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Cloud Distribution Point (Part-1)

In this section we'll learn about installing and configuring a cloud based distribution point. 

Prerequisites for cloud-based distribution points:

A cloud-based distribution point requires the following prerequisites:

  1. A Windows Azure subscription.
  2. A self-signed or public key infrastructure (PKI) management certificate for communication from a Configuration Manager primary site server to the cloud service in Azure
  3. A service certificate (PKI) that Configuration Manager clients use to connect to cloud-based distribution points and download content from them by using HTTPS.
  4. A device or user must have Allow Access to cloud distribution points set to Yes in the client setting of Cloud Services before a device or user can access content from a cloud-based distribution point. By default, this value is set to No.
  5. A client must be able to resolve the name of the cloud service, which requires a Domain Name System (DNS) alias and a CNAME record in your DNS namespace.
  6. A client must be able to access the Internet to use the cloud-based distribution point.


  • On the server that is running the Certification Authority console, right-click Certificate Templates, and then click Manage to load the Certificate Templates management console.
  • Select the Web Server Template and click Duplicate Template
  • In General tab, Display Template Name: Cloud DP Cert






  • Click OK and close Certificate Templates Console.
  • In the Certification Authority console, right-click Certificate Templates, click New, and then click Certificate Template to Issue.
  • In the Enable Certificate Templates dialog box, select the new template that you have just created, ConfigMgr Cloud-Based Distribution Point Certificate, and then click OK.

To request the custom web server certificate

 Perform the following steps on to the member server that will run the site server.

  1. Open an MMC and add the Certificates snap-in, select the Local Computer.
  2. Open the Personal store, right click Certificates and select all Tasks, Request New certificate.
  3. On the before you begin page, click Next.
  4. On the Select Certificate Enrollment Policy page, select Active Directory Enrollment Policy and click next.
  5. On the Request Certificates page, select the Cloud DP Cert certificate and click the link more information is required to enroll this certificate. 


  • In the Subject name, select **Common name **and type CloudDP.domain.com and click Add (where Domain.com is the name of your domain)
  • In Alternative name, select DNS, type CloudDP.Domain.com and click Add


          6. Click OK and finish the enrollment.

Now we need to perform, two export operations on this certificate:

  • Get a .cer file that we’ll upload to Windows Azure,
  1. Right-click on the certificate, select All Tasks –> Export.
  2. On the Certificate Export Wizard welcome page, click Next.
  3. On the Export Private Key page, select No do not export the private key and click Next.
  4. On the Export file format, select CER and click Next.
  5. Save the file as CloudDP.cer and finish the wizard.  
  • Now create a password-protected .pfx file that we’ll use to configure the connection from our local Configuration Manager to create the cloud-based distribution point. 
  1. Export the certificate once more and this time select Yes, I want to export the private key. 
  2. Finish the export and save the certificate using the default settings
  3. Now you will have two certificates, one with .Cer format and other with .Pfx format


Importing the Management certificates in Windows Azure

  • Navigate to the Settings from the menu on the left-hand side. 


  • Click on upload Management certificate and Upload the management certificate that you created for the site server with .cer format


  • After successful upload, you will be able to see the certificate in the list of imported management certificate


Installing the Cloud Distribution Point

  • Open Configuration Manager Console, select the Hierarchy Configuration -> Cloud Services -> Cloud Distribution Points Click Create Cloud Distribution Point.


  • On the General page, enter the following information.


  • You can find your Windows Azure subscription ID in the Settings section of the Windows Azure management portal. 


  • Click on Browse and upload the management certificate with .Pfx format.

  • Click **Next – **it might take a little while to verify the subscription ID.

  • Select the region, and Click on browse and import the cloud distribution point service certificate with .Pfx format again and click next.

**            Note:** Service FQDN will be automatically populated after uploading the certificate. 


  • On the Configure alerts for this distribution point page, make note of the different alert thresholds that can be set.  We’ll leave the defaults and click Next.


  • On the Summary page, review the Details, and then click Next. 


**                                                   **

Verifying Cloud Distribution Point Installation


  • In the background the CloudDP manager component will connect to Azure and start creating the service.
  • It can take up to 30 minutes to provision a new distribution point in Azure. Till then Cloud Distribution Point will be in provisioning status


  • Cloud Distribution Point state can be monitored using CloudMgr.log 


  • Once the Cloud Distribution Point is ready, Configuration Manager displays a status message ID 9409 for the SMS_CLOUD_SERVICES_MANAGER component.
  • We’ll also see that a Site System Server is created for Cloud Distribution Point under Servers and Site Systems Role.


  • In Windows Azure Portal, we’ll see two cloud services created with running and online status.
  1. Storage Account Service
  2. Cloud Service

That's all !! Your Cloud Distribution Point is ready for content Distribution to Azure. 


