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Connect to SQL Managed Instance enabled by Azure Arc

This article explains how you can connect to your SQL Managed Instance enabled by Azure Arc.

View SQL Managed Instance enabled by Azure Arc

To view instance and the external endpoints, use the following command:

az sql mi-arc list --k8s-namespace <namespace> --use-k8s -o table

Output should look like this:

Name       PrimaryEndpoint      Replicas    State
---------  -------------------  ----------  -------
sqldemo,1433    1/1         Ready

If you are using AKS or kubeadm or OpenShift etc., you can copy the external IP and port number from here and connect to it using your favorite tool for connecting to a SQL Sever/Azure SQL instance such as Azure Data Studio or SQL Server Management Studio. However, if you are using the quick start VM, see below for special information about how to connect to that VM from outside of Azure.


Your corporate policies may block access to the IP and port, especially if this is created in the public cloud.


Connect with Azure Data Studio, SQL Server Management Studio, or SQLCMD

Open Azure Data Studio and connect to your instance with the external endpoint IP address and port number above. If you are using an Azure VM you will need the public IP address, which is identifiable using the Special note about Azure virtual machine deployments.

For example:

  • Server:,30913
  • Username: sa
  • Password: your specified SQL password at provisioning time


You can use Azure Data Studio view the SQL managed instance dashboards.


In order to connect to a managed instance that was created using a Kubernetes manifest, the username and password need to be provided to sqlcmd in base64 encoded form.

To connect using SQLCMD or Linux or Windows you can use a command like this. Enter the SQL password when prompted:

sqlcmd -S,30913 -U sa

Special note about Azure virtual machine deployments

If you are using an Azure virtual machine, then the endpoint IP address will not show the public IP address. To locate the external IP address, use the following command:

az network public-ip list -g azurearcvm-rg --query "[].{PublicIP:ipAddress}" -o table

You can then combine the public IP address with the port to make your connection.

You may also need to expose the port of the sql instance through the network security gateway (NSG). To allow traffic through the (NSG) you will need to add a rule which you can do using the following command.

To set a rule you will need to know the name of your NSG which you can find out using the command below:

az network nsg list -g azurearcvm-rg --query "[].{NSGName:name}" -o table

Once you have the name of the NSG, you can add a firewall rule using the following command. The example values here create an NSG rule for port 30913 and allows connection from any source IP address. This is not a security best practice! You can lock things down better by specifying a -source-address-prefixes value that is specific to your client IP address or an IP address range that covers your team's or organization's IP addresses.

Replace the value of the --destination-port-ranges parameter below with the port number you got from the az sql mi-arc list command above.

az network nsg rule create -n db_port --destination-port-ranges 30913 --source-address-prefixes '*' --nsg-name azurearcvmNSG --priority 500 -g azurearcvm-rg --access Allow --description 'Allow port through for db access' --destination-address-prefixes '*' --direction Inbound --protocol Tcp --source-port-ranges '*'