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C# Winform Animated Image Slide Show in Winform

Note: You can download the Source Code  from the link ** Source Code Download Link**


*The main purpose of this article is to explain on how to create a simple Animated Image Slide Show for windows applications using C#. *


This Animated Image Slide Show User control has features as

1) Load Images.
2) Display both Thumb and Large size Image.
3) Highlight the Selected and Current Image in Thumb image View.
4) Previous, Next and Play Animation.
5) Small to Big Zoom out Image Animation.
6) Left to Right Scroll Animation.
7) Right to Left Scroll Animation
8) Top to Bottom Scroll Animation.
9) Image Fade In Animation
10) Transparent Horizontal Bar display on image Animation.
11) Transparent Vertical Bar display on image Animation.
12) Transparent Text display on Image Animation.
13) Random Block transparent Animation.
14) Play and Stop Music

Building the Sample

* This application was developed using C# GDI+ functionality. The goal was to create a flash style animated Image Slide show for Windows Applications. We have added basic animation features for the Image Slide Show user control. Here we can see Fade and Vertical Transparent Bar Animation Screens.*



Here we can see the Selected and Current Image in Thump View will be Highlighted with Border and little big Image size.

*Now we start with our Code:
We have created a Animated Image Slide Show as a User Control so that it can be used easily in all projects.
In this article we have attached zip file named as SHANUImageSlideShow.zip. Which contains..

  1. "ShanuImageSlideShow_Cntrl" Folder (This folder contains the Image Slide Show User control Source code).
  2. "SHANUImageSlideShow_Demo" Folder (This folder contains the Demo program which includes the Image Slide Show user control ).

Code Part

1) To Create Animation User Control

 First we will start with the User Control. To Create a user control.

  1. Create a new Windows Control Library project.
  2. Set the Name of Project and Click Ok (here my user control name is ShanuImageSlideShow_Cntrl).
  3. Add all the controls which is needed.
  4. In code behind declare all the public variables and Public property variables.
  5. Image Load Button Click.Here we load all the image from the Folder as Thumb image view in our control.
public void  LoadImages() 
            DirectoryInfo Folder; 
            DialogResult result = this.folderBrowserDlg.ShowDialog(); 
            imageselected = false; 
            if (result == DialogResult.OK) 
                Folder = new  DirectoryInfo(folderBrowserDlg.SelectedPath); 
                var imageFiles = Folder.GetFiles("*.jpg") 
                      .Concat(Folder.GetFiles("*.bmp")).ToArray(); // Here we filter all image files  
                if (imageFiles.Length > 0) 
                    imageselected = true; 
                    TotalimageFiles = imageFiles.Length; 
                int locnewX = locX; 
                int locnewY = locY; 
                ctrl = new  PictureBox[TotalimageFiles]; 
                AllImageFielsNames = new  String[TotalimageFiles]; 
                int imageindexs = 0; 
                foreach (FileInfo img in imageFiles) 
                    AllImageFielsNames[imageindexs] = img.FullName; 
                    loadImagestoPanel(img.Name, img.FullName, locnewX, locnewY, imageindexs); 
                    locnewX = locnewX + sizeWidth + 10; 
                    imageindexs = imageindexs + 1; 
                CurrentIndex = 0; 
                StartIndex = 0; 
                LastIndex = 0; 
// This Function will display the Thumb Images. 
        private void  loadImagestoPanel(String imageName, String ImageFullName, int newLocX, int newLocY, int imageindexs) 
            ctrl[imageindexs] = new  PictureBox(); 
            ctrl[imageindexs].Image = Image.FromFile(ImageFullName); 
            ctrl[imageindexs].BackColor = Color.Black; 
            ctrl[imageindexs].Location = new  Point(newLocX, newLocY); 
            ctrl[imageindexs].Size = new  System.Drawing.Size(sizeWidth - 30, sizeHeight - 60); 
            ctrl[imageindexs].BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; 
            ctrl[imageindexs].SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; 
            //  ctrl[imageindexs].MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(control_MouseMove); 

Here we call the above function in Load Image Click Event.In this function load and display all the Images from the selected folder.

