업데이트 테이블에 대한 쿼리

보안 또는 중요 업데이트 누락

누락된 보안 또는 기타 중요 업데이트 수를 계산합니다.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where Classification in ("Security Updates", "Critical Updates")
| where UpdateState == 'Needed' and Optional == false and Approved == true
| summarize count() by Classification, Computer, _ResourceId
// This query requires the Security or Update solutions

Windows 머신에 사용할 수 있는 업데이트

분류 및 각 컴퓨터에 사용할 수 있는 Windows 업데이트 KBID를 나열합니다.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where TimeGenerated>ago(14h) 
| where UpdateState =~ "Needed" and OSType != "Linux" 
| summarize by Computer, Classification, Product, KBID, ResourceId

Linux 머신에 사용할 수 있는 업데이트

분류 및 각 컴퓨터에 사용할 수 있는 Linux 패키지 버전 업데이트를 나열합니다.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where TimeGenerated>ago(14h) 
| where UpdateState =~ "Needed" and OSType == "Linux" 
| summarize by Computer, Classification, Product, ProductVersion, ResourceId

누락 업데이트 요약

범주별 누락된 업데이트에 대한 요약을 가져옵니다.

| where TimeGenerated>ago(5h) and OSType=="Linux" and SourceComputerId in ((Heartbeat
| where TimeGenerated>ago(12h) and OSType=="Linux" and notempty(Computer)
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, Solutions) by SourceComputerId
| where Solutions has "updates"
| distinct SourceComputerId))
| summarize hint.strategy=partitioned arg_max(TimeGenerated, UpdateState, Classification) by Computer, SourceComputerId, Product, ProductArch
| where UpdateState=~"Needed"
| summarize by Product, ProductArch, Classification
| union (Update
| where TimeGenerated>ago(14h) and OSType!="Linux" and (Optional==false or Classification has "Critical" or Classification has "Security") and SourceComputerId in ((Heartbeat
| where TimeGenerated>ago(12h) and OSType=~"Windows" and notempty(Computer)
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, Solutions) by SourceComputerId
| where Solutions has "updates"
| distinct SourceComputerId))
| summarize hint.strategy=partitioned arg_max(TimeGenerated, UpdateState, Classification, Approved) by Computer, SourceComputerId, UpdateID
| where UpdateState=~"Needed" and Approved!=false
| summarize by UpdateID, Classification )
| summarize allUpdatesCount=count(), criticalUpdatesCount=countif(Classification has "Critical"), securityUpdatesCount=countif(Classification has "Security"), otherUpdatesCount=countif(Classification !has "Critical" and Classification !has "Security")

누락 업데이트 목록

누락된 모든 업데이트 목록을 가져옵니다.

| where TimeGenerated>ago(5h) and OSType=="Linux" and SourceComputerId in ((Heartbeat
| where TimeGenerated>ago(12h) and OSType=="Linux" and notempty(Computer)
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, Solutions) by SourceComputerId
| where Solutions has "updates"
| distinct SourceComputerId))
| summarize hint.strategy=partitioned arg_max(TimeGenerated, UpdateState, Classification, BulletinUrl, BulletinID) by SourceComputerId, Product, ProductArch
| where UpdateState=~"Needed"
| project-away UpdateState, TimeGenerated
| summarize computersCount=dcount(SourceComputerId, 2), ClassificationWeight=max(iff(Classification has "Critical", 4, iff(Classification has "Security", 2, 1))) by id=strcat(Product, "_", ProductArch), displayName=Product, productArch=ProductArch, classification=Classification, InformationId=BulletinID, InformationUrl=tostring(split(BulletinUrl, ";", 0)[0]), osType=1
| union(Update
| where TimeGenerated>ago(14h) and OSType!="Linux" and (Optional==false or Classification has "Critical" or Classification has "Security") and SourceComputerId in ((Heartbeat
| where TimeGenerated>ago(12h) and OSType=~"Windows" and notempty(Computer)
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, Solutions) by SourceComputerId
| where Solutions has "updates"
| distinct SourceComputerId))
| summarize hint.strategy=partitioned arg_max(TimeGenerated, UpdateState, Classification, Title, KBID, PublishedDate, Approved) by Computer, SourceComputerId, UpdateID
| where UpdateState=~"Needed" and Approved!=false
| project-away UpdateState, Approved, TimeGenerated
| summarize computersCount=dcount(SourceComputerId, 2), displayName=any(Title), publishedDate=min(PublishedDate), ClassificationWeight=max(iff(Classification has "Critical", 4, iff(Classification has "Security", 2, 1))) by id=strcat(UpdateID, "_", KBID), classification=Classification, InformationId=strcat("KB", KBID), InformationUrl=iff(isnotempty(KBID), strcat("https://support.microsoft.com/kb/", KBID), ""), osType=2)
| sort by ClassificationWeight desc, computersCount desc, displayName asc
| extend informationLink=(iff(isnotempty(InformationId) and isnotempty(InformationUrl), toobject(strcat('{ "uri": "', InformationUrl, '", "text": "', InformationId, '", "target": "blank" }')), toobject('')))
| project-away ClassificationWeight, InformationId, InformationUrl

업데이트가 누락된 컴퓨터

업데이트가 누락된 모든 컴퓨터.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
|where OSType != "Linux" and UpdateState == "Needed" and Optional == "false" 
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Title, KBID, Classification, MSRCSeverity, PublishedDate, _ResourceId
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

서버에 필요한 업데이트 누락

특정 컴퓨터 "ComputerName"에 대한 업데이트가 누락되었습니다(를 사용자 고유의 컴퓨터 이름으로 대체).

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
let ComputerName = "Enter your computer name here";
|where OSType != "Linux" and UpdateState == "Needed" and Optional == "false" and Computer == ComputerName
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Title, KBID, Product, MSRCSeverity, PublishedDate, _ResourceId
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

중요한 보안 업데이트 누락

중요한 업데이트 또는 보안 업데이트가 누락된 모든 컴퓨터.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
|where  OSType != "Linux" and UpdateState == "Needed" and Optional == "false" and (Classification == "Security Updates" or Classification == "Critical Updates") 
| sort by TimeGenerated desc 

업데이트가 수동인 경우 보안 누락 또는 중요

업데이트가 수동으로 적용되는 컴퓨터에서 필요한 중요 또는 보안 업데이트입니다.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where OSType != "Linux" and UpdateState == "Needed" and Optional == "false"
 |where (Classification == "Security Updates" or Classification == "Critical Updates")
| join kind=inner (UpdateSummary |where WindowsUpdateSetting == "Manual" |distinct Computer) on Computer 
| distinct KBID, Computer, _ResourceId

누락된 업데이트 롤업

업데이트 롤업이 누락된 모든 컴퓨터

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where OSType != "Linux" and Optional == "false" and Classification == "Update Rollups" and UpdateState == "Needed" 
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Title, KBID, Classification, MSRCSeverity, PublishedDate, _ResourceId
| sort by TimeGenerated desc

컴퓨터 간 고유한 누락 업데이트

모든 컴퓨터에서 누락된 업데이트가 고유합니다.

// To create an alert for this query, click '+ New alert rule'
| where OSType != "Linux" and UpdateState == "Needed" and Optional == "false" 
| distinct Title, Computer, _ResourceId