다음을 통해 공유

Table Class



This class is available in Office 2007 and above.

When the object is serialized out as xml, it's qualified name is x:table.

[DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SchemaAttr(22, "table")]
public class Table : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.OpenXmlPartRootElement
public class Table : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.OpenXmlPartRootElement
[DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SchemaAttr(22, "table")]
public class Table : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.OpenXmlPartRootElement
public class Table : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.OpenXmlPartRootElement
public class Table : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.TypedOpenXmlPartRootElement
public class Table : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.OpenXmlPartRootElement
public class Table : DocumentFormat.OpenXml.OpenXmlPartRootElement
[<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SchemaAttr(22, "table")>]
type Table = class
    inherit OpenXmlPartRootElement
type Table = class
    inherit OpenXmlPartRootElement
[<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SchemaAttr(22, "table")>]
type Table = class
    inherit OpenXmlPartRootElement
type Table = class
    inherit OpenXmlPartRootElement
type Table = class
    inherit TypedOpenXmlPartRootElement
type Table = class
    inherit OpenXmlPartRootElement
type Table = class
    inherit OpenXmlPartRootElement
Public Class Table
Inherits OpenXmlPartRootElement
Public Class Table
Inherits TypedOpenXmlPartRootElement


[ISO/IEC 29500-1 1st Edition]

table (Table)

This element is the root element for a table that is not a single cell XML table.

Parent Elements
Root element of SpreadsheetML Table Definitions part
Child Elements Subclause
autoFilter (AutoFilter Settings) §
extLst (Future Feature Data Storage Area) §18.2.10
sortState (Sort State) §
tableColumns (Table Columns) §
tableStyleInfo (Table Style) §
Attributes Description
comment (Table Comment) A string representing a textual comment about the table.

[Note: This can be used by the spreadsheet application in other UI. end note] [Example: There can be name UI that is used to organize defined names and function references, if tables are listed in that UI the comment can give more information about the table. end example]

The maximum length of this string should be 32767 characters.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_Xstring simple type (§
connectionId (Connection ID) An integer representing an ID to indicate which connection from the connections collection is used by this table.

This shall only be used for tables that are based off of xml maps.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the W3C XML Schema unsignedInt datatype.
dataCellStyle (Data Style Name) A string representing the name of the cell style that is applied to the data area cells of the table.

If this string is missing or does not correspond to the name of a cell style, then the data cell style specified by the current table style should be applied.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_Xstring simple type (§
dataDxfId (Data Area Format Id) A zero based integer index into the differential formatting records <dxfs> in the styleSheet indicating which format to apply to the data area of this table.

The spreadsheet should fail to load if this index is out of bounds.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_DxfId simple type (§18.18.25).
displayName (Table Name) A string representing the name of the table. This is the name that shall be used in formula references, and displayed in the UI to the spreadsheet user.

This name shall not have any spaces in it, and it shall be unique amongst all other displayNames and definedNames in the workbook. The character lengths and restrictions are the same as for definedNames. See SpreadsheetML Reference - Workbook definedNames section for details

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_Xstring simple type (§
headerRowBorderDxfId (Header Row Border Format Id) A zero based integer index into the differential formatting records <dxfs> in the styleSheet indicating what border formatting to apply to the header row of this table.

The spreadsheet should fail to load if this index is out of bounds.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_DxfId simple type (§18.18.25).
headerRowCellStyle (Header Row Style) A string representing the name of the cell style that is applied to the header row cells of the table.

If this string is missing or does not correspond to the name of a cell style, then the header row style specified by the current table style should be applied.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_Xstring simple type (§
headerRowCount (Header Row Count) An integer representing the number of header rows showing at the top of the table. 0 means that the header row is not shown.

It is up to the spreadsheet application to determine if numbers greater than 1 are allowed. Unless the spreadsheet application has a feature where there might ever be more than one header row, this number should not be higher than 1.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the W3C XML Schema unsignedInt datatype.
headerRowDxfId (Header Row Format Id) A zero based integer index into the differential formatting records *<dxfs>*in the styleSheet indicating which format to apply to the header row of this table.

