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TransferErrorCode Enum


Error codes for TransferException.

public enum TransferErrorCode
type TransferErrorCode = 
Public Enum TransferErrorCode


AsyncCopyFailed 8

Failed to do asynchronous copy.

FailedCheckingShouldTransfer 22

Failed when trying in ShouldTransferCallbackAsync.

FailedToCreateDirectory 20

Failed to create directory because a file already exists with the same name.

FailToAllocateMemory 12

Fails to allocate memory in MemoryManager.

FailToEnumerateDirectory 16

Fails to enumerate directory.

FailToGetSourceLastWriteTime 13

Fails to get source's last write time.

FailToRetrieveCopyStateForObject 11

AsyncCopyControler fails to retrieve CopyState for the object which we are to monitor.

FailToVadlidateDestination 17

Fails to validate destination.

LocalToLocalTransfersUnsupported 7

Both Source and Destination are locally accessible locations. At least one of source and destination should be an Azure Storage location.

MismatchCopyId 10

AsyncCopyController detects mismatch between copy id stored in transfer entry and that retrieved from server.

None 0

No error.

NotOverwriteExistingDestination 14

User choose not to overwrite existing destination.

OpenFileFailed 3

Failed to open file for upload or download.

OperationCanceled 6

User canceled.

SameSourceAndDestination 9

Source and destination are the same.

SubTransferFails 18

Sub transfer fails.

TransferAlreadyExists 15

Transfer with the same source and destination already exists.

Unknown 32

Uncategorized transfer error.

UnsupportedDummyTransfer 21

The transfer type didn't support dummy transfer.

UploadBlobSourceFileSizeInvalid 5

The file size is invalid for the specified blob type.

UploadFileSourceFileSizeInvalid 19

The source file size is invalid for azure file.

UploadSourceFileSizeTooLarge 4

The file to transfer is too large for the destination.

Applies to