다음을 통해 공유

ServiceCostLineItem.ChargeType Property


Gets or sets the the charge type associated.

public string ChargeType { get; set; }
member this.ChargeType : string with get, set
Public Property ChargeType As String

Property Value

Charges: PURCHASE_FEE: Initial charge for a subscription. CYCLE_FEE: Periodic charges for a subscription. ConvertResources: CANCEL_USAGEFEE: Access usage fee upon cancellation for unpaid usage during the current billing period. CYCLE_USAGEFEE: Access usage fee for the current billing period. PRORATIONS: PURCHASE_PRORATE: Prorated fees upon purchase. CANCEL_PRORATE: Prorated refund for unused portion of service upon cancellation. ACTIVATION_PRORATE: Prorated fees from activation until end of billing period. RENEW_PRORATE: Prorated fees upon subscription renewal. InstanceProrates: CANCEL_INSTANCEPRORATE: Prorated charges refunded to the customer when associated seats are changed. CYCLE_INSTANCEPRORATE: Prorated charges assessed from the customer when associated seats are changed. Credits: CREDIT: Credit applied to a payment instrument. Offsets: OFFSET_LINEITEM: Partial or whole refund to a line item. ONE_TIME_REFUND: One Time Refund processed for the customer. TAX_REFUND: Refund due to validation of tax exemption certificate. Discounts: ACTIVATION_DISCOUNT: Discount applied when subscription activated. CYCLE_DISCOUNT: Discount applied on periodic charges. RENEW_DISCOUNT: Discount applied when subscription renewed. CANCEL_DISCOUNT: Charges applied when discounts cancelled. Usage Based: ASSESS USAGE FEE FOR CURRENT CYCLE.

Applies to