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PublishOptions Class


Configures options for what will be reported when performing certain operations from DacServices, in particular whether a DeployReport and/or DeployScript will be generated

public sealed class PublishOptions
type PublishOptions = class
Public NotInheritable Class PublishOptions



Configures options for what will be reported when performing certain operations from DacServices, in particular whether a DeployReport and/or DeployScript will be generated



Nullable CancellationToken to allow the caller to cancel a deployment


Optional path to write the DB-level deployment script, if GenerateDeploymentScript is true. This script contains all operations that must be done against the database during deployment.


Optional DacDeployOptions to configure a range of deployment options.


Sets whether a Deployment Report should be generated during deploy. This report is a high-level summary of actions being performed during deployment.


Sets whether Deployment Script(s) should be generated during deploy. If true, a script to update the database will be generated, and a script to update Master may also be generated if the target is an Azure SQL DB and this database has not yet been created.


Optional path to write the master database-level deployment script, if GenerateDeploymentScript is true. This script is only created if Azure SQL DB is the target as USE statements are not supported on that platform. It contains all operations that must be done against the master database, for instance Create Database statements

Applies to