The spreadsheet should fail to load if this index is out of bounds.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_DxfId simple type (§18.18.25).
id (Table Id) A non zero integer representing the unique identifier for this table. Each table in the workbook shall have a unique id.

Ids can be used to refer to the specific table in the workbook. [Note: For instance a future records bucket could refer to the table using this id. end note]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the W3C XML Schema unsignedInt datatype.
insertRow (Insert Row Showing) A Boolean value indicating whether the insert row is showing. True when the insert row is showing, false otherwise.

The insert row should only be shown if the table has no data.

When a user clicks the insert row in the UI, it provides them an easy way to enter data into a table.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the W3C XML Schema boolean datatype.
insertRowShift (Insert Row Shift) A Boolean that indicates whether cells in the sheet had to be inserted when the insert row was shown for this table. True if the cells were shifted, false otherwise.

[Note: This happens when there are values in cells immediately below the table when the table is created and the insert row is shown. In this case blank cells for the insert row are inserted, and the existing values in the sheet are shifted down by one row to make room.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the W3C XML Schema boolean datatype.
name (Name) A string representing the name of the table that is used to reference the table programmatically through the spreadsheet applications object model. This string shall be unique per table per sheet. It has the same length and character restrictions as for displayName.

By default this should be the same as the table's displayName. This name should also be kept in synch with the displayName when the displayName is updated in the UI by the spreadsheet user.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_Xstring simple type (§
published (Published) A Boolean representing whether this table is marked as published for viewing by a server based spreadsheet application. True if it should be viewed by the server spreadsheet application, false otherwise.

[Note: Such an application might only display objects from the workbook that are marked as published, thus being able to load and calculate the entire workbook but only show the specific items that are marked as published. This can allow the server spreadsheet rendering to provide a more restricted view of the workbook. end note]

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the W3C XML Schema boolean datatype.
ref (Reference) The range on the relevant sheet that the table occupies expressed using A1 style referencing.

The reference shall include the totals row if it is shown.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_Ref simple type (§18.18.62).
tableBorderDxfId (Table Border Format Id) A zero based integer index into the differential formatting records <dxfs> in the styleSheet indicating what border formatting to apply to the borders of this table.

The spreadsheet should fail to load if this index is out of bounds.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_DxfId simple type (§18.18.25).
tableType (Table Type) An optional enumeration specifying the type or source of the table.

Indicates whether the table is based off of an external data query, data in a worksheet, or from an xml data mapped to a worksheet.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_TableType simple type (§18.18.78).
totalsRowBorderDxfId (Totals Row Border Format Id) A zero based integer index into the differential formatting records <dxfs> in the styleSheet indicating what border formatting to apply to the totals row of this table.

The spreadsheet should fail to load if this index is out of bounds.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_DxfId simple type (§18.18.25).
totalsRowCellStyle (Totals Row Style) A string representing the name of the cell style that is applied to the totals row cells of the table.

If this string is missing or does not correspond to the name of a cell style, then the totals row style specified by the current table style should be applied.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_Xstring simple type (§
totalsRowCount (Totals Row Count) An integer representing the number of totals rows that shall be shown at the bottom of the table.

0 means that the totals row is not shown. It is up to the spreadsheet application to determine if numbers greater than 1 are allowed. Unless the spreadsheet application has a feature where their might ever be more than one totals row, this number should not be higher than 1.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the W3C XML Schema unsignedInt datatype.
totalsRowDxfId (Totals Row Format Id) A zero based integer index into the differential formatting records <dxfs> in the styleSheet indicating which format to apply to the totals row of this table.

The spreadsheet should fail to load if this index is out of bounds.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the ST_DxfId simple type (§18.18.25).
totalsRowShown (Totals Row Shown) A Boolean indicating whether the totals row has ever been shown in the past for this table. True if the totals row has been shown, false otherwise.

The possible values for this attribute are defined by the W3C XML Schema boolean datatype.

[Note: The W3C XML Schema definition of this element’s content model (CT_Table) is located in §A.2. end note]

� ISO/IEC29500: 2008.



Initializes a new instance of the Table class.


Initializes a new instance of the Table class with the specified child elements.


Initializes a new instance of the Table class with the specified child elements.


