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Modern SharePoint online Document Set


In this article, we explore the modern SharePoint online document set. A Document Set is a group of related documents that you can manage as a single entity. You can create a Document Set in a single step, and then define its characteristics and metadata.

Enabling Document Sets in SharePoint online site:

By default, the document set content type is not enabled. It is a Site Collection feature and must be manually activated before you can proceed and start creating it. To follow the below steps:

   A.Clickhttps://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/modern-sharepoint-online-document-set/Images/gearr.png Gear Icon > Site Information > View all site settings

   B. Under the Site Collection Administration section, click on Site collection features

  • Scroll until Document Sets row and click Activate. Your document set content type is now activated, and you can proceed to the next step! Under the** Site Collection Administration sectionclick on Site collection features **

**                           https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/modern-sharepoint-online-document-set/Images/sitecollectionfeat.png**


 C.Find the Document Sets feature and clicks Activate. Your document set content type is now activated, and you can proceed to the next    step!



Create a Document Set Content-Type

First, you need to create a content type – you do that at the Site level.

         1.Click https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/modern-sharepoint-online-document-set/Images/gearr.png the Gear Icon > Site Settings

         2. Under Web Designer Galleries, choose **Site **content types


1.         3. After click the below screen appear ->click Create Link



      4.On the next screen give your Document Set a name in the Name field.

      5. Select Document Set Content Types in the Select parent content type from drop-down field and select Document              Set in the Parent  Content Type drop-down field.

     6.Click on ok button


**   **7.Add Site Columns to the Content-Type 

     After the content type is created, start adding metadata to it by clicking the "Add a new site column" link from the              content type settings     page. In my case, I've added site columns such as Designation, Joining, Manager's,                          Department, etc to the content type.


 8.On the content type settings, click on "Document Set settings" and upload document templates. Optionally, you can set Shard columns and Welcome Page columns 





  9.Create “Employment Appointment “Document Library configured Created Document Set Content-Type

  •  Navigate to the Document Library setting
  •  On the General Settings Category section, click on the "Advanced Settings" link under the General Settings section.
  •  On the Content-Type section, select Yes to allow the editing of content types. Click OK Button. You'll notice a new section   "Content Types" in library settings.
  •   Click the "Add from existing site content types" link. On the Add Content Types page, Select the created Document Set content         type, click the Add button, and then click OK.


**Implementation to Create New Document Set
**To create a new Document Set, do the following steps 

  • Click "New" from the Document Library >> Select the document set we added to the library 


  •  After clicking the Appointment proposal document set below screen appear where we can fill the properties with the document set and click OK to create a document set.


  • After clicking the save button below screen appears with folders  


I hope it Works .....