hideDLMembership - Read - Hide the membership list on a distribution list from senders.
homephone Read - Read The person's (user or contact) main home telephone number.
info Read Read Read "Notes" field on "Telephone" tab of ADUC.
Initials Read - Read Strings of initials of some or all of an individual's names, except the surname(s).
ipPhone Read - Read The TCP/IP address for the telephone.
l Read - Read Names of a locality or place, such as a city, county, or other geographic region.
legacyExchangeDN Read Read Read
mail Read Read Read The list of email addresses for a person (user or contact).
mailnickname Read Read Read
managedBy - Read - Resource/owner relationship, where the source object (a group) is the resource, and the target object is the owner.
manager Read - Read Manager/direct report relationship between two individuals, where the source object is the direct report, and the target object is the manager.
member - Read - Membership of the target object (of class User, Contact, or Group) in the group that is identified as the source object.
middleName Read - Read Additional names for a person (user or contact), for example, middle name, patronymic, matronymic, or other names.
mobile Read - Read The primary mobile phone number for a person (user or contact).
msDS-HABSeniorityIndex Read Read Read
msDS-PhoneticDisplayName Read Read Read
MsExchArchiveGUID Read - -
MsExchArchiveName Read - -
msExchArchiveStatus Read/Write - - Created in the Exchange cloud for "write back" to on-premises when the customer has a cloud archive.
msExchAssistantName Read - Read The name of the assistant for an account.
msExchAuditAdmin Read - -
msExchAuditDelegate Read - -
msExchAuditDelegateAdmin Read - -
msExchAuditOwner Read - -
MsExchBlockedSendersHash Read/Write - Read Populated through an upgrade from Business Productivity Online Standard Suite. Not synced from on-premises.
msExchBypassAudit Read - -
MsExchBypassModerationFromDLMembersLink   Read Read Read
MsExchBypassModerationLink Read Read Read
msExchCoManagedByLink - Read -
msExchDelegateListLink Read - -
msExchELCExpirySuspensionEnd Read - -
msExchELCExpirySuspensionStart Read - -
msExchELCMailboxFlags Read - -
MsExchEnableModeration Read Read -
msExchExtensionCustomAttribute1 Read Read Read
msExchExtensionCustomAttribute2 Read Read Read
msExchExtensionCustomAttribute3 Read Read Read
msExchExtensionCustomAttribute4 Read Read Read
msExchExtensionCustomAttribute5 Read Read Read
MsExchGroupDepartRestriction - Read -
MsExchGroupJoinRestriction - Read -
msExchHideFromAddressLists Read Read Read Indicator to control the visibility of a mail recipient for name resolution.
MsExchImmutableID Read - -
msExchLitigationHoldDate Read Read Read
msExchLitigationHoldOwner Read Read Read
MsExchMailboxGuid Read - - The GUID of the user’s mailbox.
msExchMailboxAuditEnable Read - -
msExchMailboxAuditLogAgeLimit Read - -
MsExchModeratedByLink Read Read Read
MsExchModerationFlags Read Read Read
MsExchRecipientDisplayType Read Read Read
msExchRecipientTypeDetails Read Read Read
MsExchRemoteRecipientType Read - -
msExchRequireAuthToSendTo Read Read Read When enabled for a distribution list (DL), unauthenticated users are rejected.
MsExchResourceCapacity Read - -
MsExchResourceDisplay Read - -
MsExchResourceMetaData Read - -
MsExchResourceSearchProperties Read - -
msExchRetentionComment Read Read Read
msExchRetentionURL Read Read Read
MsExchSafeRecipientsHash Read/Write - Read Populated through an upgrade from Business Productivity Online Standard Suite. Not synced from on-premises.
MsExchSafeSendersHash Read/Write - Read Populated through an upgrade from Business Productivity Online Standard Suite. Not synced from on premises.
MsExchSenderHintTranslations Read Read Read
msExchTeamMailboxExpiration Read - -
msExchTeamMailboxOwners Read - -
msExchTeamMailboxSharePointLinkedBy Read - -
msExchTeamMailboxSharePointUrl Read - -
msExchUCVoiceMailSettings Read/Write - -
msExchUsageLocation Read - -
msExchUserHoldPolicies Read/Write - - Litigation Hold allows cloud services to determine which users are under Litigation Hold
msOrg-IsOrganizational - Read -
msRTCSIP-ApplicationOptions Read - -
msRTCSIP-DeploymentLocator Read - Read Fully qualified DNS name of the Microsoft Lync Server 2010 deployment, as specified in the authoritative (customer, on-premises) directory.
msRTCSIP-Line Read - Read The device ID (either the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) uniform resource identifier (URI) or the TEL URI) of the telephone that the user controls.
msRTCSIP-OwnerUrn Read - -
msRTCSIP-PrimaryUserAddress Read - Read SIP URI for instant messaging, as specified in the authoritative (customer, on-premise) directory.
msRTCSIP-UserEnabled Read - Read Indicates whether the user is currently enabled for SIP instant messaging, as specified in the authoritative (customer, on-premises) directory.
msRTCSIP-OptionFlags Read - Read
objectGUID Read Read Read Key for the object: this key is immutable, even if the object moves from one context to another, for example, as a result of a company merge or split.
oOFReplyToOriginator - Read - Governs whether out-of-office notifications should be sent to a sender of a message to this distribution list (DL).
otherFacsimileTelephone Read - Read A list of alternative facsimile numbers.
otherHomePhone Read - Read A list of alternative home telephone numbers.
otherIpPhone Read - Read A list of alternative TCP/IP addresses for the telephone.
otherMobile Read - Read A list of alternative mobile phone numbers.
otherPager Read - Read A list of alternative pager numbers.
otherTelephone Read - Read A list of alternative office telephone numbers.
pager Read - Read The primary pager number.
photo Read - -
physicalDeliveryOfficeName Read - Read Names that a postal service uses to identify a post office.
postalCode Read - Read Codes that a postal service uses to identify postal service zones.
postOfficeBox Read - Read Postal box identifiers that a postal service uses when a customer arranges to receive mail at a box on the premises of the postal service.
PreferredLanguage Read - - The preferred written or spoken language for a user.
proxyAddresses Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write The address by which a Microsoft Exchange Server recipient object is recognized in a foreign mail system.
PublicDelegates Read/Write Read Read Cross-premises public delegation: allows users to specify delegates for their mailbox.
pwdLastSet Read - - The date and time that the password for this account was last changed
reportToOriginator - Read - Governs whether to send delivery reports to the message originator when a message that is sent to a group is not delivered. The delivery report lets the group owner know that the message was not delivered.
ReportToOwner - Read -
samAccountName Read - -
sn Read - Read Name strings for the family names of a person (user or contact).
 sourceAnchor  Read Read Read Mechanical property. Immutable identifier to maintain relationship between ADDS and Azure AD.
st Read - Read The full names of states or provinces.
streetAddress Read - Read The person's (user or contact) address.
targetAddress Read - Read The destination address for the person (user or contact).
TelephoneAssistant Read - Read
telephoneNumber Read - Read Telephone numbers that comply with the ITU Recommendation E.123.
thumbnailphoto Read - Read Persons Photo - 10kb maximum size limit
title Read - Read The title of a person (user or contact) in the person's organizational context.
unauthOrig Read Read Read Relationship that indicates that the mailbox for the target object is not authorized to send mail to the source object.
url Read - Read The list of alternative web pages.
userAccountControl Read - - Flag attribute to indicate settings.
userCertificate Read Read - Contains certificates used as part of the Exchange SMIME feature set.
UserPrincipalName Read - - The user principal name (UPN) that is an Internet-style logon name for a user, as specified in RFC 822.
userSMIMECertificate Read Read - Contains certificates used as part of the Exchange SMIME feature set.
wWWHomePage Read - Read The primary web page.