Initializes a new instance of the Table class from outer XML.



Table AutoFilter.

Represents the following element tag in the schema: x:autoFilter.


Table Border Format Id

Represents the following attribute in the schema: tableBorderDxfId


Gets all the child nodes of the current element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Table Comment

Represents the following attribute in the schema: comment


Connection ID

Represents the following attribute in the schema: connectionId


Data Style Name

Represents the following attribute in the schema: dataCellStyle


Data Area Format Id

Represents the following attribute in the schema: dataDxfId


Table Name

Represents the following attribute in the schema: displayName


Gets all extended attributes (attributes not defined in the schema) of the current element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Gets a IFeatureCollection for the current element. This feature collection will be read-only, but will inherit features from its parent part and package if available.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Gets the first child of the current OpenXmlElement element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlCompositeElement)

Gets a value indicating whether the current element has any attributes.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Gets a value that indicates whether the current element has any child elements.

(Inherited from OpenXmlCompositeElement)

Header Row Border Format Id

Represents the following attribute in the schema: headerRowBorderDxfId


Header Row Style

Represents the following attribute in the schema: headerRowCellStyle


Header Row Count

Represents the following attribute in the schema: headerRowCount


Header Row Format Id

Represents the following attribute in the schema: headerRowDxfId


Table Id

Represents the following attribute in the schema: id


Gets or sets the concatenated values of the current node and all of its children.

(Inherited from OpenXmlCompositeElement)

Gets or sets the markup that represents only the child nodes of the current node.

(Inherited from OpenXmlCompositeElement)

Insert Row Showing

Represents the following attribute in the schema: insertRow


Insert Row Shift

Represents the following attribute in the schema: insertRowShift


Gets the last child of the current OpenXmlElement element. Returns null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if there is no such OpenXmlElement element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlCompositeElement)

Gets the local name of the current element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Gets or sets the markup compatibility attributes. Returns null if no markup compatibility attributes are defined for the current element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)


Represents the following attribute in the schema: name


Gets all the namespace declarations defined in the current element. Returns an empty enumerator if there is no namespace declaration.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Gets the namespace URI of the current element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Gets the OpenXmlElementContext of the current element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Gets the part that is associated with the DOM tree. It returns null when the DOM tree is not associated with a part.

(Inherited from OpenXmlPartRootElement)

Gets the markup that represents the current element and all of its child elements.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Gets the parent element of the current element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Gets the namespace prefix of current element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)


Represents the following attribute in the schema: published



Represents the following attribute in the schema: ref


Sort State.

Represents the following element tag in the schema: x:sortState.


Table Columns.

Represents the following element tag in the schema: x:tableColumns.


Gets the TableDefinitionPart associated with this element.


Future Feature Data Storage Area.

Represents the following element tag in the schema: x:extLst.


Table Style.

Represents the following element tag in the schema: x:tableStyleInfo.


Table Type

Represents the following attribute in the schema: tableType


Totals Row Border Format Id

Represents the following attribute in the schema: totalsRowBorderDxfId


Totals Row Style

Represents the following attribute in the schema: totalsRowCellStyle


Totals Row Count

Represents the following attribute in the schema: totalsRowCount


Totals Row Format Id

Represents the following attribute in the schema: totalsRowDxfId


Totals Row Shown

Represents the following attribute in the schema: totalsRowShown


Gets the qualified name of the current element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Gets the qualified name of the current element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)



Adds an object to the current OpenXmlElement element's list of annotations.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)
AddChild(OpenXmlElement, Boolean)

Adds the specified element to the element if it is a known child. This adds the element in the correct location according to the schema.

(Inherited from OpenXmlCompositeElement)
AddNamespaceDeclaration(String, String)

Adds a namespace declaration to the current node.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Enumerates all of the current element's ancestors.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Enumerates only the current element's ancestors that have the specified type.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Get the first annotation object of the specified type from the current OpenXmlElement element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Get the first annotation object of the specified type from the current OpenXmlElement element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Gets a collection of annotations with the specified type for the current OpenXmlElement element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Gets a collection of annotations with the specified type for the current OpenXmlElement element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Appends each element from a list of elements to the end of the current element's list of child elements.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Appends each element from an array of elements to the end of the current element's list of child elements.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Appends the specified element to the end of the current element's list of child nodes.

