System.Fabric.Description Namespace
Some information relates to prerelease product that may be substantially modified before it’s released. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here.
Add |
Represents a scaling mechanism for adding or removing named partitions of a service. When this mechanism is used there will be new named partitions added or removed from this service. The expected schema of named partitions is "0","1",..."N-1" when N partitions are needed. Should be used with AverageServiceLoadScalingTrigger. |
Application |
Describes an application to be created by using CreateApplicationAsync(ApplicationDescription). |
Application |
Represents the query input for getting application health. Used by GetApplicationHealthAsync(ApplicationHealthQueryDescription). |
Application |
Specifies the application capacity for one metric. |
Application |
Represents the query input used by GetApplicationNetworkListAsync(ApplicationNetworkQueryDescription). |
Application |
Provides an application parameter override to be applied when creating or upgrading an application. Note, overridden application parameter values are not preserved across application upgrades. To retain the overridden parameter values across application upgrades, the user should first fetch the list of overridden application parameters through GetApplication query and then pass that list of overridden parameters to UpgradeApplicationAsync(ApplicationUpgradeDescription). |
Application |
Represents the list of application parameters applied to the current version of the application. Retrieved using GetApplicationListAsync(Uri). This class derives from a KeyedCollection whose string key is the name of the associated ApplicationParameter. |
Application |
Describes the application principals of the service. |
Application |
Represents the query input used by GetApplicationPagedListAsync(ApplicationQueryDescription, TimeSpan, CancellationToken). |
Application |
Describes an update of application capacity that will be updated using UpdateApplicationAsync(ApplicationUpdateDescription) |
Application |
Describes the upgrade policy and the application to be upgraded. |
Application |
Used to modify the upgrade parameters describing the behavior of application upgrades. See UpdateApplicationUpgradeAsync(ApplicationUpgradeUpdateDescription). |
Authorized |
Class definition of an Authorized Connection Request that can setup an mTLS channel. |
Authorized |
Class definition of the Authorized Connection response that can set up an mTLS channel. |
Average |
Represents a scaling policy related to an average load of a metric/resource of a partition. When this policy is used the service fabric platform will trigger scaling if the average load of a partition does not fit inside the limits specified for a particular metric. Should be used with PartitionInstanceCountScaleMechanism. |
Average |
Represents a scaling policy related to an average load of a metric/resource of a service. When this policy is used the service fabric platform will trigger scaling if the average load of a service does not fit inside the limits specified for a particular metric. Should be used with AddRemoveIncrementalNamedPartitionScalingMechanism. |
Cluster |
Describes the cluster health chunk query input. |
Cluster |
Provides query input for getting ClusterHealth. Used by GetClusterHealthAsync(ClusterHealthQueryDescription). |
Cluster |
Describes the query parameters for use with GetClusterManifestAsync(ClusterManifestQueryDescription, TimeSpan, CancellationToken). |
Code |
Describes a code package that includes its entry point. |
Config |
Specifies a named collection of configuration override. |
Config |
Specifies a named collection of configuration overrides. |
Configuration |
Describes a configuration package. |
Configuration |
Specifies a configuration setting and its value that can be used to configure a service or application. The settings are specified in the settings.xml file in the service manifest. For more information see |
Configuration |
Specifies a named collection of configuration properties. |
Configuration |
Describes the configuration settings. |
Configuration |
Represents a class to encapsulate parameters describing a Service Fabric cluster configuration upgrade. |
Container |
Provides information about the executable entry point. |
Data |
Describes a data package. |
Delete |
Describes an application to be deleted by using DeleteApplicationAsync(DeleteApplicationDescription, TimeSpan, CancellationToken). |
Delete |
Describes a container network to be deleted by using DeleteNetworkAsync(DeleteNetworkDescription, TimeSpan, CancellationToken). |
Delete |
Describes an service to be deleted by using DeleteServiceAsync(DeleteServiceDescription, TimeSpan, CancellationToken). |
