다음을 통해 공유

UI 자동화를 사용하여 포함 개체에 액세스

참고 항목

이 설명서는 System.Windows.Automation 네임스페이스에 정의된 관리되는 UI 자동화 클래스를 사용하려는 .NET Framework 개발자를 위한 것입니다. UI 자동화에 대한 최신 정보는 Windows 자동화 API: UI 자동화를 참조하세요.

이 항목에서는 Microsoft UI 자동화를 사용하여 텍스트 컨트롤의 콘텐츠 내에 포함된 개체를 노출하는 방법을 보여줍니다.

참고 항목

포함된 개체에는 이미지, 하이퍼링크, 단추, 테이블 또는 ActiveX 컨트롤이 있습니다.

포함된 개체는 UI 자동화 텍스트 공급자의 자식 항목으로 간주됩니다. 이를 통해 포함된 개체가 기타 모든 UI(사용자 인터페이스) 요소와 동일한 UI 자동화 트리 구조를 통해 노출될 수 있습니다. 따라서 포함된 개체 컨트롤 형식에 일반적으로 필요한 컨트롤 패턴을 통해 기능이 노출됩니다(예: 하이퍼링크는 텍스트를 기반으로 하므로 TextPattern을 지원함).

Embedded objects in a text container. 코드 예제의 대상으로 사용되는 텍스트 콘텐츠("알고 계셨나요?"…)와 포함된 개체 2개(고래 그림과 텍스트 하이퍼링크)가 있는 샘플 문서입니다.

예 1

다음 코드 예제는 UI 자동화 텍스트 공급자에서 포함된 개체의 컬렉션을 검색하는 방법을 보여줍니다. 소개 부분에 제공된 샘플 문서의 경우 두 개의 개체가 반환됩니다(이미지 요소 및 텍스트 요소).

참고 항목

이미지 요소에는 해당 이미지를 설명하는 연관된 내장 텍스트가 있어야 하며, 일반적으로 NameProperty 에 있습니다(예: "파란색 고래"). 하지만 이미지 개체에 걸쳐 있는 텍스트 범위를 가져오면 텍스트 스트림에 이미지 또는 설명 텍스트가 반환되지 않습니다.

/// <summary>
/// Starts the target application.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="app">
/// The application to start.
/// </param>
/// <returns>The automation element for the app main window.</returns>
/// <remarks>
/// Three WPF documents, a rich text document, and a plain text document
/// are provided in the Content folder of the TextProvider project.
/// </remarks>
private AutomationElement StartApp(string app)
    // Start application.
    Process p = Process.Start(app);

    // Give the target application some time to start.
    // For Win32 applications, WaitForInputIdle can be used instead.
    // Another alternative is to listen for WindowOpened events.
    // Otherwise, an ArgumentException results when you try to
    // retrieve an automation element from the window handle.

    targetResult.Content =
        WPFTarget +
        " started. \n\nPlease load a document into the target " +
        "application and click the 'Find edit control' button above. " +
        "\n\nNOTE: Documents can be found in the 'Content' folder of the FindText project.";
    targetResult.Background = Brushes.LightGreen;

    // Return the automation element for the app main window.
    return (AutomationElement.FromHandle(p.MainWindowHandle));
' Starts the target application.
' <param name="app">
' The application to start.
' <returns>The automation element for the app main window.</returns>
' Three WPF documents, a rich text document, and a plain text document
' are provided in the Content folder of the TextProvider project.
Private Function StartApp(ByVal app As String) As AutomationElement
    ' Start application.
    Dim p As Process = Process.Start(app)

    ' Give the target application some time to start.
    ' For Win32 applications, WaitForInputIdle can be used instead.
    ' Another alternative is to listen for WindowOpened events.
    ' Otherwise, an ArgumentException results when you try to
    ' retrieve an automation element from the window handle.

    targetResult.Content = WPFTarget + " started. " + vbLf + vbLf + _
    "Please load a document into the target application and click " + _
    "the 'Find edit control' button above. " + vbLf + vbLf + _
    "NOTE: Documents can be found in the 'Content' folder of the FindText project."
    targetResult.Background = Brushes.LightGreen

    ' Return the automation element for the app main window.
    Return AutomationElement.FromHandle(p.MainWindowHandle)

