다음을 통해 공유

Automate Installing Language Packs for SharePoint


In many cases it is required to install several language packs on the SharePoint environment or any other server, it consumes time to run each language pack separately
instead there is other way to automate it


  1. Create a folder called LanguagePacks on certain location i.e.  c:\LanguagPacks
  2. create sub folders inside the folder created at step 1 for each language pack, i.e. "French", "Dutch",..
  3. Download language packs and make sure to unzip zip and copy files to the relative language pack sub folder
  4. Then run the following command and modify the path to the language packs folder
Get-ChildItem -path "c:\LanguagePacks" -recurse | ?{$_.Name -eq "setup.exe"} |%{Write-Host "Installing at" $_.FullName; Start-Process -filepath $_.FullName -ArgumentList "/config .\files\setupsilent\config.xml" -wait}