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App-V 5 - Optimize the packages for streaming to the client

In App-V 5 there are three options to optimize the packages for streaming to the client.

  • Full Download
  • Feature Block
  • Fault Streaming

Full download
By using the full download option, the package is completely downloaded into the App-V Client cache before the application is launched. Using this option it takes the most time before the end user can start using their application. This option is recommended for slow or WAN links.

Feature Block
Feature blocks are designed to optimize the applications for streaming.  A Feature Block makes it possible to specify which part of the package needs to be streamed to the client first before the application is launched. The rest of the packaged will be streamed later when the application is started. This makes the end user experience much better since they can start using the application faster.

Fault Streaming
Fault Streaming only transfers new bits into the cache when the package needs them. This offers the best user experience as the application will have a quick first launch. But not all applications can handle this.

In the sequencer it is possible to set what package optimization will be used. In the sequencing wizard, you must select Customize, in the Streaming window it is possible to configure the streaming option will be used.
The Force Applications to be fully downloaded before launching checkbox will enable the Full Download option and will undo all optimizations.

To use the Feature Block functionality, click an application in the list and click the Run Selected button. When the application is launched, click through all the functionalities that need to be available at first launch. The pieces of the package that are opened will be included in the primary feature block by the sequencer. 

To use Fault Streaming, do not start any applications and click Next. This enables Fault Streaming.