
다음을 통해 공유

XlChartType Enum


You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Specifies the chart type.

public enum class XlChartType
public enum XlChartType
type XlChartType = 
Public Enum XlChartType


xl3DArea -4098

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 3D Area

xl3DAreaStacked 78

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 3D Stacked Area

xl3DAreaStacked100 79

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 100% Stacked Area

xl3DBarClustered 60

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 3D Clustered Bar

xl3DBarStacked 61

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 3D Stacked Bar

xl3DBarStacked100 62

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 3D 100% Stacked Bar

xl3DColumn -4100

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 3D Column

xl3DColumnClustered 54

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 3D Clustered Column

xl3DColumnStacked 55

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 3D Stacked Column

xl3DColumnStacked100 56

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 3D 100% Stacked Bar

xl3DLine -4101

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 3D Line

xl3DPie -4102

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 3D Pie

xl3DPieExploded 70

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Exploded 3D Pie

xlArea 1

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Area

xlAreaStacked 76

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Stacked Area

xlAreaStacked100 77

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 100% Stacked Area

xlBarClustered 57

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Clustered Bar

xlBarOfPie 71

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Bar of Pie

xlBarStacked 58

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Stacked Bar

xlBarStacked100 59

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 100% Stacked Bar

xlBubble 15

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Bubble

xlBubble3DEffect 87

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Bubble with 3D effects

xlColumnClustered 51

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 3D Clustered Column

xlColumnStacked 52

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Stacked Column

xlColumnStacked100 53

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 100% Stacked Column

xlCombo -4152

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA).

xlComboAreaStackedColumnClustered 115

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA).

xlComboColumnClusteredLine 113

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA).

xlComboColumnClusteredLineSecondaryAxis 114

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA).

xlConeBarClustered 102

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Clustered Cone Bar

xlConeBarStacked 103

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Stacked Cone Bar

xlConeBarStacked100 104

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 100% Stacked Cone Bar

xlConeCol 105

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 3D Cone Column

xlConeColClustered 99

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Clustered Cone Column

xlConeColStacked 100

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Stacked Cone Column

xlConeColStacked100 101

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 100% Stacked Cone Column

xlCylinderBarClustered 95

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Clustered Cylinder Bar

xlCylinderBarStacked 96

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Stacked Cylinder Bar

xlCylinderBarStacked100 97

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 100% Stacked Cylinder Bar

xlCylinderCol 98

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 3D Cylinder Column

xlCylinderColClustered 92

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Clustered Cone Column

xlCylinderColStacked 93

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Stacked Cylinder Bar

xlCylinderColStacked100 94

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 100% Stacked Cylinder Column

xlDoughnut -4120

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Doughnut

xlDoughnutExploded 80

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Exploded Doughnut

xlLine 4

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Line

xlLineMarkers 65

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Line with Markers

xlLineMarkersStacked 66

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Stacked Line with Markers

xlLineMarkersStacked100 67

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 100% Stacked Line with Markers

xlLineStacked 63

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Stacked Line

xlLineStacked100 64

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 100% Stacked Line

xlOtherCombinations 116

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA).

xlPie 5

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Pie

xlPieExploded 69

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Exploded Pie

xlPieOfPie 68

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Pie of Pie

xlPyramidBarClustered 109

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Clustered Pyramid Bar

xlPyramidBarStacked 110

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Stacked Pyramid Bar

xlPyramidBarStacked100 111

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 100% Stacked Pyramid Bar

xlPyramidCol 112

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 3D Pyramid Column

xlPyramidColClustered 106

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Clustered Pyramid Column

xlPyramidColStacked 107

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Stacked Pyramid Column

xlPyramidColStacked100 108

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 100% Stacked Pyramid Column

xlRadar -4151

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Radar

xlRadarFilled 82

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Filled Radar

xlRadarMarkers 81

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Radar with Data Markers

xlStockHLC 88

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). High-Low-Close

xlStockOHLC 89

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Open-High-Low-Close

xlStockVHLC 90

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Volume-High-Low-Close

xlStockVOHLC 91

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Volume-Open-High-Low-Close

xlSuggestedChart -2

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA).

xlSurface 83

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 3D Surface

xlSurfaceTopView 85

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Surface (Top View)

xlSurfaceTopViewWireframe 86

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Surface (Top View wireframe)

xlSurfaceWireframe 84

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). 3D Surface (wireframe)

xlXYScatter -4169

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Scatter

xlXYScatterLines 74

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Scatter with Lines

xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers 75

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Scatter with Lines and No Data Markers

xlXYScatterSmooth 72

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Scatter with Smoothed Lines

xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers 73

You should access and use this enumeration from the Excel primary interop assembly (PIA). Scatter with Smoothed Lines and No Data Markers

Applies to