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Azure: Moving from ASM to ARM with ASR (Part 2) - Recovery Vault

Create the Recovery Vault

In the portal, search for “recovery” and select following highlighted section:


fill in the details:


Open communication ports

Before we continue, we need to make sure all required communication ports (443 & 9443) are open on all source resources so that they can communicate and replicate with the process server. These ports need to be open on:

– ACL’s (if any)

– Network Security Groups (if any)

– Windows Firewall (enabled by default)

Install the process server

As soon as this is in place we can start with the deployment of the Process server itself, depending on the workload we will need to select a VM size that is appropriate to handle the load.

For small scopes like this POC, a minimum is 2 vCPU and 4GB of memory.

For our server we will select the new A4_v2 as this is the cheapest server with 4 cores (ASR Process server can be pretty CPU intensive)

We already have a management network in ARM where I will deploy this server to, in a later phase we will connect this VNET with the VNET in ASM so that we have direct communication over the Azure Network backbone. (What we call VNET Peering)

Go to the network adaptor settings of the process server and change IP assignment setting to fixed:


download files

In The Azure Portal, go to the recovery vault -> Configuration Server -> Add Server blade to download the software and registration keys we will need during deployment:

https://i2.wp.com/www.prof-its.be/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/download-software.png?resize=347%2C413 https://i0.wp.com/www.prof-its.be/wp/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/download-software2.png?resize=579%2C253

Install the process server software

Once logged into the newly created VM we can start installing the process server software:



Select the file that you downloaded from the portal


don’t mind the warnings here as it is a POC, for production environments it’s highly advisable to provide enough capacity.


enter the SQL server SA password.


IMPORTANT: to fail over from Azure to Azure, we must use the physical server to Azure failover mechanism!






Clicking Finish will show some additional windows:


save the key to notepad and store the document in a safe place


add the local administrator account(s) of the source servers.


Close and reboot the server now!

Verify setup

We can verify if our server is known in our vault:



This article is part of a series, check for the overview here:  Azure: Moving form ASM to ARM with ASR (TOC)