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Set suite-wide preferences for Office for Mac

Applies to: Word for Mac, Excel for Mac, PowerPoint for Mac, Outlook for Mac, Office LTSC for Mac 2021, Office 2019 for Mac

The following preferences can be used to simplify account setup for Microsoft 365 (or Office 365) and support a streamlined user experience.

As an IT admin, you may want to provide Mac users in your organization with a standard set of preferences for Office in either of the following ways:

  • Set a default preference, which users can change.
  • Force a particular preference, which users can’t change.

These keys are CFPreferences-compatible, which means that it can be set by using enterprise management software for Mac, such as Microsoft Intune and Jamf Pro.

The following list shows the preferences that are covered in this article:

Sign in settings

Automatically sign in and suppress welcome dialogs

Category Details
Domain com.microsoft.office
Key OfficeAutoSignIn
Data Type Boolean
Possible values false (default)
Apps Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
Availability 16.17
Comments This key suppresses first run dialogs for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote.

Specify Microsoft 365 sign in name to be added on first launch

Set the full email address of the Microsoft 365 user to be added on first launch.

Category Details
Domain com.microsoft.office
Key OfficeActivationEmailAddress
Data Type String
Possible values Various (example: "bob@contoso.com")
Apps Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
Availability 16.18
Comments The sign in sheet for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote will be automatically populated with the specified value.


Cipher algorithm

Instruct Office applications to use a specific Cipher algorithm for IRM protection, such as Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) or Electronic Codebook (ECB).

Category Details
Domain com.microsoft.office
Key CompatibleEncryption
Data Type Integer
Possible values 1 = CBC (default)
2 = ECB
Apps Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Availability 16.72
Comments This preference applies to organizations that utilize the RMS service. For more information, see https://aka.ms/Purview/CBCDetails

App launch

What's New

Set preferences for the visibility of What's New information after app updates.

Category Details
Domain com.microsoft.office
Key ShowWhatsNewOnLaunch
Data Type Boolean
Possible values true (default)
Apps Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
Availability 16.16
Comments When set to false, users will not be shown information about new features and functionality.

Set preferences for automatically showing the template gallery.

Category Details
Domain com.microsoft.office
Key ShowDocStageOnLaunch
Data Type Boolean
Possible values true (default)
Apps Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Availability 16.16
Comments When set to false, users will always start with the blank template when launching an app.

User functionality

Default file location

Set preferences between cloud-based and local file storage.

Category Details
Domain com.microsoft.office
Key DefaultsToLocalOpenSave
Data Type Boolean
Possible values false (default)
Apps Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Availability 16.16
Comments When set to true, users will first see the local file system when accessing the Open and Save dialogs.


Set the ability for users to download and install cloud-based fonts.

Category Details
Domain com.microsoft.office
Key DisableCloudFonts
Data Type Boolean
Possible values false (default)
Apps Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote
Availability 16.30
Comments When set to true, cloud-based fonts will not be visible to users when editing documents.

App installation

Excluding apps

The following preferences can be used to prevent specific apps from being installed when using the Suite installer package. This can be useful in scenarios where you want to take advantage of the size optimizations offered by the Suite installer, but need to prevent one or more apps from being installed. For example, you can prevent the OneDrive app from being installed as part of the Suite because you use a different cloud storage solution.


The app exclusion preferences will only work with the Suite installer package. Other installation packages such as the individual app installers, and apps from the Mac AppStore will not read these preferences.

Exclude Word

Category Details
Domain com.microsoft.office
Key InstallWord
Data Type Boolean
Possible values true (default)
Availability 16.30
Comments This preference must be implemented through a Configuration Profile/MDM to be effective. It will not work when using the defaults command.

Exclude Excel

Category Details
Domain com.microsoft.office
Key InstallExcel
Data Type Boolean
Possible values true (default)
Availability 16.30
Comments This preference must be implemented through a Configuration Profile/MDM to be effective. It will not work when using the defaults command.

Exclude PowerPoint

Category Details
Domain com.microsoft.office
Key InstallPowerPoint
Data Type Boolean
Possible values true (default)
Availability 16.30
Comments This preference must be implemented through a Configuration Profile/MDM to be effective. It will not work when using the defaults command.

Exclude Outlook

Category Details
Domain com.microsoft.office
Key InstallOutlook
Data Type Boolean
Possible values true (default)
Availability 16.30
Comments This preference must be implemented through a Configuration Profile/MDM to be effective. It will not work when using the defaults command.

Exclude OneNote

Category Details
Domain com.microsoft.office
Key InstallOneNote
Data Type Boolean
Possible values true (default)
Availability 16.30
Comments This preference must be implemented through a Configuration Profile/MDM to be effective. It will not work when using the defaults command.

Exclude OneDrive

Category Details
Domain com.microsoft.office
Key InstallOneDrive
Data Type Boolean
Possible values true (default)
Availability 16.30
Comments This preference must be implemented through a Configuration Profile/MDM to be effective. It will not work when using the defaults command.

Exclude Teams

Category Details
Domain com.microsoft.office
Key InstallTeams
Data Type Boolean
Possible values true (default)
Availability 16.30
Comments This preference must be implemented through a Configuration Profile/MDM to be effective. It will not work when using the defaults command.

Exclude Defender

Category Details
Domain com.microsoft.office
Key InstallDefender
Data Type Boolean
Possible values true (default)
Availability 16.75
Comments This preference must be implemented through a Configuration Profile/MDM to be effective. It will not work when using the defaults command.

Exclude AutoUpdate

Category Details
Domain com.microsoft.office
Key InstallAutoUpdate
Data Type Boolean
Possible values true (default)
Availability 16.30
Comments This preference must be implemented through a Configuration Profile/MDM to be effective. It will not work when using the defaults command.