Add Operations in SharePoint On Premise with POwerShell
Help Add-SPProjectLogLevelManager -examples
#Add Project entity to Project Sharepoint Site
Add-SPProjectLogLevelManager -Url http://w15-sp/pwa -EntityType Project -EntityUID "0798BF6A-F248-4F0F-8957-4D73993265BC"-LogLevel Verbose -Comments "xyz"
Get-SPProjectLogLevelManager -Url http://w15-sp/pwa
help Add-SPRoutingMachineInfo -examples
#Add routing target to specified identity to farm
$web = Get-SPWebApplication -Identity "http://w15-sp"
$rm = Get-SPRequestManagementSettings -Identity $web
Add-SPRoutingMachineInfo -RequestManagementSettings $rm -Name "w15-dc" -Availability Available
Get-SPRoutingMachineInfo -RequestManagementSettings $rm
#Adds a new machine pool.
$web=Get-SPWebApplication -Identity "http://w15-sp"
$rm=Get-SPRequestManagementSettings -Identity $web
Add-SPRoutingMachinePool -RequestManagementSettings $rm -Name "w15-dc"
Get-SPRoutingMachinePool -RequestManagementSettings $rm
help Add-SPRoutingRule -examples
# This examples adds a routing rule to the farm by using the $rm
# variables.
Add-SPRoutingRule -RequestManagementSettings $rm -Name "SampleRule"
Get-SPRoutingRule -RequestManagementSettings $rm
Note: The following content is in progress and please DO NOT use in production
Add-SPRoutingRule -RequestManagementSettings $rm -Name "SampleRule"
Get-SPRoutingRule -RequestManagementSettings $rm
#Add Scaleout database(IN Progress)
$appService = Get-SPServiceApplication |?{$_.DisplayName -like "*App Management*"}
Add-SPScaleOutDatabase -ServiceApplication $appService -DatabaseName "sample"
$appServiceProxy=Get-SPServiceApplicationProxy| ?{$_.DisplayName -like "*App Management*"}
Add-SPServiceApplicationProxyGroupMember -Identity 66c958d1-d10a-4880-bfc3-8b2646b8e4cd -Member fc413acb-f0b1-4617-b2f3-f2ef93c7f8bb
#Add new account
Add-SPSecureStoreSystemAccount -AccountName "contoso\garthf"
#Adds a user to the SharePoint_Shell_Access role for the specified database.
<#This example adds a new user named User1 to the SharePoint_Shell_Access role in
the farm configuration database only, and also ensures the user is added to the
WSS_Admin_WPG local group on each server in the farm.
Add-SPShellAdmin -UserName "contoso\garthf"
#This example adds a new user named garthf to the SharePoint_Shell_Access role in
#the farm configuration database only, and also ensures the user is added to the
#WSS_Admin_WPG local group on each server in the farm.
Add-SPShellAdmin -UserName CONTOSO\garthf
#This example adds a new user named User1 to the SharePoint_Shell_Access role in
# both the specified content database and the configuration database by passing a
# database GUID to the cmdlet.
$spDatabase = Get-SPContentDatabase |?{$_.Name –like “*Project*”}
Add-SPShellAdmin -UserName CONTOSO\User1 -database $spDatabase.ID
#This example adds a new user named garthf to the SharePoint_Shell_Access role in
# both the specified Central Administration content database and the configuration
# database.
Get-SPDatabase | Where-Object {$_.WebApplication -like
"SPAdministrationWebApplication"} | Add-SPShellAdmin CONTOSO\garthf
# This example adds a new user named garthf to the SharePoint_Shell_Access role of
#both the specified content database and the configuration database by passing the
#name of the database to the cmdlet.
Get-SPDatabase | ?{$_.Name -eq "WSS_Content"} | Add-SPShellAdmin -Username