다음을 통해 공유

Type.IsPrimitive 속성


Type 이 기본 형식 중 하나인지 여부를 나타내는 값을 가져옵니다.

 property bool IsPrimitive { bool get(); };
public bool IsPrimitive { get; }
member this.IsPrimitive : bool
Public ReadOnly Property IsPrimitive As Boolean

속성 값


true이 기본 형식 중 하나이면 Type이고, 그렇지 않으면 false입니다.



다음 예제에서는 IsContextful IsMarshalByRef IsPrimitive 클래스의, 및 속성 Type 을 보여 줍니다. 지정 된 형식이 참조로 마샬링될 수 있는지 여부 및 형식이 기본 데이터 형식 인지 여부를 확인 합니다.

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Runtime::Remoting::Contexts;

public ref class ContextBoundClass: public ContextBoundObject
      String^ Value;

public ref class Example
   void Demo()
      // Determine whether the types can be hosted in a Context.
      Console::WriteLine("The IsContextful property for the {0} type is {1}.",
                         Example::typeid->Name, Example::typeid->IsContextful);
      Console::WriteLine("The IsContextful property for the {0} type is {1}.",
                         ContextBoundClass::typeid->Name, ContextBoundClass::typeid->IsContextful);
      // Determine whether the types are marshalled by reference.
      Console::WriteLine("The IsMarshalByRef property of {0} is {1}.",
                         Example::typeid->Name, Example::typeid->IsMarshalByRef );
      Console::WriteLine("The IsMarshalByRef property of {0} is {1}.",
                         ContextBoundClass::typeid->Name, ContextBoundClass::typeid->IsMarshalByRef );
      // Determine whether the types are primitive datatypes.
      Console::WriteLine("{0} is a primitive data type: {1}.",
                         int::typeid->Name, int::typeid->IsPrimitive );
      Console::WriteLine("{0} is a primitive data type: {1}.",
                         String::typeid->Name, String::typeid->IsPrimitive );

int main()
   Example^ ex = gcnew Example;
// The example displays the following output:
//    The IsContextful property for the Example type is False.
//    The IsContextful property for the ContextBoundClass type is True.
//    The IsMarshalByRef property of Example is False.
//    The IsMarshalByRef property of ContextBoundClass is True.
//    Int32 is a primitive data type: True.
//    String is a primitive data type: False.
using System;
using System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts;

public class ContextBoundClass: ContextBoundObject
    public string Value = "The Value property.";

public class Example
    public static void Main()
         // Determine whether the types can be hosted in a Context.
         Console.WriteLine("The IsContextful property for the {0} type is {1}.",
                           typeof(Example).Name, typeof(Example).IsContextful);
         Console.WriteLine("The IsContextful property for the {0} type is {1}.",
                           typeof(ContextBoundClass).Name, typeof(ContextBoundClass).IsContextful);

         // Determine whether the types are marshalled by reference.
         Console.WriteLine("The IsMarshalByRef property of {0} is {1}.",
                           typeof(Example).Name, typeof(Example).IsMarshalByRef);
         Console.WriteLine("The IsMarshalByRef property of {0} is {1}.",
                           typeof(ContextBoundClass).Name, typeof(ContextBoundClass).IsMarshalByRef);

         // Determine whether the types are primitive datatypes.
         Console.WriteLine("{0} is a primitive data type: {1}.",
                           typeof(int).Name, typeof(int).IsPrimitive);
         Console.WriteLine("{0} is a primitive data type: {1}.",
                           typeof(string).Name, typeof(string).IsPrimitive);
// The example displays the following output:
//    The IsContextful property for the Example type is False.
//    The IsContextful property for the ContextBoundClass type is True.
//    The IsMarshalByRef property of Example is False.
//    The IsMarshalByRef property of ContextBoundClass is True.
//    Int32 is a primitive data type: True.
//    String is a primitive data type: False.
Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts

Public Class ContextBoundClass : Inherits ContextBoundObject
    Public Value As String = "The Value property."
End Class

Public Class Example
    Public Shared Sub Main()
         ' Determine whether the types can be hosted in a Context.
         Console.WriteLine("The IsContextful property for the {0} type is {1}.",
                           GetType(Example).Name, GetType(Example).IsContextful)
         Console.WriteLine("The IsContextful property for the {0} type is {1}.",
                           GetType(ContextBoundClass).Name, GetType(ContextBoundClass).IsContextful)
         ' Determine whether the types are marshalled by reference.
         Console.WriteLine("The IsMarshalByRef property of {0} is {1}.",
                           GetType(Example).Name, GetType(Example).IsMarshalByRef)
         Console.WriteLine("The IsMarshalByRef property of {0} is {1}.",
                           GetType(ContextBoundClass).Name, GetType(ContextBoundClass).IsMarshalByRef)
         ' Determine whether the types are primitive datatypes.
         Console.WriteLine("{0} is a primitive data type: {1}.",
                           GetType(Integer).Name, GetType(Integer).IsPrimitive)
         Console.WriteLine("{0} is a primitive data type: {1}.",
                           GetType(String).Name, GetType(String).IsPrimitive)
    End Sub
End Class
' The example displays the following output:
'    The IsContextful property for the Example type is False.
'    The IsContextful property for the ContextBoundClass type is True.
'    The IsMarshalByRef property of Example is False.
'    The IsMarshalByRef property of ContextBoundClass is True.
'    Int32 is a primitive data type: True.
'    String is a primitive data type: False.


기본 형식은,,,,,,,,,,,, Boolean Byte SByte Int16 UInt16 Int32 UInt32 Int64 UInt64 IntPtr UIntPtr Char DoubleSingle 입니다.

현재이 제네릭 Type 형식 또는 제네릭 형식 또는 제네릭 메서드 정의의 형식 매개 변수를 나타내는 경우이 속성은 항상를 반환 false 합니다.

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