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ErrorEventArgs(Exception) 생성자


ErrorEventArgs 클래스의 새 인스턴스를 초기화합니다.

 ErrorEventArgs(Exception ^ exception);
public ErrorEventArgs (Exception exception);
new System.IO.ErrorEventArgs : Exception -> System.IO.ErrorEventArgs
Public Sub New (exception As Exception)

매개 변수


발생한 오류를 나타내는 Exception입니다.


다음 예제에서는 의 새 instance ErrorEventArgs 만들고 를 사용하여 Exception초기화합니다. 그런 다음, 를 호출 GetException 하여 를 검색 Exception 하고 오류 메시지를 표시합니다. 이 코드와 연결된 양식이 없습니다.

int main()
   //Creates an exception with an error message.
   Exception^ myException = gcnew Exception( "This is an exception test" );
   //Creates an ErrorEventArgs with the exception.
   ErrorEventArgs^ myErrorEventArgs = gcnew ErrorEventArgs( myException );
   //Extracts the exception from the ErrorEventArgs and display it.
   Exception^ myReturnedException = myErrorEventArgs->GetException();
   MessageBox::Show( String::Concat( "The returned exception is: ", myReturnedException->Message ) );

public static void Main(string[] args) {
   //Creates an exception with an error message.
   Exception myException= new Exception("This is an exception test");

   //Creates an ErrorEventArgs with the exception.
   ErrorEventArgs myErrorEventArgs = new ErrorEventArgs(myException);

   //Extracts the exception from the ErrorEventArgs and display it.
   Exception myReturnedException = myErrorEventArgs.GetException();
   MessageBox.Show("The returned exception is: " + myReturnedException.Message);
Public Shared Sub Main()
    'Creates an exception with an error message.
    Dim myException As New Exception("This is an exception test")
    'Creates an ErrorEventArgs with the exception.
    Dim myErrorEventArgs As New ErrorEventArgs(myException)
    'Extracts the exception from the ErrorEventArgs and display it.
    Dim myReturnedException As Exception = myErrorEventArgs.GetException()
    MessageBox.Show("The returned exception is: " _
       + myReturnedException.Message)
End Sub

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