Microsoft Certified: Power Platform Functional Consultant Associate - Certifications
기능 컨설턴트의 역할을 통해 조직의 비즈니스 프로세스를 단순화, 자동화 및 강화하기 위해 Microsoft Power Platform 솔루션을 사용하는 방법을 설명합니다.
Configuration Framework를 사용하면 설치 시 Microsoft BizTalk Server 구성을 빠르고 쉽게 변경할 수 있습니다. Microsoft Windows Installer(MSI)와 함께 사용할 경우 구성 프레임워크에서 사용자 컴퓨터의 상태를 읽고 필요한 구성 작업을 보고합니다.
구성 마법사를 사용하여 BizTalk Server를 처음으로 구성하는 경우 구성 프레임워크에서 사용자 이름, 암호 등을 변경하여 다른 컴퓨터로 내보낼 수 있는 XML 파일(구성 스냅숏)을 생성합니다. 구성 스냅숏은 구성 마법사의 구성 요약 페이지에서 저장합니다. 이 스냅숏을 사용하여 스크립팅된 설치의 일부로 구성을 복제할 수 있습니다. 이 파일은 <BizTalk 설치 경로>\ConfigMain.xml 있습니다.
암호는 XML 파일에 저장되지 않습니다. 이 파일을 사용하기 전에 암호를 입력해야 합니다.
다음 표는 구성 프레임워크 내의 명령줄에서 실행할 수 있는 매개 변수를 보여 줍니다.
명령줄 매개 변수 | Description |
/U | 모든 기능의 구성을 취소합니다. 참고: BizTalk Server 기능을 구성 취소한 후 BizTalk Server 데이터베이스를 삭제할 수 있습니다. 이 명령을 실행하기 전에 BizTalk Server 데이터베이스를 삭제하지 마십시오. 참고: BizTalk Server 기능을 구성 취소한 후 BizTalk Server 데이터베이스를 삭제하려면 net stop winmgmt 명령을 사용하여 WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation) 서비스를 중지하는 것이 좋습니다. 이 서비스는 계속 실행되고 있습니다. |
/S | 자동 구성을 실행합니다. 설치 및 구성할 기능이 포함되어 있는 구성 XML에 대한 전체 경로를 전달해야 합니다. /s가 전달되지 않으면 도구가 UI(사용자 인터페이스) 모드에서 실행됩니다. |
/L | - 로그 파일의 전체 경로를 설정합니다(선택 사항). |
/H | - 유효한 명령줄 매개 변수를 표시합니다. |
다음은 모든 기능이 설치된 샘플 구성 XML 파일입니다. 사용자 고유의 구성 파일을 만들려면 BizTalk Server 사용자 지정 구성 옵션을 사용하고 모든 구성 요소가 성공적으로 완료되었는지 확인한 다음 구성 창에서 구성 내보내기를 선택합니다. 그런 다음 내보낸 구성 파일을 사용하여 다른 BizTalk 서버를 구성할 수 있습니다.
<Feature Name="SSOServer,Engine" DisplayName="Enterprise Single Sign-On" Version="1.0" Description="Enterprise Single Sign-On configuration" ConfigByDefault="true">
<Question ID="IsSecretServer" Text="&Create a new SSO system;&Join an existing SSO system" Answers="Create,Join" Default="Create">
<Answer Value="Create" GUID="{FB7268BE-82D4-4cad-8CFF-6930303DA7E2}" Selected="Yes">
<NTCredential ID="SSOAdminGroup" DisplayName="SSO Administrator(s)" Description="This is the Administrator of the Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) system.">
<NTAccount ScopeType="105" UpLevelFlags="672" DownLevelFlags="2147516422" />
<NTCredential ID="SSOAffiliateAdminGroup" DisplayName="SSO Affiliate Administrator(s)" Description="The SSO Affiliate Administrator must be able to create Affiliate Applications.">
<NTAccount ScopeType="105" UpLevelFlags="672" DownLevelFlags="2147516422" />
<FILE ID="SSO_ID_BACKUP_SECRET_FILE" DisplayName="&Backup file location:" Filter="Backup files (*.bak)|*.bak|All files (*.*)|*.*" DefaultExtension="bak" Title="" Description="Location where the master secret will be backed up" OpenFile="true">
<Value />
<Name ID="SSO_ID_BACKUP_SECRET_PASSWORD" DisplayName="&Secret backup password:" Description="Enter a password used to protect the secret backup file" Hidden="true">
<Name ID="SSO_ID_BACKUP_SECRET_PASSWORD_CONFIRM" DisplayName="&Confirm password:" Description="Confirm the secret backup password" Hidden="true">
<Name ID="SSO_ID_BACKUP_SECRET_REMINDER" DisplayName="Password &reminder:" Description="Enter a phrase to help you remember the secret backup file password" Hidden="false">
<Value />
<Answer Value="Join" GUID="{B9432756-1620-4bec-8CD9-E6D0B7805AA5}" />
<NTService ID="ENTSSO" DisplayName="Enterprise Single Sign-On Service" Description="Specify the name of the account under which the Single Sign-On (SSO) service should run. This account must be a member of the SSO Administrator(s) group.">
<Domain>Enter your domain name</Domain>
<Password />
