다음을 통해 공유

User Policy On Web Applications In SharePoint 2013 Central Administration

This configuration will help admins to map the users based on zones and then provide them access to the web application.

How to configure

Let’s open Central Admin of SharePoint on your machine. On your Windows desktop screen, click Start >> Administrative Tools >> SharePoint 2013 Central Administration.


We have four categories, where the events have been categorized.

  1. Contribute
  2. Manage
  3. Security
  4. Policy

In this article, we will see “User Policy” under "Policy” category.

Web Part Security

  1. Select the Web Application and click on "User Policy".
  2. You will see the screen below. http://csharpcorner.mindcrackerinc.netdna-cdn.com/article/temp/55568/Images/image007.png
  • Choose System Settings
    Using this option, you can allow or disallow the user’s account to act like system admin.

Once you click on OK, the configuration selected by you will be added by default in all the sites within the web and all the users will be configured under their zones.

This is an important feature as the policy will be inherited by all the sites under the web applications.

In this article, we saw how to manage user policy on the web application. There are more features under managing the web applications which we will see in the next article.

Until then, keep reading and keep learning !!!