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Azure: Performance testing using the power of cloud


This is a common question being asked in many teams: We don’t have a performance testing infrastructure. How do I do performance/load/stress testing?


With the power of Azure and Visual Studio, a cost-effective performance testing environment can be setup in no time.

The approach is to set up the Visual Studio load test agents in the cloud and scale them based on the needs.


  • Generate load from around the globe (US, Europe, Asia).
  • Lower infrastructure cost. Spawn load test agents only when needed and remove them when not required.
  • Higher turnaround time. Spawn any number of load test agents in a few minutes.
  • Thousands of concurrent requests can be generated using the Visual Studio Virtual User license Pack.

More Advantages specific to cloud projects:

  • The network latency can be minimized if the load test agents are in the same datacenter as the application under test.
  • Transfer costs for the performance testing data can be saved if the load test agents are in the same datacenter as the application under test.


The application under test needs to be deployed on an internet-facing environment. You cannot run tests on deployment on the local development environment.

Load Test Agents in Cloud:

Steps to configure a load test rig with multiple agents in the cloud:


This is a great article which was one my source of inspiration for setting up load test agents in cloud http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ricardo/archive/2011/04/08/load-testing-with-agents-running-on-windows-azure-part-1.aspx

The actual version of the test agent project can also be found here.