<SQL ID="SSO_DB_ID" DisplayName="SSO Database" Description="Specify the name of the SQL Server and Database that will be used as the credential store.">
<Server>Enter your SQL Server name</Server>
<WindowsSecurity Editable="no">yes</WindowsSecurity>
<UserName />
<Password />
<Feature Name="WMI" DisplayName="BizTalk Server Group" Version="1.0" Description="The Microsoft Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) layer encapsulates all administrative functions and management capabilities for BizTalk Server." ConfigByDefault="true">
<SQL ID="{D757DBF9-5D71-4995-9F20-A552B7DFE7F1}" DisplayName="BizTalk Management Database" Description="This database is the central meta-information store for all BizTalk Servers.">
<Server>Enter your SQL Server name</Server>
<WindowsSecurity Editable="no">yes</WindowsSecurity>
<UserName />
<Password />
<Question ID="CREATEORJOIN" Text="Create a &new BizTalk Group;&Join an existing BizTalk Group" Answers="Create,Join" Default="Create">
<Answer Value="Create" GUID="{C4DEF4B8-163E-4a8d-AB01-6C43917248B1}" Selected="Yes">
<SQL ID="{84ADD76E-EBEB-4bb8-B9EB-64F87E483C39}" DisplayName="BizTalk MessageBox Database" Description="This database stores subscriptions predicates. It is a host platform, where the queues and state tables for each BizTalk Server host are kept. The MessageBox database also stores the messages and message properties.">
<Server>Enter your SQL Server name</Server>
<WindowsSecurity Editable="no">yes</WindowsSecurity>
<UserName />
<Password />
<SQL ID="{1033195A-3C23-4750-BBD0-06BC12A175D4}" DisplayName="BizTalk Tracking Database" Description="This database stores business and health monitoring data tracked by the BizTalk Server tracking engine.">
<Server>Enter your SQL Server name</Server>
<WindowsSecurity Editable="no">yes</WindowsSecurity>
<UserName />
<Password />
<NTCredential ID="BTS_ADMIN_GROUP" DisplayName="BizTalk Administrators Group" Description="The BizTalk Server Administrators Group has the least privileges necessary to perform administrative tasks included in the Configuration Framework Wizard and to administer the BizTalk Server environment after installation.">
<NTAccount ScopeType="105" UpLevelFlags="672" DownLevelFlags="2147483654">BizTalk Server Administrators</NTAccount>
<NTCredential ID="BTS_OPERATOR_GROUP" DisplayName="BizTalk Operators Group" Description="The BizTalk Server Operators Group has the least privileges necessary to perform tasks required for operating the BizTalk Server environment after installation.">
<NTAccount ScopeType="105" UpLevelFlags="672" DownLevelFlags="2147483654">BizTalk Server Operators</NTAccount>
<NTCredential ID="BTS_B2B_OPERATOR_GROUP" DisplayName="BizTalk B2B Operators Group" Description="The BizTalk Server B2B Operators Group has the least privileges necessary to perform tasks required for operating the BizTalk Server B2B environment after installation.">
<NTAccount ScopeType="105" UpLevelFlags="672" DownLevelFlags="2147483654">BizTalk Server B2B Operators</NTAccount>
<Answer Value="Join" GUID="{4D12E6A3-552E-4936-9DD3-59E1190FA324}" />
<Feature Name="Engine,BTSCfg" DisplayName="BizTalk Server runtime components" Version="1.0" Description="These settings determine the manner in which the BizTalk hosts and host instances are created." ConfigByDefault="true">
<Question ID="HOST" Text="&Create In-Process Host and Instance" Answers="Yes,No" Default="Yes">
