다음을 통해 공유

SelectionItemPattern.SelectionContainerProperty 필드


SelectionContainer 속성을 식별합니다.

public: static initonly System::Windows::Automation::AutomationProperty ^ SelectionContainerProperty;
public static readonly System.Windows.Automation.AutomationProperty SelectionContainerProperty;
 staticval mutable SelectionContainerProperty : System.Windows.Automation.AutomationProperty
Public Shared ReadOnly SelectionContainerProperty As AutomationProperty 

필드 값



다음 예제에서는 검색 하는 방법을 보여 줍니다는 AutomationElement 선택 항목의 선택 항목 컨테이너를 나타내는입니다.

/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the selection items for a selection container.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="rootElement">
/// The automation element from which to start searching.
/// </param>
/// <param name="selectionContainer">
/// An automation element that supports SelectionPattern.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// A collection of automation elements satisfying 
/// the specified condition(s).
/// </returns>
private AutomationElementCollection FindElementBasedOnContainer(
    AutomationElement rootElement, AutomationElement selectionContainer)
    PropertyCondition containerCondition = 
        new PropertyCondition(
    AutomationElementCollection selectionItems = 
        rootElement.FindAll(TreeScope.Descendants, containerCondition);
    return selectionItems;
''' <summary>
''' Retrieves the selection items for a selection container.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="rootElement">
''' The automation element from which to start searching.
''' </param>
''' <param name="selectionContainer">
''' An automation element that supports SelectionPattern.
''' </param>
''' <returns>
''' A collection of automation elements satisfying 
''' the specified condition(s).
''' </returns>
Private Function FindElementBasedOnContainer( _
ByVal rootElement As AutomationElement, _
ByVal selectionContainer As AutomationElement) As AutomationElementCollection
    Dim containerCondition As PropertyCondition = _
        New PropertyCondition( _
        SelectionItemPattern.SelectionContainerProperty, _
    Dim selectionItems As AutomationElementCollection = _
        rootElement.FindAll(TreeScope.Descendants, containerCondition)
    Return selectionItems
End Function


이 식별자는 UI 자동화 클라이언트 애플리케이션에서 사용 됩니다. UI 자동화 공급자의 해당 필드를 사용 해야 SelectionItemPatternIdentifiers합니다.

적용 대상