Deployed |
Describes query input for getting DeployedApplicationHealth. Used by GetDeployedApplicationHealthAsync(DeployedApplicationHealthQueryDescription). |
Deployed |
Represents the query input used by GetDeployedNetworkCodePackageListAsync(DeployedNetworkCodePackageQueryDescription). |
Deployed |
Represents the query input used by GetDeployedNetworkListAsync(DeployedNetworkQueryDescription). |
Deployed |
Describes the query input for getting DeployedServicePackageHealth. Used by GetDeployedServicePackageHealthAsync(DeployedServicePackageHealthQueryDescription). |
Dll |
Reserved for future use. |
Dll |
Reserved for future use. |
Dll |
Reserved for future use. |
Dll |
Reserved for future use. |
Endpoint |
Describes the endpoint resource. |
Entry |
Describes an entry point that is associated with a code package. |
Exe |
Provides information about the executable entry point. |
External |
Describes a provision application type operation which uses an application package from an external store, as opposed to a package uploaded to the Service Fabric image store. The application type can be provisioned using ProvisionApplicationAsync(ProvisionApplicationTypeDescriptionBase, TimeSpan, CancellationToken). |
Fabric |
Represents a class to encapsulate a Service Fabric upgrade description. |
Fabric |
Used to modify the upgrade parameters describing the behavior cluster upgrades. See UpdateFabricUpgradeAsync(FabricUpgradeUpdateDescription). |
Image |
Provides information about how to get the image store content |
Instance |
Class for describing a instance lifecycle behavior. |
Loaded |
Represents a class for specifying a query to get top/least loaded partitions. GetLoadedPartitionInfoListAsync(LoadedPartitionInformationQueryDescription) |
Local |
Specifies the configuration of a local container network described by LocalNetworkDescription |
Local |
Describes a local container network |
Managed |
Provides an application parameter override to be applied when creating or upgrading an application. |
Managed |
Represents a description of a security identity. |
Managed |
Represents the list of application parameters applied to the current version of the application. Retrieved using GetApplicationListAsync(Uri). This class derives from a KeyedCollection whose string key is the name of the associated ApplicationParameter. |
Metric |
Specifies metric load information. |
Monitored |
Describes the behavior to use when performing an application upgrade. |
Monitored |
Describes the behavior to use when performing a cluster upgrade. |
Monitored |
Specifies the behavior to use when performing a monitored application or cluster upgrade. |
Named |
Describes the named partition scheme of the service. |
Named |
Describes partitioning changes for an existing service of partition scheme type Named. |
Network |
Represents the query input used by GetNetworkApplicationListAsync(NetworkApplicationQueryDescription). |
Network |
Describes the base class for network descriptions. |
Network |
Represents the query input used by GetNetworkNodeListAsync(NetworkNodeQueryDescription). |
Network |
Represents the query input used by GetNetworkListAsync(NetworkQueryDescription, TimeSpan, CancellationToken). |
Node |
Describes query input for getting NodeHealth. Used by GetNodeHealthAsync(NodeHealthQueryDescription). |
Node |
Describes a set of filters used when running the query GetNodePagedListAsync(NodeQueryDescription, TimeSpan, CancellationToken). |
Node |
Describes information about how a node should be started using StartNodeTransitionAsync(). |
Node |
Describes information about how a node should be stopped using StartNodeTransitionAsync(). |
Node |
Describes information about how a node should be transitioned, and is used with StartNodeTransitionAsync(). |
Package |
Represents a base class for all package descriptions. |
Paged |
Describes a set of filters used when running the query GetApplicationTypePagedListAsync(). |
Paged |
Describes a set of filters used when running the query GetDeployedApplicationPagedListAsync(PagedDeployedApplicationQueryDescription). |
Paged |
Describes a set of filters used when running the query GetDeployedServicePackagePagedListAsync(PagedDeployedServicePackageQueryDescription). |
Paged |
Represents the base class for all paged query descriptions. This class handles all functionality related to paging. |
Partition |
Describes query input for getting PartitionHealth. Used by GetPartitionHealthAsync(PartitionHealthQueryDescription). |
Partition |
Represents a scaling mechanism for adding or removing instances of stateless service partition. When this mechanism is used this will affect all partitions of a service and do independent scaling of each of them. Should be used with AveragePartitionLoadScalingTrigger. |