End Function 'StartApp
/// <summary>
/// Finds the text control in our target.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="src">The object that raised the event.</param>
/// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
/// <remarks>
/// Initializes the TextPattern object and event handlers.
/// </remarks>
private void FindTextProvider_Click(object src, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // Set up the conditions for finding the text control.
    PropertyCondition documentControl = new PropertyCondition(
    PropertyCondition textPatternAvailable = new PropertyCondition(
        AutomationElement.IsTextPatternAvailableProperty, true);
    AndCondition findControl =
        new AndCondition(documentControl, textPatternAvailable);

    // Get the Automation Element for the first text control found.
    // For the purposes of this sample it is sufficient to find the
    // first text control. In other cases there may be multiple text
    // controls to sort through.
    targetDocument =
        targetWindow.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, findControl);

    // Didn't find a text control.
    if (targetDocument == null)
        targetResult.Content =
            WPFTarget +
            " does not contain a Document control type.";
        targetResult.Background = Brushes.Salmon;
        startWPFTargetButton.IsEnabled = false;

    // Get required control patterns
    targetTextPattern =
        TextPattern.Pattern) as TextPattern;

    // Didn't find a text control that supports TextPattern.
    if (targetTextPattern == null)
        targetResult.Content =
            WPFTarget +
            " does not contain an element that supports TextPattern.";
        targetResult.Background = Brushes.Salmon;
        startWPFTargetButton.IsEnabled = false;

    // Text control is available so display the client controls.
    infoGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

    targetResult.Content =
        "Text provider found.";
    targetResult.Background = Brushes.LightGreen;

    // Initialize the document range for the text of the document.
    documentRange = targetTextPattern.DocumentRange;

    // Initialize the client's search buttons.
    if (targetTextPattern.DocumentRange.GetText(1).Length > 0)
        searchForwardButton.IsEnabled = true;
    // Initialize the client's search TextBox.
    searchString.IsEnabled = true;

    // Check if the text control supports text selection
    if (targetTextPattern.SupportedTextSelection ==
        targetResult.Content = "Unable to select text.";
        targetResult.Background = Brushes.Salmon;

    // Edit control found so remove the find button from the client.
    findEditButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

    // Initialize the client with the current target selection, if any.

    // Search starts at beginning of doc and goes forward
    searchBackward = false;

    // Initialize a text changed listener.
    // An instance of TextPatternRange will become invalid if
    // one of the following occurs:
    // 1) The text in the provider changes via some user activity.
    // 2) ValuePattern.SetValue is used to programmatically change
    // the value of the text in the provider.
    // The only way the client application can detect if the text
    // has changed (to ensure that the ranges are still valid),
    // is by setting a listener for the TextChanged event of
    // the TextPattern. If this event is raised, the client needs
    // to update the targetDocumentRange member data to ensure the
    // user is working with the updated text.
    // Clients must always anticipate the possibility that the text
    // can change underneath them.

    // Initialize a selection changed listener.
    // The target selection is reflected in the client.
' Finds the text control in our target.
' <param name="src">The object that raised the event.</param>
' <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
' Initializes the TextPattern object and event handlers.
Private Sub FindTextProvider_Click( _
ByVal src As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
    ' Set up the conditions for finding the text control.
    Dim documentControl As New PropertyCondition( _
    AutomationElement.ControlTypeProperty, ControlType.Document)
    Dim textPatternAvailable As New PropertyCondition( _
    AutomationElement.IsTextPatternAvailableProperty, True)
    Dim findControl As New AndCondition(documentControl, textPatternAvailable)

    ' Get the Automation Element for the first text control found.
    ' For the purposes of this sample it is sufficient to find the
    ' first text control. In other cases there may be multiple text
    ' controls to sort through.
    targetDocument = targetWindow.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, findControl)

    ' Didn't find a text control.
    If targetDocument Is Nothing Then
        targetResult.Content = _
        WPFTarget + " does not contain a Document control type."
        targetResult.Background = Brushes.Salmon
        startWPFTargetButton.IsEnabled = False
    End If

    ' Get required control patterns
    targetTextPattern = DirectCast( _
    targetDocument.GetCurrentPattern(TextPattern.Pattern), TextPattern)

    ' Didn't find a text control that supports TextPattern.
    If targetTextPattern Is Nothing Then
        targetResult.Content = WPFTarget + _
        " does not contain an element that supports TextPattern."
        targetResult.Background = Brushes.Salmon
        startWPFTargetButton.IsEnabled = False
    End If
    ' Text control is available so display the client controls.
    infoGrid.Visibility = Visibility.Visible

    targetResult.Content = "Text provider found."
    targetResult.Background = Brushes.LightGreen

