다음을 통해 공유

Azure Relay Service and PHP

Some Globals


      // --Variable-------------------------------------------   
      $namespace = "MyServiceBusNamespace"; // Change to your namespace. 
      $service = "Testservice"; // Change to your service. 
      $serviceUrl = "https://$namespace.servicebus.windows.net/$service/"; 
      $SOAPAction = http://schemas/testservice/ITestService/MyAction; 
      $sharedAccessKeyName = "TestAccessKey"; 
      $sharedAccessKey = "Gdfi2lb4fqNdozFGTRUsvfqZSMCMzfh/2oj02CZ0LPE="; // Change! 

Create the SAS Token

      // Create SAS token   
      function CreateToken() 
                    global $namespace, $sharedAccessKeyName, $sharedAccessKey;   
                    $expireInSeconds = 1000;   
                    $t0 = time(); // Returns the current time measured in the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch    
                    $expire = $t0  + $expireInSeconds;    
                    $sr = urlencode("https://$namespace.servicebus.windows.net");   
                    $tohash = utf8_encode($sr . "\n"   . $expire);     
                    $sig = base64_encode(   
                        hash_hmac(      'sha256'      ,       $tohash      ,       $sharedAccessKey      , true)       
                    $sig = urlencode($sig);   
                    $se = $expire;   
                    $skn = $sharedAccessKeyName;   
                    $token = "SharedAccessSignature sr=$sr&sig=$sig&se=$se&skn=$skn";   
                    return $token;   

Or Get the ACS Token

// Get the ACS token 
function GetASCToken() 
    $global $namespace, $service, $issuer, $secret; 
    $connectionString = "Endpoint=sb://$namespace.servicebus.windows.net;SharedSecretIssuer=$issuer;SharedSecretValue=$secret"; 
    $tokenUrl = "https://$namespace-sb.accesscontrol.windows.net/WRAPv0.9/"; 
    $postdata = http_build_query( 
        "wrap_name" => $issuer, 
        "wrap_password" => $secret, 
        "wrap_scope" => "http://$namespace.servicebus.windows.net/$service/"
    $options = array( 
        'http' => array( 
            'header'  => "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;\r\n", 
            'method'  => 'POST', 
            'content' => $postdata
    $context  = stream_context_create($options); 
    $result = file_get_contents($tokenUrl, false, $context);  
    // Do error handling if not authorized! 
    $split = preg_split("[&]", $result);  
    $split = preg_split("[=]", $split[0]);  
    $t = urldecode($split[1]); 
    return "WRAP access_token=\"$t\""; 

Call the Azure Relay Service

// Call the Azure Relay Service.  
function CallRelay($token) 
    global $serviceUrl, $SOAPAction; 
    // Datacontract met SOAP envelope. 
    $body = "<s:Envelope xmlns:s=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\"><s:Header/><s:Body>" .  
            "<MyRequest xmlns=\"http://schemas/testservice/v1\"><Reverse>ABCDEFGHI</Reverse></MyRequest>" . 
    $bodyLength = strlen($body); 
    $header = "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;\r\n". 
              "Content-Length: $bodyLength\r\n" .  
              "SOAPAction: $SOAPAction\r\n" .  
              "ServiceBusAuthorization: $token\r\n"; 
    $options = array( 
        'http' => array( 
            'header'  => $header, 
            'content' => $body, 
            'method'  => 'POST'
    $context = stream_context_create($options); 
    $result = file_get_contents($serviceUrl, false, $context);  
    // Do some error handling! 
    return $result; 
$token = CreateToken(); 
// OR 
$token = GetACSToken(); 
$result = CallRelay($token); 