다음을 통해 공유

DirectoryEntries.Remove(DirectoryEntry) 메서드


이 컬렉션의 멤버를 삭제합니다.

 void Remove(System::DirectoryServices::DirectoryEntry ^ entry);
public void Remove (System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry entry);
member this.Remove : System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry -> unit
Public Sub Remove (entry As DirectoryEntry)

매개 변수


삭제할 DirectoryEntry 개체의 이름입니다.


기본 인터페이스를 호출하는 동안 오류가 발생한 경우


다음 Visual Basic.NET 예제에서는 새 DirectoryEntry 지정된 된 경로 사용 하 여 개체, 한 다음 컨테이너에 새 항목을 만듭니다 및 저장 합니다. 마지막으로, 새 항목을 검색 하 고 삭제 합니다.

Imports System  
Imports System.DirectoryServices  

Class MyClass1  
   Shared Sub Main()  
         Dim strPath As String = "IIS://localhost/W3SVC/1/Root"  
         Dim strName As String = ""  

         ' Create a new 'DirectoryEntry' object with the given path.  
         Dim myDE As New DirectoryEntry(strPath)  
         Dim myEntries As DirectoryEntries = myDE.Children  

         ' Create a new entry 'Sample' in the container.  
         Dim myDirectoryEntry As DirectoryEntry = myEntries.Add("Sample", myDE.SchemaClassName)  
         ' Save changes of entry in the 'Active Directory Domain Services'.  
         Console.WriteLine(myDirectoryEntry.Name + " entry is created in container.")  

         ' Find 'Sample' entry in container.  
         myDirectoryEntry = myEntries.Find("Sample", myDE.SchemaClassName)  
         Console.WriteLine(myDirectoryEntry.Name + " found in container.")  
         ' Remove 'Sample' entry from container.  
         strName = myDirectoryEntry.Name  
         Console.WriteLine(strName + " entry is removed from container.")  

      Catch e As Exception  
         Console.WriteLine("The following exception was raised : {0}", e.Message.ToString())  
      End Try  
   End Sub 'Main  
End Class 'MyClass1  

다음 C# 예제에서는 새 DirectoryEntry 지정된 된 경로 사용 하 여 개체, 한 다음 컨테이너에 새 항목을 만듭니다 및 저장 합니다. 마지막으로, 새 항목을 검색 하 고 삭제 합니다.

using System;  
using System.DirectoryServices;   

class MyClass1  
   static void Main()  
         String strPath = "IIS://localhost/W3SVC/1/Root";  
         String strName = "";  

         // Create a new 'DirectoryEntry' object with the given path.  
         DirectoryEntry myDE = new DirectoryEntry(strPath);  
         DirectoryEntries myEntries = myDE.Children;  

         // Create a new entry 'Sample' in the container.  
         DirectoryEntry myDirectoryEntry =   
            myEntries.Add("Sample", myDE.SchemaClassName);  
         // Save changes of entry in the 'Active Directory Domain Services'.  
         Console.WriteLine (myDirectoryEntry.Name +   
            " entry is created in container.");  

         // Find 'Sample' entry in container.  
         myDirectoryEntry = myEntries.Find("Sample", myDE.SchemaClassName);  
         Console.WriteLine(myDirectoryEntry.Name + " found in container.");  
         // Remove 'Sample' entry from container.  
         strName = myDirectoryEntry.Name;  
         Console.WriteLine(strName+ " entry is removed from container.");  

      catch(Exception e)  
         Console.WriteLine("The following exception was raised : {0}",  

다음 c + + 예제에서는 새 DirectoryEntry 지정된 된 경로 사용 하 여 개체, 한 다음 컨테이너에 새 항목을 만듭니다 및 저장 합니다. 마지막으로, 새 항목을 검색 하 고 삭제 합니다.

#using <mscorlib.dll>  
#using <System.dll>  
#using <System.Directoryservices.dll>  

using namespace System;  
using namespace System::DirectoryServices;   

int main() {  
    try {  
        String* strPath = S"IIS://localhost/W3SVC/1/Root";  
        String* strName = S"";  

        // Create a new 'DirectoryEntry' object with the given path.  
        DirectoryEntry* myDE = new DirectoryEntry(strPath);  
        DirectoryEntries* myEntries = myDE->Children;  

        // Create a new entry 'Sample' in the container.  
        DirectoryEntry* myDirectoryEntry =  myEntries->Add(S"Sample", myDE->SchemaClassName);  
        // Save changes of entry in the 'Active Directory Domain Services'.  
        Console::WriteLine(S"{0} entry is created in container.", myDirectoryEntry->Name);  

        // Find 'Sample' entry in container.  
        myDirectoryEntry = myEntries->Find(S"Sample", myDE->SchemaClassName);  
        Console::WriteLine(S"{0} found in container.", myDirectoryEntry->Name);  
        // Remove 'Sample' entry from container.  
        strName = myDirectoryEntry->Name;  
        Console::WriteLine(S"{0} entry is removed from container.", strName);  
    } catch(Exception* e) {  
        Console::WriteLine(S"The following exception was raised : {0}", e->Message);  


제거할 엔트리의 컨테이너인 경우 컨테이너는 비어 있어야 합니다. 컨테이너 및 모든 해당 하위 항목을 삭제 하려면 사용 된 DeleteTree 메서드.

적용 대상