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Add the Entry Container to ADUC Console or How To Create New Container in ADUC Console

Yesterday my friend asked me, how can he create new Container from ADUC console!!!

I didn't ask, why he needs create Container, when he can create Organizational Unit (OU)!!!?

But here is quick description about differences:

"What are the differences between OU's and Containers?"

An organizational unit is a heirarchical object component of Active Directory while a container is simply a holding area for objects until we decide which OU they should be a part of. 
Another benefit of OUs over Containers is that OUs can have policy (Group Policy) applied to them; containers can not.  And you can delegate administration to OUs, but not to containers.

OK, that was his question and here are answer and steps:

1- Open ADSIEdit console.

2- Right-click on ADSIEdit, then select Connect to...

3- Click Select a well known Naming Context, then select Schema and then click OK.

4- Select CN=Schema, CN=Configuration,DC=YourDomain, also my domain is Contoso.com, I select CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=Contoso,DC=Com and then find CN=Container.

5- Right-click on CN=Container, select Properties.

6- Select Attribute Editor tab, then select defaulthidingvalue attribute and then click OK.

7- The default value for defaulthidingvalue attribute is TRUE.

8- We must change this value to FALSE. Click False and then click OK.

9- Click OK and then close ADSIEdit console.

10- Open Active Directory Users and Computers (ADUC) console, now you can create new Container.