The value of the msExchUserHoldPolicies attribute is only written back if the value in the source is not Null.



The value of the info attribute is for groups not mapped to the Notes attribute in Exchange Online.


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Table 2: Attributes that are written back to the on-premises AD DS from Windows Azure Active Directory in an Exchange hybrid deployment scenario

The following table lists the synced attributes that are written back to the on-premises AD DS from Office 365 in an Exchange hybrid deployment scenario.

These attributes are written back only if Exchange federation for the hybrid deployment is enabled for the organization.

Write-Back attribute Exchange "full fidelity" feature
msExchArchiveStatus Online Archive: Enables customers to archive mail.
msExchUCVoiceMailSettings Enable Unified Messaging (UM) - Online voice mail: This new attribute is used only for UM-Microsoft Lync Server 2010 integration to indicate to Lync Server 2010 on-premises that the user has voice mail in online services.
msExchUserHoldPolicies Litigation Hold: Enables cloud services to determine which users are under Litigation Hold.

(LegacyExchangeDN as X500)
Enable Mailbox: Offboards an online mailbox back to on-premises Exchange.


Filtering: Writes back on-premises filtering and online safe and blocked sender data from clients.


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How directory synchronization determines what isn't synced from the on-premises environment to Windows Azure AD

This section contains info about how directory synchronization determines what isn't synced from the on-premises environment to Windows Azure AD.

Any object is filtered if:

  • Object is a conflict object (DN contains \0ACNF: )

Contact objects are filtered if:

  • DisplayName contains "MSOL" AND msExchHideFromAddressLists = TRUE
  • mailNickName starts with "CAS_" AND mailNickName contains "{"

SecurityEnabledGroup objects are filtered if:

  • isCriticalSystemObject = TRUE
  • mail is present AND DisplayName isn't present
  • Group has more than 15,000 immediate members

MailEnabledGroup objects are filtered if:

  • DisplayName is empty
  • (ProxyAddress doesn't have a primary SMTP address) AND (mail attribute isn't present/invalid - i.e. indexof ('@') <= 0)
  • Group has more than 15,000 immediate members

User objects are filtered if:

  • mailNickName starts with "SystemMailbox{"
  • mailNickName starts with "CAS_" AND mailNickName contains "{"
  • sAMAccountName starts with "CAS_" AND sAMAccountName has "}"
  • sAMAccountName equals "SUPPORT_388945a0"
  • sAMAccountName equals "MSOL_AD_Sync"
  • sAMAccountName isn't present
  • isCriticalSystemObject is present
  • msExchRecipientTypeDetails == (0x2 OR 0x1000 OR 0x2000 OR 0x4000 OR 0x400000 OR 0x800000 OR 0x1000000 OR 0x20000000)


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