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Listing of Values for the /ADDLOCAL Command when Performing a Silent Installation of BizTalk Server 2010


This wiki post is a preliminary Knowledge Base article. The steps described in this post have not yet been fully tested by the BizTalk Server Product group therefore it is recommended that you test the steps in a non-production environment before deploying into a production environment. As soon as the steps described in this post have been fully tested this post will be updated with the URL to the KB article published to http://support.microsoft.com.


The following table lists the features that can be installed with BizTalk Server 2010 and the corresponding values for the /ADDLOCAL command when installing these features with a silent installation of BizTalk Server:

Feature ADDLOCAL Command
Portal Components BizTalk, WMI, InfoWorkerApps
Business Activity Monitoring BAMPortal
Developer Tools and SDK BizTalk, WMI, SDK, Development, VSTools, BizTalkExtensions, BizTalkExplorer, Designer, OrchestrationDesigner, PipelineDesigner, XMLTools, AdapterImportWizard, DeploymentWizard, TrackingProfileEditor
Documentation Documentation
Server Runtime BizTalk, WMI, Runtime, Engine, MOT, MSMQ
BizTalk EDI/AS2 Runtime MsEDIAS2, MsEDIAS2StatusReporting
Windows Communication Foundation Adapter WCFAdapter
Administration Tools and Monitoring BizTalk, WMI, AdminAndMonitoring, AdminTools, MonitoringAndTracking, BizTalkAdminSnapIn, BAMTools, PAM
Windows Communication Foundation Administration Tools WcfAdapterAdminTools
Additional Software BizTalk, WMI, AdditionalApps
Enterprise Single Sign-On Administration SSOAdmin
Enterprise Single Sign-On Master Secret Server SSOServer
Business Rules Components RulesEngine
MQSeries Agent MQSeriesAgent
Windows SharePoint Services Adapter Web Service WssAdapterWS
BAM Alert Provider For SQL Notification Services OLAPNS
Project Build Component ProjectBuildComponent






















More Information

Note that while certain commands such as "BizTalk" and "WMI" are repeated for certain section headings, this is by design.  Some components are in fact ubiquitous across all features and therefore only need to be specified once. For example, if you are installing both the Server Runtime components and the Administration tools, you would only specify "BizTalk" and "WMI" once.

Note: The values specified for the ADDLOCAL commands are case sensitive, verify that the values are entered with the proper case or silent installation will fail.

For more information about working with the BizTalk Server configuration framework (including a sample configuration XML file) see Working with the Configuration Framework (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa558808(BTS.10).aspx).


Many thanks to John Scott with Microsoft Consulting Services for initially reporting these values on his blog @ http://blogs.msdn.com/joscot/archive/2010/03/22/enumerating-the-addlocal-parameters-for-a-quiet-biztalk-installation.aspx.

See Also

Another important place to find a huge amount of BizTalk related articles is the TechNet Wiki itself. The best entry point is BizTalk Server Resources on the TechNet Wiki.