<Answer Value="Yes" GUID="{8E714C78-05B8-45d1-9B50-D737EF7AD682}" Selected="Yes">
<Question ID="TRUSTEDHOST" Text="&Trusted" Answers="Yes,No" Default="No">
<Answer Value="Yes" GUID="{D460CE6D-CCF1-4ebf-BDC9-3149021B91ED}" />
<Answer Value="No" GUID="{F507BD3D-2205-47bc-A7EF-0E45603BB6C4}" Selected="Yes" />
<Question ID="GENERICHOST" Text="32-bit on&ly" Answers="Yes,No" Default="Yes">
<Answer Value="Yes" GUID="{5D3B2217-D744-4D50-B931-FED9E259628D}" Selected="Yes" />
<Answer Value="No" GUID="{CBF077AE-2771-473E-9E0C-D955D5EB5692}" />
<NTCredential ID="BTS_HOST_GROUP" DisplayName="BizTalk Host Users Group" Description="Windows group for accounts with access to the In-Process BizTalk hosts (hosts processes in the BizTalk Server).">
<NTAccount ScopeType="105" UpLevelFlags="672" DownLevelFlags="2147483654">BizTalk Application Users</NTAccount>
<Name ID="BTS_HOST_NAME" DisplayName="Ho&st name:" Description="Name of the In-Process BizTalk host (eg, BizTalkServerApplication)" Hidden="false">
<NTService ID="{B64F63FA-E24E-4991-86F0-ED9F65B68A98}" DisplayName="BizTalk Host Instance Account" Description="Windows account with access to a specific In-Process BizTalk host instance. This account will be given Log on as Service rights.">
<Domain />
<Answer Value="No" GUID="{D9164C48-8179-4a40-912D-1BF4C3EFE70B}" />
<Question ID="ISOHOST" Text="Cr&eate Isolated Host and Instance" Answers="Yes,No" Default="Yes">
<Answer Value="Yes" GUID="{5638D8B2-58C9-4b2a-B5B1-3771ADECC327}" Selected="Yes">
<Question ID="TRUSTEDIHOST" Text="Truste&d" Answers="Yes,No" Default="No">
<Answer Value="Yes" GUID="{D460CE6D-CCF1-4ebf-BDC9-3149021B91ED}" />
<Answer Value="No" GUID="{F507BD3D-2205-47bc-A7EF-0E45603BB6C4}" Selected="Yes" />
<Question ID="GENERICIHOST" Text="32-bit onl&y" Answers="Yes,No" Default="Yes">
<Answer Value="Yes" GUID="{5D3B2217-D744-4D50-B931-FED9E259628D}" Selected="Yes" />
<Answer Value="No" GUID="{CBF077AE-2771-473E-9E0C-D955D5EB5692}" />
<NTCredential ID="BTS_IHOST_GROUP" DisplayName="BizTalk Isolated Host Users Group" Description="Windows group for accounts with access to the Isolated BizTalk hosts (hosts processes not running on BizTalk Server, such as HTTP and SOAP)">
<NTAccount ScopeType="105" UpLevelFlags="672" DownLevelFlags="2147483654">BizTalk Isolated Host Users</NTAccount>
<Name ID="BTS_IHOST_NAME" DisplayName="Is&olated Host name:" Description="Name of the Isolated BizTalk host (eg BizTalkServerIsolatedHost)" Hidden="false">
<NTService ID="{D0A37CEE-F24E-4193-A19F-47B05D7EDA21}" DisplayName="BizTalk Isolated Host Instance Account" Description="Windows account with access to a specific Isolated BizTalk host instance. This account will be given Log on as Service rights.">
<Domain />
<Answer Value="No" GUID="{5782A1A5-8578-4942-9CBB-E443A15A0B99}" />
<Feature Name="RulesEngine" DisplayName="Business Rules Engine" Version="3.0" Description="BizTalk native support for declarative Business Rules." ConfigByDefault="true">
<SQL ID="{E6C5E071-D6EB-4c31-BFE6-CA16637FBEEB}" DisplayName="Rule Engine Database" Description="SQL Rule Store">
<Server>Enter your SQL Server name</Server>
<UserName />
<Password />
<NTService ID="{6ABAD351-9C7B-423e-9FDE-3A5C52441C00}" DisplayName="Rule Engine Update Service" Description="Notification for the deployment/ undeployment of policies">
<Domain />
<Feature Name="MOT" DisplayName="BAM runtime" Version="1.0" Description="Tracking data decoding service used to move tracked data and persist it for query use." />
