다음을 통해 공유

Kusto.Ingest 수집 코드 예제

이 짧은 코드 조각 컬렉션은 Kusto 테이블에 데이터를 수집하는 다양한 기술을 보여 줍니다.


이러한 예제는 수집 직후 수집 클라이언트가 제거되는 것처럼 보입니다. 말 그대로 이것을 하지 마십시오. 수집 클라이언트는 재진입되고 스레드로부터 안전하며 많은 수로 만들어서는 안 됩니다. 수집 클라이언트 인스턴스의 권장 카디널리티는 대상 Kusto 클러스터당 호스팅 프로세스당 1개입니다.

단일 Azure Blob에서 비동기 수집

단일 Azure Blob에서 비동기 수집에 대해 선택적 RetryPolicy와 함께 KustoQueuedIngestClient를 사용합니다.

var ingestUri = "https://ingest-<clusterName>.<region>.kusto.windows.net";
var appId = "<appId>";
var appKey = "<appKey>";
var appTenant = "<appTenant>";
//Create Kusto connection string with App Authentication
var kustoConnectionStringBuilderDM = new KustoConnectionStringBuilder(ingestUri)
        applicationClientId: appId,
        applicationKey: appKey,
        authority: appTenant
// Create an ingest client
// Note, that creating a separate instance per ingestion operation is an anti-pattern.
// IngestClient classes are thread-safe and intended for reuse
using var client = KustoIngestFactory.CreateQueuedIngestClient(
    // Create your custom retry policy, which will affect how the ingest client handles retrying on transient failures
    new QueueOptions { MaxRetries = 0 }
var blobUriWithSasKey = "<blobUriWithSasKey>";
// Ingest from blobs according to the required properties
var kustoIngestionProperties = new KustoIngestionProperties("<databaseName>", "<tableName>");
var sourceOptions = new StorageSourceOptions { DeleteSourceOnSuccess = true };
await client.IngestFromStorageAsync(blobUriWithSasKey, kustoIngestionProperties, sourceOptions);

로컬 파일에서 수집

KustoDirectIngestClient를 사용하여 로컬 파일에서 수집합니다.


제한된 볼륨 및 낮은 빈도 수집을 위해 이 방법을 사용하는 것이 좋습니다.

var kustoUri = "https://<clusterName>.<region>.kusto.windows.net";
var appId = "<appId>";
var appKey = "<appKey>";
var appTenant = "<appTenant>";
// Create Kusto connection string with App Authentication
var kustoConnectionStringBuilderEngine = new KustoConnectionStringBuilder(kustoUri)
        applicationClientId: appId,
        applicationKey: appKey,
        authority: appTenant
// Create a disposable client that will execute the ingestion
using var client = KustoIngestFactory.CreateDirectIngestClient(kustoConnectionStringBuilderEngine);
//Ingest from blobs according to the required properties
var kustoIngestionProperties = new KustoIngestionProperties("<databaseName>", "<tableName>");
await client.IngestFromStorageAsync("<filePath>", kustoIngestionProperties);

로컬 파일에서 수집 및 수집 유효성 검사

KustoQueuedIngestClient를 사용하여 로컬 파일에서 수집한 다음, 수집의 유효성을 검사합니다.

var ingestUri = "https://ingest-<clusterName>.<region>.kusto.windows.net";
var appId = "<appId>";
var appKey = "<appKey>";
var appTenant = "<appTenant>";
//Create Kusto connection string with App Authentication
var kustoConnectionStringBuilderDM = new KustoConnectionStringBuilder(ingestUri)
        applicationClientId: appId,
        applicationKey: appKey,
        authority: appTenant
// Create a disposable client that will execute the ingestion
using var client = KustoIngestFactory.CreateQueuedIngestClient(kustoConnectionStringBuilderDM);
// Ingest from blobs according to the required properties
var kustoIngestionProperties = new KustoIngestionProperties("<databaseName>", "<tableName>");
await client.IngestFromStorageAsync("ValidTestFile.csv", kustoIngestionProperties);
await client.IngestFromStorageAsync("InvalidTestFile.csv", kustoIngestionProperties);
// Waiting for the aggregation
// Retrieve and validate failures
var ingestionFailures = await client.PeekTopIngestionFailuresAsync();
Ensure.IsTrue(ingestionFailures.Any(), "Failures expected");
// Retrieve, delete and validate failures
ingestionFailures = await client.GetAndDiscardTopIngestionFailuresAsync();
Ensure.IsTrue(ingestionFailures.Any(), "Failures expected");