6. Once Image loaded we need highlight the selected and current image. For this we call the below function which will check for the current image and set the image border and Increase the Size of the present image.

#region Highlight The Current Slected image 
      public void  HighlightCurrentImage() 
          for (int i = 0; i <= ctrl.Length - 1; i++) 
              if (i == CurrentIndex) 
                  ctrl[i].Left = ctrl[i].Left - 20; 
                  ctrl[i].Size = new  System.Drawing.Size(sizeWidth + 10, sizeHeight); 
                  ctrl[i].BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; 
                  // ctrl[i].Location = new Point(newLocX, newLocY); 
                  ctrl[i].Size = new  System.Drawing.Size(sizeWidth - 20, sizeHeight - 40); 
                  ctrl[i].BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; 

7.This is the important function of User control where we do the Animation for the selected current Image.This function will be called in Timer Tick event. After the Animation is finished we stop the timer and activate the main timer to load next image.From main Timer we create the Random no from 1 to 11 and activate the sub timer. Sub timer is used to display the animation.

#region Draw Animation on selected Image 
      public void  drawAnimation() 
             switch (SlideType) 
                 case 0:// Small to big  
                 case 1:// left to right 
                 case 2:// Rectangle Transparent 
                 case 3:// Right to Left 
                 case 4:// Top to Bottom 
                 case 5:// Bottom to Top 
                 case 6:// Rectangle Vertical Block Transparent 
                 case 7:// Random Block Transparent 
                 case 8:// Rectangle Horizontal Block Transparent 
                 case 9:// Text Transparent 
                 case 10:// Random Circle and Bar Transparent 
                 default: // In Default there is no animation but load next image in time intervals. 
                     picImageSlide.Width = pnlImg.Width; 
                     picImageSlide.Height = pnlImg.Height; 
                     timer1.Enabled = true; 
         catch (Exception ex) 
// Small to Big Size Image 
     private void  SmalltoBigImage_Animation() 
         int leftConstant_adjust = 40; 
         int topconstant_adjust = 30; 
         if ((picImageSlide.Width < (MINMAX * pnlImg.Width)) &&  
          (picImageSlide.Height < (MINMAX * pnlImg.Height))) 
             picImageSlide.Width = Convert.ToInt32(picImageSlide.Width * ZOOMFACTOR); 
             picImageSlide.Height = Convert.ToInt32(picImageSlide.Height * ZOOMFACTOR); 
             picImageSlide.Left = Convert.ToInt32(picImageSlide.Left - leftConstant_adjust); 
             if (picImageSlide.Top <= 0) 
                 picImageSlide.Left = 0; 
                 picImageSlide.Top = 0; 
             picImageSlide.Top = Convert.ToInt32(picImageSlide.Top - topconstant_adjust); 
             picImageSlide.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; 
         else //In else part i check for the animation completed if its completed stop the timer 2 and start the timer 1 to load the next image. 
             picImageSlide.Width = pnlImg.Width; 
             picImageSlide.Height = pnlImg.Height; 
             Start_Stop_Timer_1(true); // Start the Timer 1 to load the next Image  
             Start_Stop_Timer_2(false);// Stop the Timer 2 to stop the animation till the next image loaded. 
     //Left to Right Animation 
     private void  LefttoRight_Animation() 
         if (picImageSlide.Location.X >= 10) 
             picImageSlide.Left = 0; 
             Start_Stop_Timer_1(true); // Start the Timer 1 to load the next Image  
             Start_Stop_Timer_2(false);// Stop the Timer 2 to stop the animation till the next image loaded. 
             picImageSlide.Left = xval; 
             xval = xval + 100; 
         picImageSlide.Width = pnlImg.Width; 
         picImageSlide.Height = pnlImg.Height; 
     //Left to Right Animation 
     private void  Transparent_Bar_Animation() 
         //   picImageSlide.Invalidate(); 
         if (opacity >= 90) 
