다음을 통해 공유

Disabling Windows Firewall on Hyper -V Server Core and Windows Server 2012 R2


This article will demonstrate how to disable the Windows Firewall on Hyper -V Server Core and Windows Server 2012 R2.

With this process we minimize many problems networks or Troubleshooting Hyper- V Server and Windows Server.


Process will run on Windows Power Shell.


The Power Shell can be performed in two ways , either by its icon in Graphic Interface version of Windows Server, or the " Command Prompt" with the command called " powershell " , after that the command prompt run the binary "Windows Power Shell . "


Already with Windows Power Shell enabled, will have to run the command that will disable the Windows Firewall “netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off” after click " Enter" 


After having executed the command will display a message of " OK", confirming that the process was successful, and showing that the firewall was disabled. 


After this process, Servers with Microsoft Hyper -V Core is important to make the restart of equipment to carry out this process run the command " Restart- Computer".

Remembering that for both processes in servers with Hyper -V or Windows Server Core , is not intended to be restarted servers " production" without a window is scheduled. With the command above you will restart your server that will get "Off -Line " for a few minutes . 



In the above article we learned how to disable the Windows Firewall and Windows Server Hyper -V Server Core with Windows Power Shell. 
Related ArticlesWiki: Management Portal
Other LanguagesDesativando Windows Firewall no Hyper-V Server Core e Windows Server 2012 R2