(Inherited from OpenXmlCompositeElement)

Clears all of the attributes, including both known attributes and extended attributes.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Creates a duplicate of the current node.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Creates a duplicate of this node.


Enumerates all of the current element's descendants.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Enumerate all of the current element's descendants of type T.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Enumerates all of the current element's children.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Enumerates only the current element's children that have the specified type.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Enumerates all of the sibling elements that follow the current element and have the same parent as the current element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Enumerates all of the sibling elements that precede the current element and have the same parent as the current element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)
GetAttribute(String, String)

Gets an Open XML attribute with the specified tag name and namespace URI.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Gets a list that contains a copy of all the attributes.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Returns an enumerator that iterates through the child collection.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Finds the first child element in type T.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)
InsertAfter<T>(T, OpenXmlElement)

Inserts the specified element immediately after the specified reference element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlCompositeElement)

Inserts the specified element immediately after the current element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)
InsertAt<T>(T, Int32)

Inserts the specified element at the specified index of the current element's children.

(Inherited from OpenXmlCompositeElement)
InsertBefore<T>(T, OpenXmlElement)

Inserts the specified element immediately before the specified reference element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlCompositeElement)

Inserts the specified element immediately before the current element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Determines if the current element appears after a specified element in document order.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Determines if the current element appears before a specified element in document order.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Loads the DOM from the TableDefinitionPart


Resolves the namespace prefix in the context of the current node.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Finds the corresponding prefix for a namespace uri in the current element scope.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Gets the OpenXmlElement element that immediately follows the current OpenXmlElement element. Returns null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if there is no next OpenXmlElement element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Gets the OpenXmlElement element with the specified type that follows the current OpenXmlElement element. Returns null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if there is no next OpenXmlElement.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Inserts the specified element at the beginning of the current element's list of child nodes.

(Inherited from OpenXmlCompositeElement)

Gets the OpenXmlElement element that immediately precedes the current OpenXmlElement element. Returns null (Nothing in Visual Basic ) if there is no preceding OpenXmlElement element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Gets the OpenXmlElement element with the specified type that precedes the current OpenXmlElement. Returns null (Nothing in Visual Basic) if there is no preceding OpenXmlElement element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Reloads the part content into an Open XML DOM tree. This method can be called multiple times and each time it is called, the tree will be reloaded and previous changes on the tree are abandoned.

(Inherited from OpenXmlPartRootElement)

Removes the current element from its parent.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Removes all of the current element's child elements.

(Inherited from OpenXmlCompositeElement)

Remove all of the current element's child elements that are of type T.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Removes the annotations of the specified type from the current OpenXmlElement element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Removes the annotations with the specified type from the current OpenXmlElement element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)
RemoveAttribute(String, String)

Removes the attribute from the current element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Removes the specified child element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlCompositeElement)

Removes the namespace declaration for the specified prefix. Removes nothing if there is no prefix.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)
ReplaceChild<T>(OpenXmlElement, T)

Replaces one of the current element's child elements with another OpenXmlElement element.

(Inherited from OpenXmlCompositeElement)

Saves the data in the DOM tree back to the part. This method can be called multiple times and each time it is called, the stream will be flushed.

(Inherited from OpenXmlPartRootElement)

Saves the DOM tree to the specified stream.

(Inherited from OpenXmlPartRootElement)

Saves the DOM into the TableDefinitionPart.


Sets an attribute to the specified element. If the attribute is a known attribute, the value of the attribute is set. If the attribute is an extended attribute, the 'openxmlAttribute' is added to the extended attributes list.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Sets a number of attributes to the element. If an attribute is a known attribute, the value of the attribute is set. If an attribute is an extended attribute, the 'openxmlAttribute' is added to the extended attributes list.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Saves the current node to the specified XmlWriter.

(Inherited from OpenXmlPartRootElement)

Explicit Interface Implementations

IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() (Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Returns an enumerator that iterates through the child collection.

(Inherited from OpenXmlElement)

Applies to