             Start_Stop_Timer_1(true); // Start the Timer 1 to load the next Image  
             Start_Stop_Timer_2(false);// Stop the Timer 2 to stop the animation till the next image loaded. 
             opacity = 100; 
         //   picImageSlide.Refresh(); 
         Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(picImageSlide.Image); 
         g.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(58, Color.White)), 0, 0, picImageSlide.Image.Width, picImageSlide.Image.Height); 
         opacity = opacity + 10; 
         picImageSlide.Image = PictuerBoxFadeIn(picImageSlide.Image, opacity);  //calling ChangeOpacity Function 
     // Right to Left Animation 
     private void  RighttoLeft_Animation() 
         if (xval_Right <= 100) 
             picImageSlide.Left = 0; 
             xval_Right = 0; 
             Start_Stop_Timer_1(true); // Start the Timer 1 to load the next Image  
             Start_Stop_Timer_2(false);// Stop the Timer 2 to stop the animation till the next image loaded. 
             picImageSlide.Left = xval_Right; 
             xval_Right = xval_Right - 100; 
         picImageSlide.Width = pnlImg.Width; 
         picImageSlide.Height = pnlImg.Height; 
     // Top to Bottom Slide Animation 
     private void  ToptoBottom_Animation() 
         if (yval + 60 >= 30) 
             picImageSlide.Top = 0; 
             Start_Stop_Timer_1(true); // Start the Timer 1 to load the next Image  
             Start_Stop_Timer_2(false);// Stop the Timer 2 to stop the animation till the next image loaded. 
             picImageSlide.Top = yval; 
             yval = yval + 100; 
         picImageSlide.Width = pnlImg.Width; 
         picImageSlide.Height = pnlImg.Height; 
     // Bottom to Top Slide Animation 
     private void  BottomTop_Animation() 
         if (yval_Right <= 0) 
             picImageSlide.Left = 0; 
             xval_Right = 0; 
             Start_Stop_Timer_1(true); // Start the Timer 1 to load the next Image  
             Start_Stop_Timer_2(false);// Stop the Timer 2 to stop the animation till the next image loaded. 
             picImageSlide.Top = yval_Right; 
             yval_Right = yval_Right - 100; 
         picImageSlide.Width = pnlImg.Width; 
         picImageSlide.Height = pnlImg.Height; 
        // vertical transparent Bar Animation 
     private void  Vertical_Bar_Animation() 
         if (opacity_new <= 0) 
             Start_Stop_Timer_1(true); // Start the Timer 1 to load the next Image  
             Start_Stop_Timer_2(false);// Stop the Timer 2 to stop the animation till the next image loaded. 
             opacity_new = 100; 
         // picImageSlide.Refresh(); 
         Graphics g2 = Graphics.FromImage(picImageSlide.Image); 
         recBlockYval = 0; 
         barheight = barheight + 100; 
         g2.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, recBlockXval, recBlockYval, barwidth, barheight); 
         g2.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(opacity_new, Color.White)), recBlockXval, recBlockYval, barwidth - 1, barheight - 1); 
         opacity_new = opacity_new - 10; 
         recBlockXval = recBlockXval + barwidth + 4; 
      // Random bar and Circle transparent  Animation 
     private void  Random_Bar_Animation() 
         if (opacity_new <= 0) 
             Start_Stop_Timer_1(true); // Start the Timer 1 to load the next Image  
             Start_Stop_Timer_2(false);// Stop the Timer 2 to stop the animation till the next image loaded. 
             opacity_new = 100; 
         // picImageSlide.Refresh(); 
         Graphics g3 = Graphics.FromImage(picImageSlide.Image); 
         recBlockXval = 0; 
         barwidth = barwidth + 100; 
         // g3.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, rnd.Next(0, 200), rnd.Next(0, 200), rnd.Next(100, 600), rnd.Next(60, 400)); 
         g3.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(opacity_new, Color.White)), rnd.Next(10, 600), rnd.Next(10, 600), rnd.Next(100, 600), rnd.Next(60, 400)); 
         opacity_new = opacity_new - 5; 
         recBlockYval = recBlockYval + barheight + 4; 
         //recBlockYval = recBlockYval + 100; 
         //barheight = barheight + 100; 
     //Horizontal transparent Bar Animation 