로컬 파일에서 수집 및 큐에 상태 보고

KustoQueuedIngestClient를 사용하여 로컬 파일에서 수집한 다음 상태 큐에 보고합니다.

var ingestUri = "https://ingest-<clusterName>.<region>.kusto.windows.net";
var appId = "<appId>";
var appKey = "<appKey>";
var appTenant = "<appTenant>";
//Create Kusto connection string with App Authentication
var kustoConnectionStringBuilderDM = new KustoConnectionStringBuilder(ingestUri)
        applicationClientId: appId,
        applicationKey: appKey,
        authority: appTenant
// Create a disposable client that will execute the ingestion
using var client = KustoIngestFactory.CreateQueuedIngestClient(kustoConnectionStringBuilderDM);
// Ingest from a file according to the required properties
var kustoIngestionProperties = new KustoQueuedIngestionProperties("<databaseName>", "<tableName>")
    // Setting the report level to FailuresAndSuccesses will cause both successful and failed ingestions to be reported
    // (Rather than the default "FailuresOnly" level - which is demonstrated in the
    // 'Ingest From Local File(s) using KustoQueuedIngestClient and Ingestion Validation' section)
    ReportLevel = IngestionReportLevel.FailuresAndSuccesses,
    // Choose the report method of choice. 'Queue' is the default method.
    // For the sake of the example, we will choose it anyway. 
    ReportMethod = IngestionReportMethod.Queue
await client.IngestFromStorageAsync("ValidTestFile.csv", kustoIngestionProperties);
await client.IngestFromStorageAsync("InvalidTestFile.csv", kustoIngestionProperties);
// Waiting for the aggregation
// Retrieve and validate failures
var ingestionFailures = await client.PeekTopIngestionFailuresAsync();
Ensure.IsTrue(ingestionFailures.Any(), "The failed ingestion should have been reported to the failed ingestions queue");
// Retrieve, delete and validate failures
ingestionFailures = await client.GetAndDiscardTopIngestionFailuresAsync();
Ensure.IsTrue(ingestionFailures.Any(), "The failed ingestion should have been reported to the failed ingestions queue");
// Verify the success has also been reported to the queue
var ingestionSuccesses = await client.GetAndDiscardTopIngestionSuccessesAsync();
Ensure.ConditionIsMet(ingestionSuccesses.Any(), "The successful ingestion should have been reported to the successful ingestions queue");

로컬 파일에서 수집 및 테이블로 상태 보고

KustoQueuedIngestClient를 사용하여 로컬 파일에서 수집하고 테이블에 상태 보고합니다.

var ingestUri = "https://ingest-<clusterName>.<region>.kusto.windows.net";
var appId = "<appId>";
var appKey = "<appKey>";
var appTenant = "<appTenant>";
//Create Kusto connection string with App Authentication
var kustoConnectionStringBuilderDM = new KustoConnectionStringBuilder(ingestUri)
        applicationClientId: appId,
        applicationKey: appKey,
        authority: appTenant
// Create a disposable client that will execute the ingestion
using var client = KustoIngestFactory.CreateQueuedIngestClient(kustoConnectionStringBuilderDM);
// Ingest from a file according to the required properties
var kustoIngestionProperties = new KustoQueuedIngestionProperties("<databaseName>", "<tableName>")
    // Setting the report level to FailuresAndSuccesses will cause both successful and failed ingestions to be reported
    // (Rather than the default "FailuresOnly" level)
    ReportLevel = IngestionReportLevel.FailuresAndSuccesses,
    // Choose the report method of choice
    ReportMethod = IngestionReportMethod.Table
var filePath = "<filePath>";
var fileIdentifier = Guid.NewGuid();
var sourceOptions = new StorageSourceOptions { SourceId = fileIdentifier };
// Execute the ingest operation and save the result.
var clientResult = await client.IngestFromStorageAsync(filePath, kustoIngestionProperties, sourceOptions);
// Use the fileIdentifier you supplied to get the status of your ingestion 
var ingestionStatus = clientResult.Result.GetIngestionStatusBySourceId(fileIdentifier);
while (ingestionStatus.Status == Status.Pending)
    // Wait a minute...
    // Try again
    ingestionStatus = clientResult.Result.GetIngestionStatusBySourceId(fileIdentifier);
// Verify the results of the ingestion
Ensure.ConditionIsMet(ingestionStatus.Status == Status.Succeeded, "The file should have been ingested successfully");