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Class UpdatedSensorFingerprintRequiredDelegate


struct winrt::Microsoft::Azure::SpatialAnchors::UpdatedSensorFingerprintRequiredDelegate


Informs the application that a session is requesting an updated sensor fingerprint to help with anchor recall.

Applications use this type when registering events.

For more information, see How to handle events using delegates in C++/WinRT.


UpdatedSensorFingerprintRequiredDelegate(std::nullptr_t = nullptr) noexcept;
template<typename L> UpdatedSensorFingerprintRequiredDelegate(L lambda);
template<typename F> UpdatedSensorFingerprintRequiredDelegate(F* function);
template<typename O, typename M> UpdatedSensorFingerprintRequiredDelegate(O* object, M method);


void operator()(winrt::Windows::Foundation::IInspectable const& sender, winrt::Microsoft::Azure::SpatialAnchors::SensorFingerprintEventArgs const& args) const;


  • sender - The session that is requesting optional sensor data for improving recall accuracy over time.
  • args - The event arguments that allow sensor properties to be set.