Partition |
Specifies metric loads of a partition. |
Partition |
Specifies move cost of a partition. |
Partition |
Describes how the service is partitioned. This is the parent entity from which the actual partitioning scheme descriptions are derived. |
Provision |
Describes a provision application type operation which uses an application package copied to a relative path in the image store. The application type can be provisioned using ProvisionApplicationAsync(ProvisionApplicationTypeDescriptionBase, TimeSpan, CancellationToken). |
Provision |
Represents the base class for provision application type classes. The provision description can be used to provision application types using ProvisionApplicationAsync(ProvisionApplicationTypeDescriptionBase, TimeSpan, CancellationToken). |
Repartition |
Describes partitioning changes for an existing service. |
Replica |
Describes the query input for getting ReplicaHealth. Used by GetReplicaHealthAsync(ReplicaHealthQueryDescription). |
Replica |
Class for describing a replica lifecycle behavior. |
Replica |
Specifies metric loads of a partition's specific replica or instance. |
Replica |
Specifies move cost of a partition's specific replica or instance. |
Rolling |
Represents a class to encapsulate a rolling upgrade monitoring policy. |
Rolling |
Description of the rolling upgrade policy. |
Run |
Describes the RunAsPolicy associated with a CodePackage specified in application manifest. |
Scaling |
Base class for describing different scaling mechanisms. Scaling mechanisms are a method of describing what should be done when a scaling operation is triggered. See AddRemoveIncrementalNamedPartitionScalingMechanism and PartitionInstanceCountScaleMechanism as examples of scaling mechanisms. |
Scaling |
Class for describing a scaling policy. Every scaling policy consists of a ScalingTriggerDescription which describes when scaling should occur and a ScalingMechanismDescription which describes how is scaling performed. |
Scaling |
Base class for describing different scaling triggers. Scaling triggers are used to describe under which conditions a scaling operation should happen. See AveragePartitionLoadScalingTrigger and AverageServiceLoadScalingTrigger as examples of scaling triggers. |
Security |
Represents a description of a security group. |
Security |
Represents a description for a security user. |
Service |
Creates a particular correlation between services. |
Service |
A ServiceDescription contains all of the information necessary to create a service. |
Service |
Describes a Service Fabric service to be created from Service Template that is pre-defined in the current Application Manifest. |
Service |
Provides a collection of information that is necessary to create and describe a service group. |
Service |
Describes a Service Group to be created from a Service Group Template that is pre-defined in the current Application Manifest. |
Service |
Describes a service that belongs to a service group. |
Service |
Represents the type description of the Fabric service group. |
Service |
Represents the type of member description for the service group. |
Service |
Modifies the ServiceGroupDescription of an existing service group. |
Service |
Provides query input for getting ServiceHealth. Used by GetServiceHealthAsync(ServiceHealthQueryDescription). |
Service |
Specifies a metric to load balance a service during runtime. |
Service |
Represents a class that is used to describe a filter for service notification delivery, registered via RegisterServiceNotificationFilterAsync(ServiceNotificationFilterDescription). |
Service |
Specifies the placement policy which allows placement of multiple stateless instances of a service partition on a node. |
Service |
Represents a policy which indicates that a particular fault or upgrade domain should not be used for placement of the instances or replicas of the service this policy is applied to. |
Service |
Placement policy description that describes a service placement where all replicas must be able to be placed in order for any replicas to be created. |
Service |
Represents the base type for all PlacementPolicyDescription types in the cluster. |
Service |
Represents a ServicePlacementPolicyDescription which indicates that the service’s Primary replicas should optimally be placed in a particular domain. |
Service |
Placement policy description that requires a replica to be placed in a particular domain. |
Service |
