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DataGridView: Sort with List DataSource


By default, a DataGridView populated using its DataSource property does not support sorting, to enable sorting the DataSource of the DataGridView needs to coerce the DataSource into a list that supports sorting (IBindingList and IBindingListView), and then it will work out of the box. An exploration will cover how to enable sorting using Entity Framework 6 code first with an existing database and will work without Entity Framework using LINQ to SQL.

Business requirements

Read data from several tables using Visual Basic and Entity Framework 6 with joins into a List<T> where T contains data from three tables and display the list in a DataGridView which allows users to click column headers to sort A-Z and Z-A.

DbContext model

Namespace EntityClasses
 Partial Public  Class NorthWindAzureContext
 Inherits DbContext
 Public Sub  New()
 End Sub
 Public Overridable  Property Contacts As DbSet(Of Contact)
 Public Overridable  Property ContactTypes As DbSet(Of ContactType)
 Public Overridable  Property Countries As DbSet(Of Country)
 Public Overridable  Property Customers As DbSet(Of Customer)
 Protected Overrides  Sub OnModelCreating(modelBuilder As DbModelBuilder)
  modelBuilder.Entity(Of Contact)() _
  .HasMany(Function(e) e.Customers) _
  .WithOptional(Function(e) e.Contact) _
  modelBuilder.Entity(Of ContactType)() _
  .HasMany(Function(e) e.Customers) _
  .WithOptional(Function(e) e.ContactType) _
 End Sub
 End Class
End Namespace

Data class

Namespace Classes
 Public Class  CustomerEntity
 Public Property  CustomerIdentifier() As Integer
 Public Property  CompanyName() As  String
 Public Property  ContactIdentifier() As Integer?
 Public Property  FirstName() As  String
 Public Property  LastName() As  String
 Public Property  ContactTypeIdentifier() As Integer
 Public Property  ContactTitle() As  String
 Public Property  Address() As  String
 Public Property  City() As  String
 Public Property  PostalCode() As  String
 Public Property  CountryIdentifier() As Integer?
 Public Property  CountyName() As  String
 Public Overrides  Function ToString() As String
  Return $"{CompanyName}"
 End Function
 End Class
End Namespace

Read data class

Public Class  Operations
 ''' <summary>
 ''' Read in data from the Customer table joining in Contact and ContactType tables.
 ''' </summary>
 ''' <param name="context">DbContext created in the main form</param>
 ''' <returns>List(Of CustomerEntity)</returns>
 Public Function  Customers(context As  NorthWindAzureContext) As List(Of CustomerEntity)
 Dim customerEntityList As List(Of CustomerEntity) = (
  From customer In  context.Customers
  Join contactType In  context.ContactTypes On customer.ContactTypeIdentifier _
   Equals contactType.ContactTypeIdentifier
  Join contact In  context.Contacts On  customer.ContactId Equals contact.ContactId
  Select New  CustomerEntity With  {
   .CustomerIdentifier = customer.CustomerIdentifier,
   .CompanyName = customer.CompanyName,
   .ContactIdentifier = customer.ContactId,
   .FirstName = contact.FirstName,
   .LastName = contact.LastName,
   .ContactTypeIdentifier = contactType.ContactTypeIdentifier,
   .ContactTitle = contactType.ContactTitle,
   .Address = customer.Address,
   .City = customer.City,
   .PostalCode = customer.PostalCode,
   .CountryIdentifier = customer.CountryIdentifier,
   .CountyName = customer.Country.Name
 Return customerEntityList
 End Function
End Class

Default implementation no sorting

Using the containers above along with the read operation, place a DataGridView on a form, add column for each property to display and set DataPropertyName to the backing property which is done in the DataGridView designer.

