다음을 통해 공유

NWConnectionMonitorPathResult 테이블에 대한 쿼리

경로 진단

리소스의 지정된 원본과 대상 간에 식별된 문제와 함께 경로 또는 모든 홉을 가져옵니다.

// For specific results, insert values in the let statements and uncomment the where filters within the query
// let connectionMonitorResourceId = "<Connection Monitor Resource Id>";
// let sourceName = "<Source Name>";
// let destinationName = "<Destination Name>";
// let testGroupName = "<Test Group Name>";
// let testConfigurationName = "<Test Configuration Name>";
| where TimeGenerated > ago(24h) 
// | where ConnectionMonitorResourceId has connectionMonitorResourceId
// | where SourceName has sourceName
// | where DestinationName has destinationName
// | where TestGroupName has testGroupName
// | where TestConfigurationName has testConfigurationName
| project TimeGenerated, ConnectionMonitorResourceId, PathTestResult, SourceName, SourceAddress, DestinationName, DestinationAddress, Hops
| order by TimeGenerated desc;