다음을 통해 공유

DFSR Troubleshooting: Handy quick tips


DFS Configuration

dfsrdiag DumpMachineCfg /Mem:<Server_Name>

Checking The Backlog

dfsrdiag backlog /rgname:"RedMon-FS01 - RedMon-FS02" /rfname:Folder_name /sendingmember:RedMon-FS01 /receivingmember:RedMon-FS02 

Check the DFS Replication status

Wmic /namespace:\\root\microsoftdfs path dfsrreplicatedfolderinfo get replicationgroupname,replicatedfoldername,state


•0: Uninitialized
•1: Initialized
•2: Initial Sync
•3: Auto Recovery
•4: Normal
•5: In Error

Using PowerShell

Get-WmiObject -Namespace "root\MicrosoftDFS" -Class DfsrReplicatedFolderInfo | Select-Object ReplicatedFolderName,ReplicationGroupName,state

How to delete the particular Replication Group

dfsradmin RG Delete /Rgname:"BTS_CORE"                

Replicated Folder list from a particular Replication Group

dfsradmin RF List /RgName:"RedMon-FS01 - RedMon-FS02" /Attr:All 

Force Replication

dfsrdiag syncnow /partner:RedMon-FS01 /RGName:"RedMon-FS01 - RedMon-FS02" /Time:1

DFSRDIAG POLLAD /MEM:%computername%

Last update DC name

WMIC /namespace:\\root\mic

rosoftdfs path DfsrReplicationGroupConfig get LastChangeSource 

Test the Namespace servers

DFSDiag /TestDFSConfig /DFSRoot:\\Contoso\Apac$

Checking domain controller configuration


Check the namespace integrity

DFSDiag /testdfsintegrity /dfsroot:\Contoso.com\Apac$