Imports EntityFramework6Example.Classes
Imports EntityFramework6Example.EntityClasses
Namespace Forms
 Public Class  NoSortingByDefaultForm
 Private Operations As Operations = New Operations
 Private context As NorthWindAzureContext = New NorthWindAzureContext()
 Private BindingSource As BindingSource = New BindingSource()
 Private Sub  Form1_Shown(sender As Object, e As  EventArgs) Handles  Me.Shown
  gridView.AutoGenerateColumns = False
  BindingSource.DataSource = Operations.Customers(context)
  gridView.DataSource = BindingSource
  Label1.Text = $"Supports sorting: {BindingSource.SupportsSorting}"
 End Sub
 End Class
End Namespace

The last line in form shown event determines if the underlying data source supports sorting which it does not as the underlying source does not implement IComparable(Of T). When clicking on a column header nothing happens since sorting is not supported. 

Classes to DataTable with sorting

When loading data without Entity Framework using a connection and command object where the command object has a SELECT statement which is loaded into a DataTable then use the DataTable as the DataSource of a DataGridView since the DataTable will take care of sorting capabilities clicking column headers in a DataGridView will provide sorting.

Knowing this an option is to use reflection to convert a list read using Entity Framework which provides sorting in a DataGridView using the following language extension.

Public Function  ToDataTable(Of T)(data As IList(Of T)) As DataTable
 Dim properties As PropertyDescriptorCollection = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(GetType(T))
 Dim table As New  DataTable()
 For Each  prop As  PropertyDescriptor In properties
 table.Columns.Add(prop.Name, If(Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(prop.PropertyType), prop.PropertyType))
 For Each  item As  T In  data
 Dim row As DataRow = table.NewRow()
 For Each  prop As  PropertyDescriptor In properties
  row(prop.Name) = If(prop.GetValue(item), DBNull.Value)
 Return table
End Function

Using the same setup as above add .ToDataTable onto the read method.

Public Class  ConvertSourceToSortForm
 Private Operations As Operations = New Operations
 Private context As NorthWindAzureContext = New NorthWindAzureContext()
 Private BindingSource As BindingSource = New BindingSource()
 Private Sub  Form1_Shown(sender As Object, e As  EventArgs) Handles  Me.Shown
 gridView.AutoGenerateColumns = False
 BindingSource.DataSource = Operations.Customers(context).ToDataTable()
 gridView.DataSource = BindingSource
 Label1.Text = $"Supports sorting: {BindingSource.SupportsSorting}"
 End Sub
End Class

In this case Label1 will indicate sorting is supported.

Going this route circumvents using Entity Framework as extra steps are required to pass changes back to the database along with DataTable interaction is untyped while Entity Framework is typed.

Inject custom BindingList

To keep with a clean Entity Framework solution the following BindingList provides sorting. This BindingList may be found on the web in various states were in some cases has issues along with no clear example on usage.

Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Reflection
Public Class  SortableBindingList(Of T)
 Inherits BindingList(Of T)
 Private Property  IsSorted As  Boolean
 Private Property  SortDirection As  ListSortDirection
 Private Property  SortProperty As  PropertyDescriptor
 Protected Overrides  ReadOnly Property  SupportsSortingCore() As Boolean
  Return True
 End Get
 End Property
 Protected Overrides  ReadOnly Property  SortDirectionCore() As ListSortDirection
  Return _SortDirection
 End Get
 End Property
 Protected Overloads  Overrides ReadOnly  Property SortPropertyCore() As PropertyDescriptor
  Return _SortProperty
 End Get
 End Property
 Protected Overloads  Overrides Sub  ApplySortCore(
 Descriptor As  PropertyDescriptor,
 Direction As  ListSortDirection)
 Dim items = TryCast(Me.Items, List(Of T))
 If items Is Nothing  Then
  IsSorted = False
  Dim pCom As New  PCompare(Of T)(Descriptor.Name, Direction)
  IsSorted = True
  SortDirection = Direction
  SortProperty = Descriptor
 End If
 OnListChanged(New ListChangedEventArgs(ListChangedType.Reset, -1))
 End Sub
 Protected Overloads  Overrides ReadOnly  Property IsSortedCore() As Boolean
  Return _IsSorted
 End Get
 End Property
 Protected Overrides  Sub RemoveSortCore()
 _IsSorted = False
 End Sub
#Region " Constructors "
 Sub New(ByVal list As ICollection(Of T))
 MyBase.New(CType(list, IList(Of T)))
 End Sub
 Sub New()
 End Sub
#End Region
#Region " Property comparer "
 Private Class  PCompare(Of T)
 Implements IComparer(Of T)
 Private Property  PropInfo As  PropertyInfo
 Private Property  SortDir As  ListSortDirection
 Friend Sub  New(sortProperty As String, sortDirection As  ListSortDirection)
  PropInfo = GetType(T).GetProperty(sortProperty)
  SortDir = sortDirection
 End Sub
 Friend Function  Compare(value1 As  T, value2 As  T) As  Integer Implements  IComparer(Of T).Compare
  Return If(SortDir = ListSortDirection.Ascending,
   Comparer.[Default].Compare(PropInfo.GetValue(value1, Nothing),
       PropInfo.GetValue(value2, Nothing)),
   Comparer.[Default].Compare(PropInfo.GetValue(value2, Nothing),
       PropInfo.GetValue(value1, Nothing)))
 End Function
 End Class
#End Region
End Class

Usage, add this class into your project then as shown below

  1. Create a BindingSource with the DataSource set to a new instance of the SortableBindingList feeding in data from Entity Framework which is enough to present data read from the a database.
  2. Create a instance of the SortableBindingList, assign it strongly typed from the BindingSource above. This provides access to data later in the application lifetime such as accessing the current row in a DataGridView.
Public Class  GenericSortForm
 Private Operations As Operations = New Operations
 Private context As NorthWindAzureContext = New NorthWindAzureContext()
 Private BindingSource As BindingSource = New BindingSource()
 Private BindingCustomers As SortableBindingList(Of CustomerEntity)
 Private Sub  Form1_Shown(sender As Object, e As  EventArgs) Handles  Me.Shown
 gridView.AutoGenerateColumns = False
 ' This is all that is needed to display data
 BindingSource.DataSource =
  New SortableBindingList(Of CustomerEntity)(Operations.Customers(context))
 ' This allow access to individual rows and properties
 BindingCustomers = CType(BindingSource.DataSource, SortableBindingList(Of CustomerEntity))
 gridView.DataSource = BindingSource
 Label1.Text = $"Supports sorting: {BindingSource.SupportsSorting}"
 End Sub
End Class

In this case Label1 will indicate sorting is supported.

Implement in your project

Rather than copying the SortableBindingList into a project.

  1. Create a new Visual Studio solution
  2. Copy the class project in this articles source code into the root folder of the solution above
  3. Build the solution
  4. Open up a Visual Studio solution where to use the SortableBindingList
  5. Under project references, add a reference to the DLL created in bullet 1 which will copy the DLL to the current project ready to use.

Preparing supplied Visual Studio solution

  1. Create a new database named NorthWindAzureForInserts best done in SSMS (SQL-Server Management Studio)
  2. Run DataScripts DataScripts.sql under the new database to create and populate tables
  3. Under Solution Explorer, right click
    1. Select "Restore NuGet packages"
  4. Build the solution
  5. Run the project, there are three buttons to test out what has been shown.
    1. First button has no sorting
    2. Second button works with a DataTable via Entity Framework using a language extension
    3. Pure Entity Framework using SortableBindingList.


Two options have been presented to enable sorting of data in a List(Of T) read from Entity Framework 6. Depending on business requirements will dictate which option to choose while the better choice is always going to be using the sortable BindingSource as using this option does not inject a secondary data container into code which now needs a translator to work between a DataGridView, Entity Framework and the backend database tables.

See also

Source code

Complete source code with scripts to create a database, tables and populate the tables

GitHub repository