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How to Get MagicJack to Work Through a TMG Firewall

TMG Rule Setup: We will simply create a Firewall Rule named “MagicJack” that allows outbound communication (and replies) on UDP port 5070 (needed for registration and connection) and allows for UDP communication on ports above 10,000 (needed for voice communication).

Step 1: Create a new Access Rule (in TMG, right click Firewall Policy è New è Access Rule).

Step 2: Name the rule “MagicJack” and click next.

Step 3: Set the rule action to “Allow” and click next.

Step 4: On the select protocols, click add and create (and add) the following 2 Protocols: ·
             Name: Magic Jack, Protocol: UDP, Direction: Send Receive, Ports: from 5070 to 5070
           · Name: UDP 10K+, Protocol: UDP, Direction: Send Receive, Ports: from 10000 to 65535

Step 5: On the Access Rule Source screen, select “Local Host” (or Internal if not running on TMG server) and click next.

Step 6: On the Access Rule Destination screen, select “External” and “Local Host” and click next.

Step 7: On the User Sets screen, leave the “All Users” and click next. Step 8: Click finished then click the apply button to apply changes. TMG may take a few minutes to apply.