다음을 통해 공유

IdentityDirectoryEvents 테이블에 대한 쿼리

그룹 멤버 자격 변경됨

그룹 멤버 자격이 변경되었습니다.

let group = '<insert your group>';
| where ActionType == 'Group Membership changed'
| extend AddedToGroup = AdditionalFields['TO.GROUP']
| extend RemovedFromGroup = AdditionalFields['FROM.GROUP']
| extend TargetAccount = AdditionalFields['TARGET_OBJECT.USER']
| where AddedToGroup == group or RemovedFromGroup == group
| project-reorder Timestamp, ActionType, AddedToGroup, RemovedFromGroup, TargetAccount
| limit 100

암호 변경 이벤트

특정 계정에 대한 최신 암호 변경 이벤트를 찾습니다.

//Find the latest password change event for a specific account
let userAccount = '<insert your user account>';
let deviceAccount = 'insert your device account';
| where ActionType == 'Account Password changed'
| where TargetAccountDisplayName == userAccount
//If you are looking for last password change of a device account comment the above row and remove comment from the below row
//| where TargetDeviceName == deviceAccount
| summarize LastPasswordChangeTime = max(Timestamp) by TargetAccountDisplayName // or change to TargetDeviceName for devcie account