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WSManConnectionInfo Class


Class which defines path to a remote runspace that need to be created.

public ref class WSManConnectionInfo sealed : System::Management::Automation::Runspaces::RunspaceConnectionInfo
public sealed class WSManConnectionInfo : System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.RunspaceConnectionInfo
type WSManConnectionInfo = class
    inherit RunspaceConnectionInfo
Public NotInheritable Class WSManConnectionInfo
Inherits RunspaceConnectionInfo



Creates a WSManConnectionInfo for the following URI and with the default credentials, default server life time and default open timeout http://localhost/ The default shellname Microsoft.PowerShell will be used.

WSManConnectionInfo(Boolean, String, Int32, String, String, PSCredential)

Constructor used to create a WSManConnectionInfo.

WSManConnectionInfo(Boolean, String, Int32, String, String, PSCredential, Int32)

Constructor that constructs the configuration name from its type

WSManConnectionInfo(String, String, Int32, String, String, PSCredential)

Constructor used to create a WSManConnectionInfo.

WSManConnectionInfo(String, String, Int32, String, String, PSCredential, Int32)

Constructor used to create a WSManConnectionInfo.


Constructor to create a WSManConnectionInfo with a uri specified and the default credentials, default server life time and default open timeout.

WSManConnectionInfo(Uri, String, PSCredential)

Constructor to create a WSManConnectionInfo with a uri and explicit credentials - server life time is default and open timeout is default.

WSManConnectionInfo(Uri, String, String)

Constructor used to create a WSManConnectionInfo. This constructor supports a certificate thumbprint to be used while connecting to a remote machine instead of credential.



String for http scheme.


String for https scheme.


Maximum value for port.

(Inherited from RunspaceConnectionInfo)

Minimum value for port.

(Inherited from RunspaceConnectionInfo)



AppName which identifies the connection end point in the machine.


Authentication mechanism to use while connecting to the server.


The duration (in ms) for which PowerShell should wait before it times out on cancel operations (close runspace or stop powershell). For instance, when the user hits ctrl-C, New-PSSession cmdlet tries to call a stop on all remote runspaces which are in the Opening state. The administrator wouldn't mind waiting for 15 seconds, but this should be time bound and of a shorter duration. A high timeout here like 3 minutes will give the administrator a feeling that the PowerShell client is not responding.

(Inherited from RunspaceConnectionInfo)

ThumbPrint of a certificate used for connecting to a remote machine. When this is specified, you dont need to supply credential and authentication mechanism.


Name of the computer.


Uri associated with this connection path.


Credential used for the connection.


Culture that the remote session should use.

(Inherited from RunspaceConnectionInfo)

When true and in loopback scenario (localhost) this enables creation of WSMan host process with the user interactive token, allowing PowerShell script network access, i.e., allows going off box. When this property is true and a PSSession is disconnected, reconnection is allowed only if reconnecting from a PowerShell session on the same box.


The duration (in ms) for which a Runspace on server needs to wait before it declares the client dead and closes itself down. This is especially important as these values may have to be configured differently for enterprise administration and exchange scenarios.

(Inherited from RunspaceConnectionInfo)

Uses Service Principal Name (SPN) along with the Port number during authentication.


Specifies the maximum number of connection retries if previous connection attempts fail due to network issues.


The maximum allowed idle timeout duration (in ms) that can be set on a Runspace. This is a read-only property that is set once the Runspace is successfully created and opened.

(Inherited from RunspaceConnectionInfo)

Maximum uri redirection count.


Total data (in bytes) that can be received from a remote machine targeted towards a command. If null, then the size is unlimited. Default is unlimited data.


Maximum size (in bytes) of a deserialized object received from a remote machine. If null, then the size is unlimited. Default is unlimited object size.


Specifies that no encryption will be used when doing remote operations over http. Unencrypted traffic is not allowed by default and must be enabled in the local configuration.


If true then Operating System won't load the user profile (i.e. registry keys under HKCU) on the remote server which can result in a faster session creation time. This option won't have any effect if the remote machine has already loaded the profile (i.e. in another session).


The duration (in ms) for which PowerShell remoting waits before timing out on a connection to a remote machine. Simply put, the timeout for a remote runspace creation. The administrator would like to tweak this timeout depending on whether he/she is connecting to a machine in the data center or across a slow WAN.

(Inherited from RunspaceConnectionInfo)

The duration for which PowerShell remoting waits before timing out for any operation. The user would like to tweak this timeout depending on whether he/she is connecting to a machine in the data center or across a slow WAN.

Default: 3601000 == 3minutes.

(Inherited from RunspaceConnectionInfo)

Determines how server in disconnected state deals with cached output data when the cache becomes filled.


Port in which to connect.


By default, wsman uses IEConfig - the current user Internet Explorer proxy settings for the current active network connection. This option requires the user profile to be loaded, so the option can be directly used when called within a process that is running under an interactive user account identity; if the client application is running under a user context different then the interactive user, the client application has to explicitly load the user profile prior to using this option.

IMPORTANT: proxy configuration is supported for HTTPS only; for HTTP, the direct connection to the server is used.


The following is the definition of the input parameter "ProxyAuthentication". This parameter takes a set of authentication methods the user can select from. The available options should be as follows:

  • Negotiate: Use the default authentication (ad defined by the underlying protocol) for establishing a remote connection.
  • Basic: Use basic authentication for establishing a remote connection
  • Digest: Use Digest authentication for establishing a remote connection.

The following is the definition of the input parameter "ProxyCredential".


Scheme used for connection.


When connecting over HTTPS, the client does not validate that the server certificate is signed by a trusted certificate authority (CA). Use only when the remote computer is trusted by other means, for example, if the remote computer is part of a network that is physically secure and isolated or the remote computer is listed as a trusted host in WinRM configuration.


Indicates that certificate common name (CN) of the server need not match the hostname of the server. Used only in remote operations using https. This option should only be used for trusted machines.


Indicates that certificate common name (CN) of the server need not match the hostname of the server. Used only in remote operations using https. This option should only be used for trusted machines.


UI culture that the remote session should use.

(Inherited from RunspaceConnectionInfo)

If true, underlying WSMan infrastructure will compress data sent on the network. If false, data will not be compressed. Compression improves performance by reducing the amount of data sent on the network. Compression my require extra memory consumption and CPU usage. In cases where available memory / CPU is less, set this property to false. By default the value of this property is "true".


Indicates the request is encoded in UTF16 format rather than UTF8 format; UTF8 is the default.



Create a copy of the connection info object.


Create a copy of the connection info object.

(Inherited from RunspaceConnectionInfo)

Does a shallow copy of the current instance.

CreateClientSessionTransportManager(Guid, String, PSRemotingCryptoHelper)

Creates the appropriate client session transportmanager.

CreateClientSessionTransportManager(Guid, String, PSRemotingCryptoHelper)

Creates the appropriate client session transportmanager.

(Inherited from RunspaceConnectionInfo)

Populates session options from a PSSessionOption instance.

Applies to