Specifies the placement policy which indicates that two replicas from the same partition should never be placed in the same fault or upgrade domain. While this is not common it can expose the service to an increased risk of concurrent failures due to unplanned outages or other cases of subsequent/concurrent failures. As an example, consider a case where replicas are deployed across different data center, with one replica per location. In the event that one of the datacenters goes offline, normally the replica that was placed in that datacenter will be packed into one of the remaining datacenters. If this is not desirable then this policy should be set. |
Service |
Represents the multiple filters that can be specified to refine the return. Used by GetServicePagedListAsync(ServiceQueryDescription, TimeSpan, CancellationToken). |
Service |
Class for describing a service tags. Every tags collection consists of tags required for placement, and tags required for service running. |
Service |
Describes the service type. |
Service |
Describes changes to the ServiceDescription of an existing service. |
Singleton |
Describes the partition scheme of a singleton-partitioned, or non-partitioned service. |
Start |
Describes information about which node should be poisoned, and is used with StartNodePoisonAsync(). |
Stateful |
Represents the extend ServiceDescription to provide additional information necessary to create stateful services. |
Stateful |
Specifies a metric for a stateful service. |
Stateful |
Describes the stateful service type. |
Stateful |
Describes changes to the StatefulServiceDescription of a running service performed via UpdateServiceAsync(Uri, ServiceUpdateDescription). |
Stateless |
Extends ServiceDescription to provide additional necessary information to create a stateless service. |
Stateless |
Specifies a metric for a stateless service. |
Stateless |
Describes the type of stateless service. |
Stateless |
Describes changes to the StatelessServiceDescription of a running service performed via UpdateServiceAsync(Uri, ServiceUpdateDescription). |
Uniform |
Describes a partitioning scheme where an integer range is allocated evenly across a number of partitions. |
Unprovision |
Describes an application type to be unprovisioned by using UnprovisionApplicationAsync(UnprovisionApplicationTypeDescription, TimeSpan, CancellationToken). |
Update |
Represents the query input used by UpdatePartitionLoadAsync(UpdatePartitionLoadQueryDescription, TimeSpan, CancellationToken). |
Update |
Represents the query input used by UpdatePartitionMoveCostAsync(UpdatePartitionMoveCostQueryDescription, TimeSpan, CancellationToken). |
Upgrade |
Describes the upgrade policy of the fabric or application upgrade. |
Upgrade |
Represents the abstract base class for ApplicationUpgradeUpdateDescription and FabricUpgradeUpdateDescription. This class can be used to modify the upgrade parameters describing the behavior of the application or cluster upgrades. Visit UpdateApplicationUpgradeAsync(ApplicationUpgradeUpdateDescription) and UpdateFabricUpgradeAsync(FabricUpgradeUpdateDescription) to see the usage. |
Validate |
Represents a class to encapsulate a Service Fabric upgrade validation result. |
Application |
Enumerates the filters used for matching the definition kind of applications that should be returned by query. |
Application |
Enumerates the options for the cleanup of application package policy. |
Application |
Enumerates the filters used for matching the definition kind of applications type that should be returned by query. |
Code |
Enumerates the possible types of entry points. |
Dll |
Reserved for future use. |
Dll |
Reserved for future use. |
Endpoint |
Enumerates the kinds of endpoint protocols. |
Endpoint |
Enumerates the kinds of endpoint types. |
Exe |
Enumerates the possible start folder types. |
Partition |
Enumerates the ways that a service can be partitioned. |
Provision |
Represents the provision application type kind, which gives information about how the application package is provisioned to image store. |
Scaling |
Enumerates the available mechanisms for scaling. |
Scaling |
Enumerates the available triggers for scaling. |
Service |
Indicates that this service is associated with another service, and describes the relationship with that service. |
Service |
Enumerates the kinds of service descriptions. |
Service |
Represents a class to encapsulate a service host upgrade impact. |
Service |
Describes the weight of a metric. |
Service |
Describes service package activation mode for a Service Fabric service. This is specified at the time of creating the Service (using CreateServiceAsync(ServiceDescription)) or ServiceGroup (using CreateServiceGroupAsync(ServiceGroupDescription)) via ServicePackageActivationMode. If no value is specified while creating the Service or ServiceGroup, then it defaults to SharedProcess mode. |
Service |
Indicates the type of the specific ServicePlacementPolicyDescription. |
Upgrade |
Enumerates the possible kinds of upgrade. |
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