<Feature Name="BAMTools" DisplayName="Business Activity Monitoring tools" Version="1.0" Description="Tools for the creation and maintenance of the SQL Server and Analysis Server (OLAP) infrastructure for Business Activity Monitoring." ConfigByDefault="true">
<SQL ID="{E1FC3106-8DD4-4f12-9EB6-849DD8BDD605}" DisplayName="BAM Primary Import Database" Description="SQL database used to store the events from the Business Activities and then query for the progress and data of the activity instances. This database is also used for real-time aggregations.">
<Server>Enter your SQL Server name</Server>
<WindowsSecurity Editable="no">yes</WindowsSecurity>
<UserName />
<Password />
<SQL ID="{1D372BCB-DF59-43b6-A4A9-87082B5727B0}" DisplayName="BAM Archive Database" Description="SQL database used for archiving the Business Activity data which is too old. It is recommended to create the BAM Archive database to minimize the accumulation of Business Activity data in the BAM Primary Import Database.">
<Server>Enter your SQL Server name</Server>
<WindowsSecurity Editable="no">yes</WindowsSecurity>
<UserName />
<Password />
<Question ID="{12A38787-6B24-40ab-8888-5FE8ABA87B26}" Text="Enable A&nalysis Services for BAM aggregations" Answers="Yes,No" Default="No">
<Answer Value="Yes" GUID="{902F7E20-D6AE-453f-9D23-935ED7AF94C3}">
<SQL ID="{16567D1E-6946-4f4e-BB3F-900DE2648328}" DisplayName="BAM Analysis Database" Description="Analysis Services database that keeps the aggregated historical data for Business Activities" MSOLAPServer="Yes">
<Server>Enter your SQL Server name</Server>
<WindowsSecurity Editable="no">yes</WindowsSecurity>
<UserName />
<Password />
<SQL ID="{B973DB76-BA7F-4a2e-A57E-07EEF54B37A8}" DisplayName="BAM Star Schema Database" Description="SQL database used to transform the data collected from the Business Activity Monitoring for OLAP Processing. This database is required when the BAM Analysis database is used.">
<Server>Enter your SQL Server name</Server>
<WindowsSecurity Editable="no">yes</WindowsSecurity>
<UserName />
<Password />
<Answer Value="No" GUID="{FC612DFE-1273-4f57-8EE3-95216638A67B}" Selected="Yes" />
<Question ID="{308cc88b-9e51-4103-ae4c-73300e02a7eb}" Text="&Enable BAM alerts" Answers="Yes,No" Default="No">
<Answer Value="Yes" GUID="{458e1878-eae6-4e09-8e5c-ba516548ceac}">
<Name ID="{8B3212A1-44EA-46bc-A06C-75E289D1F840}" DisplayName="S&QL Server for Alerts Databases:" Description="Notification Services server for BAM Alerting." Hidden="false">
<Value>Enter your SQL Server name</Value>
<Name ID="{1DAFDF2D-4377-415a-B1CA-2C5B3729A244}" DisplayName="Prefix for Alerts Database &Names:" Description="Notification Services database root name for BAM Alerting." Hidden="false">
<NTService ID="{c116ba3f-06d0-48cf-b0a1-4b263b07250e}" DisplayName="BAM Alerts User" Description="Windows account that will have permissions to access the data in the BAM Notification Services databases during Business Activity searches.">
<UserName />
<Domain />
<Password />
<Name ID="{33c8fd0a-c89d-4dd0-8b2b-2ddacc6620e6}" DisplayName="BAM Alerts &SMTP Server:" Description="SMTP server to use for sending out BAM Alerting messages." Hidden="false">
<Value>Enter your server name</Value>
