다음을 통해 공유

익스플로잇 보호 완화 문제 해결

적용 대상:

엔드포인트용 Defender를 경험하고 싶으신가요? 무료 평가판을 신청하세요.

일련의 익스플로잇 보호 완화(구성이라고 함)를 만들 때 구성 내보내기 및 가져오기 프로세스가 원치 않는 완화를 모두 제거하지는 않을 수 있습니다.

Windows 보안 원치 않는 완화를 수동으로 제거하거나 다음 프로세스를 사용하여 모든 완화를 제거한 다음, 대신 기준 구성 파일을 가져올 수 있습니다.

  1. 이 PowerShell 스크립트를 사용하여 모든 프로세스 완화를 제거합니다.

    # Check if Admin-Privileges are available
    function Test-IsAdmin {
        ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] "Administrator")
    # Delete ExploitGuard ProcessMitigations for a given key in the registry. If no other settings exist under the specified key,
    # the key is deleted as well
    function Remove-ProcessMitigations([Object] $Key, [string] $Name) {
        Try {
            if ($Key.GetValue("MitigationOptions")) {
                Write-Host "Removing MitigationOptions for:      " $Name
                Remove-ItemProperty -Path $Key.PSPath -Name "MitigationOptions" -ErrorAction Stop;
            if ($Key.GetValue("MitigationAuditOptions")) {
                Write-Host "Removing MitigationAuditOptions for: " $Name
                Remove-ItemProperty -Path $Key.PSPath -Name "MitigationAuditOptions" -ErrorAction Stop;
            if ($Key.GetValue("EAFModules")) {
                Write-Host "Removing EAFModules for: " $Name
                Remove-ItemProperty -Path $Key.PSPath -Name "EAFModules" -ErrorAction Stop;
            # Remove the FilterFullPath value if there is nothing else
            if (($Key.SubKeyCount -eq 0) -and ($Key.ValueCount -eq 1) -and ($Key.GetValue("FilterFullPath"))) {
                Remove-ItemProperty -Path $Key.PSPath -Name "FilterFullPath" -ErrorAction Stop;
            # If the key is empty now, delete it
            if (($Key.SubKeyCount -eq 0) -and ($Key.ValueCount -eq 0)) {
                Write-Host "Removing empty Entry:                " $Name
                Remove-Item -Path $Key.PSPath -ErrorAction Stop
        Catch {
            Write-Host "ERROR:" $_.Exception.Message "- at ($MitigationItemName)"
    # Delete all ExploitGuard ProcessMitigations
    function Remove-All-ProcessMitigations {
        if (!(Test-IsAdmin)) {
            throw "ERROR: No Administrator-Privileges detected!"; return
        Get-ChildItem -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options" | ForEach-Object {
            $MitigationItem = $_;
            $MitigationItemName = $MitigationItem.PSChildName
            Try {
                Remove-ProcessMitigations $MitigationItem $MitigationItemName
                # "UseFilter" indicate full path filters may be present
                if ($MitigationItem.GetValue("UseFilter")) {
                    Get-ChildItem -Path $MitigationItem.PSPath | ForEach-Object {
                        $FullPathItem = $_
                        if ($FullPathItem.GetValue("FilterFullPath")) {
                            $Name = $MitigationItemName + "-" + $FullPathItem.GetValue("FilterFullPath")
                            Write-Host "Removing FullPathEntry:              " $Name
                            Remove-ProcessMitigations $FullPathItem $Name
                        # If there are no subkeys now, we can delete the "UseFilter" value
                        if ($MitigationItem.SubKeyCount -eq 0) {
                            Remove-ItemProperty -Path $MitigationItem.PSPath -Name "UseFilter" -ErrorAction Stop
                if (($MitigationItem.SubKeyCount -eq 0) -and ($MitigationItem.ValueCount -eq 0)) {
                    Write-Host "Removing empty Entry:                " $MitigationItemName
                    Remove-Item -Path $MitigationItem.PSPath -ErrorAction Stop
            Catch {
                Write-Host "ERROR:" $_.Exception.Message "- at ($MitigationItemName)"
    # Delete all ExploitGuard System-wide Mitigations
    function Remove-All-SystemMitigations {
        if (!(Test-IsAdmin)) {
            throw "ERROR: No Administrator-Privileges detected!"; return
        $Kernel = Get-Item -Path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\kernel"
        Try {
            if ($Kernel.GetValue("MitigationOptions"))
                { Write-Host "Removing System MitigationOptions"
                    Remove-ItemProperty -Path $Kernel.PSPath -Name "MitigationOptions" -ErrorAction Stop;
            if ($Kernel.GetValue("MitigationAuditOptions"))
                { Write-Host "Removing System MitigationAuditOptions"
                    Remove-ItemProperty -Path $Kernel.PSPath -Name "MitigationAuditOptions" -ErrorAction Stop;
        } Catch {
            Write-Host "ERROR:" $_.Exception.Message "- System"
  2. Exploit Protection 구성 가져오기, 내보내기 및 배포에 설명된 대로 다음과 같은 기본 완화를 사용하여 XML 구성 파일을 Create 가져옵니다.

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <AppConfig Executable="ExtExport.exe">
           <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="ie4uinit.exe">
          <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="ieinstal.exe">
       <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="ielowutil.exe">
          <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/>
       <AppConfig Executable="ieUnatt.exe">
          <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/>
       <AppConfig Executable="iexplore.exe">
          <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/>
       <AppConfig Executable="mscorsvw.exe">
           <ExtensionPoints OverrideExtensionPoint="false" DisableExtensionPoints="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="msfeedssync.exe">
           <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="mshta.exe">
           <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="ngen.exe">
           <ExtensionPoints OverrideExtensionPoint="false" DisableExtensionPoints="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="ngentask.exe">
           <ExtensionPoints OverrideExtensionPoint="false" DisableExtensionPoints="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="PresentationHost.exe">
           <DEP Enable="true" OverrideDEP="false" EmulateAtlThunks="false"/>
           <ASLR OverrideForceRelocateImages="false" ForceRelocateImages="false" Enable="true" OverrideBottomUp="false" HighEntropy="true" BottomUp="true"/>
           <SEHOP Enable="true" OverrideSEHOP="false" TelemetryOnly="false"/>
           <Heap OverrideHeap="false" TerminateOnError="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="PrintDialog.exe">
           <ExtensionPoints OverrideExtensionPoint="false" DisableExtensionPoints="true"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="PrintIsolationHost.exe"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="runtimebroker.exe">
           <ExtensionPoints OverrideExtensionPoint="false" DisableExtensionPoints="true"/>
            <AppConfig Executable="splwow64.exe"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="spoolsv.exe"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="svchost.exe"/>
        <AppConfig Executable="SystemSettings.exe">
           <ExtensionPoints OverrideExtensionPoint="false" DisableExtensionPoints="true"/>

아직 다운로드하지 않은 경우 Windows 보안 기준을 다운로드하여 사용하여 Exploit Protection 사용자 지정을 완료하는 것이 좋습니다.

더 자세히 알아보고 싶으신가요? 기술 커뮤니티: 엔드포인트용 Microsoft Defender Tech Community의 Microsoft 보안 커뮤니티와 Engage.