     private void  Horizontal_Bar_Animation() 
         if (opacity_new <= 0) 
             Start_Stop_Timer_1(true); // Start the Timer 1 to load the next Image  
             Start_Stop_Timer_2(false);// Stop the Timer 2 to stop the animation till the next image loaded. 
             opacity_new = 100; 
         recBlockXval = 0; 
         barwidth = barwidth + 100; 
         Graphics g4 = Graphics.FromImage(picImageSlide.Image); 
         g4.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, recBlockXval, recBlockYval, barwidth, barheight); 
         g4.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(opacity_new, Color.White)), recBlockXval, recBlockYval, barwidth - 1, barheight - 1); 
         opacity_new = opacity_new - 10; 
         recBlockYval = recBlockYval + barheight + 4; 
     // transparent text Animation 
     private void   Transparent_Text_Animation() 
                         if (opacity_new <= 0) 
                         Start_Stop_Timer_1(true); // Start the Timer 1 to load the next Image  
                         Start_Stop_Timer_2(false);// Stop the Timer 2 to stop the animation till the next image loaded. 
                         opacity_new = 100; 
                     // picImageSlide.Refresh(); 
                     Graphics g5 = Graphics.FromImage(picImageSlide.Image); 
                     g5.DrawString("Shanu Slide Show", new  Font("Arial", 86), 
               new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(opacity_new, Color.FromArgb(this.rnd.Next(256), this.rnd.Next(256), this.rnd.Next(256)))), 
               rnd.Next(600), rnd.Next(400)); 
                     opacity_new = opacity_new - 5; 
     // Random Circle Animation 
     private void  Random_Circle_Animation() 
         if (opacity_new <= 0) 
             Start_Stop_Timer_1(true); // Start the Timer 1 to load the next Image  
             Start_Stop_Timer_2(false);// Stop the Timer 2 to stop the animation till the next image loaded. 
             opacity_new = 100; 
         // picImageSlide.Refresh(); 
         Graphics g6 = Graphics.FromImage(picImageSlide.Image); 
         recBlockXval = 0; 
         barwidth = barwidth + 100; 
         // g3.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, rnd.Next(0, 200), rnd.Next(0, 200), rnd.Next(100, 600), rnd.Next(60, 400)); 
         g6.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(opacity_new, Color.White)), rnd.Next(10, 600), rnd.Next(10, 600), rnd.Next(400, 800), rnd.Next(60, 400)); 
         g6.FillPie(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(opacity_new, Color.FromArgb(this.rnd.Next(256), this.rnd.Next(256), this.rnd.Next(256)))), rnd.Next(600), rnd.Next(400), rnd.Next(400, 800), rnd.Next(400), 0, 360); 
         opacity_new = opacity_new - 5; 
         recBlockYval = recBlockYval + barheight + 4; 
         //recBlockYval = recBlockYval + 100; 
         //barheight = barheight + 100; 
     //for the Image Transparent 
     public static  Bitmap PictuerBoxFadeIn(Image img, int opacity) 
         Bitmap bmp = new  Bitmap(img.Width, img.Height); 
         Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); 
         ColorMatrix colmat = new  ColorMatrix(); 
         colmat.Matrix33 = opacity; 
         ImageAttributes imgAttr = new  ImageAttributes(); 
         imgAttr.SetColorMatrix(colmat, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap); 
         g.DrawImage(img, new  Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), 0, 0, img.Width, img.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imgAttr); 
         // return the new fade in Image 
         return bmp; 

8.After completion save,Build and run the project.

2) Run Sample

Now we create a Windows application and add test our "SHANUImageSlideShow_Demo" User Control.

  1. Create a new Windows project.
  2. Open your form and then from** Toolbox > right click > choose items > **browse select your user control dll and add.
  3. ** **Drag the User Control to your windows form.
  4. Run your program.now you can see the user control will be added in windows form.You can open your image folder and load all the images and play the Animated Image Slide Show.