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Microsoft Small Basic Online v0.91: Known Issues

This article organizes known issues about Small Basic Online v0.91.  In this article. SBO means Small Basic Online.  SBD means Small Basic Desktop.  And program ID KFQ075(O) means SBO program https://smallbasic-publicwebsite.azurewebsites.net/Program/View.aspx?KFQ075 .  Current SBOs are:

Known Issues

  1. Different keymapping: GraphicsWindow.LastKey returns different characters. Ex. [1] key returns “D1” on SBD v1.2 but “1” on SBO v0.91. 
    • STATUS: can't repro on SBO v0.91 / GraphicsWindow.LastKey is not supported yet for SBO v1.0
  2. AND/OR don’t work: Program stops at an instruction with And/Or operations on SBO v0.91. Sample code: KFQ075(O). 
    • STATUS: fixed for SBO v1.0
  3. To detect keys one has to click on TextWindow: Status SPEC. Input focus will be provided when the text window is clicked on SBO v0.91. 
    • STATUS: can't repro on SBO v0.91
  4. No window title: No GraphicsWindow.Title and TextWindow.Title are shown on SBO v0.91. GraphicsWindow.Title is just ignored. But TextWindow.Title makes the program result in no output. Sample: SHV441(O). 
    • STATUS: GraphicsWindow.Title and TextWindow.Title are not supported yet for SBO v1.0
  5. DrawText acts as shape, changing font changes all drawn font size: Not as Shapes but FontName and FontSize can be changed after DrawText on SBO v0.91. Sample code: KSQ033(O). 
    • STATUS: fixed for SBO v1.0
  6. Italic doesn’t work: FontItalic and FontBold make the program no output on SBO v0.91. Sample code: LWG131(O). 
    • STATUS: fixed for SBO v1.0
  7. SB Desktop Parity: All the quotations must be closed: Program with text literal without closing double quotation doesn’t show anything on SBO v0.91. Sample code: NVW432(O). 
    • STATUS: causes syntax error for SBO v1.0
  8. TETRIS is loaded instead of SOKO: See https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/2cf7421f-662f-4b73-832d-4aab97007fc4/import-soko-is-loading-tetris-instead?forum=smallbasic 
    • STATUS: Import and Publish are not supported yet for SBO v1.0
  9. At least Program.Delay(0) is needed after GraphicsWindow.FIllEllipse(). Sample code: LZH417(O).
    • STATUS: can't repro on SBO v0.91
  10. GraphicsWindow.FillEllipse() and Shapes.AddEllipse() ellipse width becomes 75% when the width and the height are different.  Sample code: LZH417(O). Workaround: CQX826(O).
    • STATUS: fixed for SBO v1.0
  11. Shapes can't be rotated.  So simulate rotation in a program KXF822(O).
    • STATUS: fixed for SBO v1.0
  12. Shapes triangle offset will be ignored.  Sample code: DCH381(O).
    • STATUS: fixed for SBO v1.0
  13. A Shapes line move is not absolute but relative.  Sample code: KXF822(O).  Workaround: VMK968(O). 
    • STATUS: fixed for SBO v1.0
  14. Clipped Shapes on the graphics window edges can't be removed correctly when moved.
    • STATUS: can't repro on SBO v0.91 
  15. Math.ArcTan and Math.Tan are not supported.  Program KXF822(O) simulates ArcTan.
    • STATUS: fixed for SBO v1.0
  16. Array can't be initialized with such like "1=One;2=Two;".
    • STATUS: still alive for SBO v1.0
  17. a + b becomes Text.Append(a, b).  Workaround: a * 1 + b.
    • STATUS: fixed for SBO v1.0
  18. Math.Round rounds zero-up (to positive side) while SBD rounds to the nearest even number (so called banker's round).
    • STATUS: fixed for SBO v1.0
  19. Turtle is drawn under it's trailing lines.
    • STATUS: fixed for SBO v1.0
  20. Setting GraphicsWindow.FontBold stops the program.
    • STATUS: fixed for SBO v1.0
  21. Default GraphicsWindow.FontBold is "False".  It's default is "True" for SBD.
    • STATUS: still alive for SBO v1.0
  22. Events KeyDown, KeyUp and TextInput of GraphicsWindow don't work.  Sample code: XRG048(O).
    • STATUS: still alive for SBO v1.0
  23. Text.GetCharacter(13)+Text.GetCharacter(10) (CR+LF) doesn't work in TextWindows.Write() / TextWindows.WriteLine().  Sample code: JHZ894(O).
    • STATUS: still alive for SBO v1.0
  24. Controls.AddMultiLineTextBox() stops program.
    • STATUS: fixed for SBO v1.0
  25. Text.GetCharacter(9) (tab), CR+LF, LF don't work in GraphicsWindow.DrawText(), GraphicsWindow.DrawBoundText() or Shapes.AddText().  Sample code: TBC166(O).
    • STATUS: still alive for SBO v1.0
  26. GraphicsWindow.GetPixel() always returns "#000000".  Sample code: THS513(O).
    • STATUS: GetPixel() is not supported for SBO v1.0
  27. GraphicsWindow.DrawResizedImage() stops program.
    • STATUS: DrawResizedImage() is not supported for SBO v1.0
  28. Color "#12345678" becomes r=12, g=34, b=56 and alpha=78 on SBO v0.91, while alpha=12, r=34, g=56 and b=78 on SBD v1.0 and above.
    • STATUS: Color "#12345678" is not supported for SBO v1.0
  29. Text.GetSubText("ABCDEF","2","3") becomes "BCDEF".  Type conversion for the third parameter may be wrong.
    • STATUS: fixed for SBO v1.0
  30. Using TextWindow.CursorLeft stops program.
    • STATUS: TextWindow.CursorLeft is not supported for SBO v1.0
  31. Using Shapes.Zoom stops program.
    • STATUS: fixed for SBO v1.0

Documentation Issues

  1. Only English documents are available. 

Specific Difference

  1. Segoe UI Emoji characters are displayed as color font.  Sample code: DNZ933(O).
  2. SBO editor's indent is 4 while SBD indent is 2. 
  3. Program IDs for SBO are different from ones for SBD.

See Also

Additional Resources