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VB.Net - OOP Areas and Volumes Calculator


This is an OOP Areas and Volumes Calculator. It consists of a core containing nine classes representing different geometric shapes. These shapes fall into two categories - 2D and 3D.

Figure 1. Core object diagram showing inheritance and implementation.

There are three classes that represent 2D shapes, that implement the Shape2D Interface. These are:

  •  Circle - This contains a constructor with one Decimal parameter  - r (radius) and implements the getArea function. There are three classes that inherit Circle that implement the getVolume function from the Shape3D Interface, as well as overriding the base class getArea function:
    • Cone - This contains a constructor with two Decimal parameters - r (radius) and h (height).
    • Cylinder - This contains a constructor with two Decimal parameters - r (radius) and h (height).
    • Sphere - This contains a constructor with one Decimal parameter  - r (radius).
  • Rectangle - This contains a constructor with two Decimal parameters - l (length) and w (width) and implements the getArea function.The Cuboid class inherits this class and implements the getVolume function from the Shape3D Interface, as well as overriding the Rectangle class getArea function:
    • Cuboid - This contains a constructor with three Decimal parameters - - l (length), w (width), and h (height).
  • Triangle - This contains a constructor with three Decimal parameters - a (side A), b (side B), and c (side C) and implements the getArea function. There are two classes that inherit the Triangle class, both of which implement the getVolume function from the Shape3D Interface, as well as overriding the Triangle' getArea function:
    • Prism - This contains a constructor with four Decimal parameters - l (length), a (side A), b (side B), and c (side C).
    • Pyramid - This contains a constructor with four Decimal parameters -h (height), b (base length), bc (sides b and c), and s (number of sides).

** **

There is a Calculator class that has a function - calculate, that is passed a className string parameter and a 2D object array parameter containing the contents of the DGV which is used for input. This method coordinates the creation of the shape classes through substitution and reflection and it returns a formatted string containing area and volume (if applicable).

The Calculator class

      Public Class  Calculator
                    Dim variablesByName As New  Dictionary(Of String, Decimal)  
                    Dim classesByName As New  Dictionary(Of String, String)  
                    ''' <summary>      
                    ''' Sets up the two Dictionary objects      
                    ''' </summary>      
                    Public Sub  New()  
                        variablesByName.Add(      "Length"      , 0D)      
                        variablesByName.Add(      "Width"      , 0D)      
                        variablesByName.Add(      "Height"      , 0D)      
                        variablesByName.Add(      "Radius"      , 0D)      
                        variablesByName.Add(      "SideA"      , 0D)      
                        variablesByName.Add(      "SideB"      , 0D)      
                        variablesByName.Add(      "SideC"      , 0D)      
                        variablesByName.Add(      "Base"      , 0D)      
                        variablesByName.Add(      "Sidelength"      , 0D)      
                        variablesByName.Add(      "Sides"      , 0D)      
                        classesByName.Add(      "Circle"      ,       "Circle"      )      
                        classesByName.Add(      "Rectangle"      ,       "Rectangle"      )      
                        classesByName.Add(      "Triangle"      ,       "Triangle"      )      
                        classesByName.Add(      "Cone"      ,       "Cone"      )      
                        classesByName.Add(      "Cylinder"      ,       "Cylinder"      )      
                        classesByName.Add(      "Sphere"      ,       "Sphere"      )      
                        classesByName.Add(      "Cuboid"      ,       "Cuboid"      )      
                        classesByName.Add(      "Prism"      ,       "Prism"      )      
                        classesByName.Add(      "3 Sided Pyramid"      ,       "Pyramid"      )      
                        classesByName.Add(      "4 Sided Pyramid"      ,       "Pyramid"      )      
                    End Sub  
                    ''' <summary>      
                    ''' Coordinates creation of classes by substitution and reflection.      
                    ''' </summary>      
                    ''' <param name="selectedClass"></param>      
                    ''' <param name="cells"></param>      
                    ''' <returns>A formatted string containing area and volume (if applicable)</returns>      
                    Public Function  calculate(selectedClass As String, cells(,) As  Object) As String  
                        For x As Integer  = 0 To  3  
                            If Not  cells(x, 0) Is  Nothing Then  
                                If Not  cells(x, 1) Is  Nothing Then  
                                    Dim v As Decimal  
                                    If Decimal.TryParse(cells(x, 1).ToString, v) Then  
                                        variablesByName(cells(x, 0).ToString) = v      
                                        Return ""  
                                    End If  
                                    Return ""  
                                End If  
                            End If  
                        Dim parameters As New  List(Of Decimal)  
                        For Each  kvp As  KeyValuePair(Of String, Decimal) In  variablesByName  
                            If kvp.Value > 0 Then  
                            End If  
                        For Each  s As  String In  variablesByName.Keys.ToList  
                            variablesByName(s) = 0D      
                        Dim aClass As Shape2D = DirectCast(Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType("OOP_Areas_and_Volumes." & classesByName(selectedClass)), parameters.ConvertAll(Function(d) CObj(d)).ToArray), Shape2D)  
                        Dim msg As String  = $"Surface area: {aClass.getArea:n2}²"  
                        Dim aClass2 As Shape3D = TryCast(aClass, Shape3D)  
                        If aClass2 IsNot Nothing Then  
                            msg &= $      "{Environment.NewLine}Volume: {aClass2.getVolume:n2}³"      
                        End If  
                        Return msg  
                    End Function  
      End Class

The (2D) Circle class

''' <summary>
''' 2D Circle class
''' </summary>
Public Class  Circle
    Implements Shape2D
    Public r As Decimal
    Public Sub  New(r As Decimal)
        Me.r = r
    End Sub
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Implemented getArea function
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <returns>Surface area of shape with specified dimensions</returns>
    Public Overridable  Function getArea() As Decimal  Implements Shape2D.getArea
        Return CDec(Math.PI * Me.r ^ 2)
    End Function
End Class

The (3D) Sphere class

''' <summary>
''' 3D Sphere class
''' </summary>
Public Class  Sphere
    Inherits Circle
    Implements Shape3D
    Public Sub  New(r As Decimal)
    End Sub
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Overriden getArea function
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <returns>Surface area of shape with specified dimensions</returns>
    Public Overrides  Function getArea() As Decimal
        Return CDec(4 * Math.PI * MyBase.r ^ 2)
    End Function
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Implemented getVolume function
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <returns>Volume of shape with specified dimensions</returns>
    Public Function  getVolume() As  Decimal Implements  Shape3D.getVolume
        Return CDec((Math.PI * MyBase.r ^ 3 * 4) / 3)
    End Function
End Class


The GUI consists of a Form containing a ComboBox for selecting shapes, a DataGridView for inputting dimensions, a Button to initiate the calculation process, and a Label for displaying output**.**

Figure 2. The form

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