Stream.CreateWaitHandle 메서드



CreateWaitHandle will be removed eventually. Please use "new ManualResetEvent(false)" instead.


Stream.CreateWaitHandle has been deprecated. Use the ManualResetEvent(false) constructor instead.


CreateWaitHandle has been deprecated. Use the ManualResetEvent(false) constructor instead.

WaitHandle 개체를 할당합니다.

 virtual System::Threading::WaitHandle ^ CreateWaitHandle();
[System.Obsolete("CreateWaitHandle will be removed eventually.  Please use "new ManualResetEvent(false)" instead.")]
protected virtual System.Threading.WaitHandle CreateWaitHandle ();
[System.Obsolete("Stream.CreateWaitHandle has been deprecated. Use the ManualResetEvent(false) constructor instead.")]
protected virtual System.Threading.WaitHandle CreateWaitHandle ();
[System.Obsolete("CreateWaitHandle has been deprecated. Use the ManualResetEvent(false) constructor instead.")]
protected virtual System.Threading.WaitHandle CreateWaitHandle ();
protected virtual System.Threading.WaitHandle CreateWaitHandle ();
[<System.Obsolete("CreateWaitHandle will be removed eventually.  Please use "new ManualResetEvent(false)" instead.")>]
abstract member CreateWaitHandle : unit -> System.Threading.WaitHandle
override this.CreateWaitHandle : unit -> System.Threading.WaitHandle
[<System.Obsolete("Stream.CreateWaitHandle has been deprecated. Use the ManualResetEvent(false) constructor instead.")>]
abstract member CreateWaitHandle : unit -> System.Threading.WaitHandle
override this.CreateWaitHandle : unit -> System.Threading.WaitHandle
[<System.Obsolete("CreateWaitHandle has been deprecated. Use the ManualResetEvent(false) constructor instead.")>]
abstract member CreateWaitHandle : unit -> System.Threading.WaitHandle
override this.CreateWaitHandle : unit -> System.Threading.WaitHandle
abstract member CreateWaitHandle : unit -> System.Threading.WaitHandle
override this.CreateWaitHandle : unit -> System.Threading.WaitHandle
Protected Overridable Function CreateWaitHandle () As WaitHandle



할당된 WaitHandle에 대한 참조입니다.



처음으로 호출되면 현재 메서드는 개체를 WaitHandle 만들고 반환합니다. 후속 호출에서 CreateWaitHandle 새 대기 핸들에 대한 참조를 반환합니다.

비동기 메서드를 구현하고 비동기 작업이 완료될 때까지 또는 비동기 작업이 완료될 때까지 차단하는 EndRead EndWrite 방법이 필요한 경우 이 메서드를 사용합니다.

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