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Dynamics CRM 2013: Show customer relative information in address lookup

Problem Statement

There are two entities in Dynamics CRM, One is built-in named Customer (Account is renamed to Customer) and the other according to client requirement we have created a custom entity named Customer Address. In Customer form, we can add multiple Customer Addresses as shown in fig below:

Let say we have two lookup fields on the Order form:

  • Sell to Customer (Customer Entity Lookup)
  • Ship to Address (Custom Entity “Customer Addresses” Lookup)

Client requirement is when a customer in Sell to Customer field is selected, only relative addresses for that selected customer should be available in the Ship to Address field.


It’s really simple to do. Simply go to the Order form and double-click Ship to Address field. In Display tab, scroll down to Related Fields Filtering section and check the Only show records where: checkbox. In the first dropdown, select Sell to Customer Name and in the other dropdown, select Customer Address.