<Name ID="{335b35f5-ffc4-4c7e-8cfc-582ec6bab9e0}" DisplayName="BAM Alerts File &Location:" Description="File system location to use for writing out BAM Alerting messages. If you accept this default location for delivering alerts by file, Configuration will create the file share and grant write permissions to the SQL NS service account and the current logged-on user." Hidden="false">
<Value>\\Enter your server name\alerts</Value>
<Answer Value="No" GUID="{3d95a679-aa37-403f-bf64-194e6aa2d993}" Selected="Yes" />
<Question ID="{FC99D786-2D26-489b-A748-42AE4DD0F6FC}" Text="&Remove the Business Activity Monitoring tools for this Biztalk Group" Answers="Yes,No" Default="No">
<Answer Value="Yes" GUID="{4CF85429-F0DA-4ca3-8068-D125506A3FD9}" />
<Answer Value="No" GUID="{5823E008-032F-4917-9EE5-B0AB4A18325C}" Selected="Yes" />
<Feature Name="BAMPortal" DisplayName="BAM Portal" Version="1.0" Description="The Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) Portal is used to query individual instance data stored in the Tracking database. Each BAM Query Web Service corresponds to one SQL database." ConfigByDefault="true">
<NTService ID="{C08C5A6C-53FB-41bd-A1CE-FD7209FD16F4}" DisplayName="BAM Management Web Service user" Description="Windows account that will have permissions to access the data in the BAM Primary Import Database during Business Activity searches.">
<Domain>Enter your domain name</Domain>
<NTService ID="{FAAB0AD8-C414-4735-91E5-3DCEC8CB96A8}" DisplayName="BAM Application Pool Account" Description="Identity of the BAM Application Pool. ">
<Domain>Enter your domain name</Domain>
<NTCredential ID="{e8118b16-0585-41a4-99bb-6d8a30570fcc}" DisplayName="BAM Portal Users" Description="The user accounts under which the BAM portal services run.">
<NTAccount ScopeType="103" UpLevelFlags="676" DownLevelFlags="2147483654">Everyone</NTAccount>
<WebSite ID="{DA1ABC72-465B-4953-ADD7-98CEA6F4E503}" DisplayName="BAM Portal Web &Site:" Description="Specify the name of the web site under which the BAM Portal virtual directory will be created.">
<WebSiteName>Default Web Site</WebSiteName>
<Feature Name="MsEDIAS2" DisplayName="BizTalk EDI/AS2 Runtime" Version="1.0" Description="The EDI Runtime enables BizTalk Server to process EDI documents." ConfigByDefault="true">
<Question ID="EDI" Text="E&nable BizTalk EDI for this BizTalk Group" Answers="Yes,No" Default="Yes">
<Answer Value="Yes" GUID="{EC1CDD3A-BFD2-48A1-92B5-45F3069DE061}" Selected="Yes" />
<Answer Value="No" GUID="{7FF0780D-406C-4BCC-BC77-A5BD83869193}" />
<Question ID="AS2" Text="Ena&ble BizTalk AS2 for this BizTalk Group" Answers="Yes,No" Default="Yes">
<Answer Value="Yes" GUID="{2E33F8AA-4126-4608-9344-7B8EBDE78E29}" Selected="Yes" />
<Answer Value="No" GUID="{DEC87603-0372-4ACC-B567-15BA6AFE630E}" />
<Question ID="StatusReport" Text="Enable BizTalk EDI/AS2 Runtime &Status Reporting for this BizTalk Group" Answers="Yes,No" Default="Yes">
<Answer Value="Yes" GUID="{6A273C7A-67FC-40FE-ADB7-FF41CD682021}" Selected="Yes" />
<Answer Value="No" GUID="{09DC7E6A-BE35-4C58-BC12-E04403F613AA}" />
<Question ID="RemoveEDI" Text="&Remove BizTalk EDI, AS2, and Status Reporting functionalities from this BizTalk Group" Answers="Yes,No" Default="No">
<Answer Value="Yes" GUID="{18C53BC3-38B6-4014-AD32-34552A044181}" />
<Answer Value="No" GUID="{DC2362B1-10E0-4EDC-9710-CC27A73090C5}" Selected="Yes" />
Microsoft Certified: Power Platform Functional Consultant Associate - Certifications
기능 컨설턴트의 역할을 통해 조직의 비즈니스 프로세스를 단순화, 자동화 및 강화하기 위해 Microsoft Power Platform 솔루션을 사용하는 방법을 설명합니다.