    ' Initialize the document range for the text of the document.
    documentRange = targetTextPattern.DocumentRange

    ' Initialize the client's search buttons.
    If targetTextPattern.DocumentRange.GetText(1).Length > 0 Then
        searchForwardButton.IsEnabled = True
    End If
    ' Initialize the client's search TextBox.
    searchString.IsEnabled = True

    ' Check if the text control supports text selection
    If targetTextPattern.SupportedTextSelection = SupportedTextSelection.None Then
        targetResult.Content = "Unable to select text."
        targetResult.Background = Brushes.Salmon
    End If

    ' Edit control found so remove the find button from the client.
    findEditButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed

    ' Initialize the client with the current target selection, if any.

    ' Search starts at beginning of doc and goes forward
    searchBackward = False

    ' Initialize a text changed listener.
    ' An instance of TextPatternRange will become invalid if
    ' one of the following occurs:
    ' 1) The text in the provider changes via some user activity.
    ' 2) ValuePattern.SetValue is used to programmatically change
    ' the value of the text in the provider.
    ' The only way the client application can detect if the text
    ' has changed (to ensure that the ranges are still valid),
    ' is by setting a listener for the TextChanged event of
    ' the TextPattern. If this event is raised, the client needs
    ' to update the targetDocumentRange member data to ensure the
    ' user is working with the updated text.
    ' Clients must always anticipate the possibility that the text
    ' can change underneath them.
    Dim onTextChanged As AutomationEventHandler = _
    New AutomationEventHandler(AddressOf TextChanged)
    Automation.AddAutomationEventHandler( _
    TextPattern.TextChangedEvent, targetDocument, TreeScope.Element, onTextChanged)
    ' Initialize a selection changed listener.
    ' The target selection is reflected in the client.
    Dim onSelectionChanged As AutomationEventHandler = _
    New AutomationEventHandler(AddressOf OnTextSelectionChange)
    Automation.AddAutomationEventHandler( _
    TextPattern.TextSelectionChangedEvent, targetDocument, _
    TreeScope.Element, onSelectionChanged)

End Sub
/// <summary>
/// Gets the children of the target selection.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">The object that raised the event.</param>
/// <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
private void GetChildren_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    // Obtain an array of child elements.
    AutomationElement[] textProviderChildren;
        textProviderChildren = searchRange.GetChildren();
    catch (ElementNotAvailableException)
        // TODO: error handling.

    // Assemble the information about the enclosing element.
    StringBuilder childInformation = new StringBuilder();
        .AppendLine(" child element(s).");

    // Iterate through the collection of child elements and obtain
    // information of interest about each.
    for (int i = 0; i < textProviderChildren.Length; i++)
        // Obtain the name of the child control.
        // Obtain the control type.
        childInformation.Append("\tControl Type:\t")

        // Obtain the supported control patterns.
        // NOTE: For the purposes of this sample we use GetSupportedPatterns().
        // However, the use of GetSupportedPatterns() is strongly discouraged
        // as it calls GetCurrentPattern() internally on every known pattern.
        // It is therefore much more efficient to use GetCurrentPattern() for
        // the specific patterns you are interested in.
        AutomationPattern[] childPatterns =
        childInformation.AppendLine("\tSupported Control Patterns:");
        if (childPatterns.Length <= 0)
            foreach (AutomationPattern pattern in childPatterns)

        // Obtain the child elements, if any, of the child control.
        TextPatternRange childRange =
        AutomationElement[] childRangeChildren =
        childInformation.Append("\tChildren: \t").Append(childRangeChildren.Length).AppendLine();
    // Display the information about the child controls.
    targetSelectionDetails.Text = childInformation.ToString();
' Gets the children of the target selection.
' <param name="sender">The object that raised the event.</param>
' <param name="e">Event arguments.</param>
Private Sub GetChildren_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
    ' Obtain an array of child elements.
    Dim textProviderChildren() As AutomationElement
        textProviderChildren = searchRange.GetChildren()
        ' TODO: error handling.
    End Try

    ' Assemble the information about the enclosing element.
    Dim childInformation As New StringBuilder()
    childInformation.Append(textProviderChildren.Length).AppendLine(" child element(s).")

    ' Iterate through the collection of child elements and obtain
    ' information of interest about each.
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To textProviderChildren.Length - 1
        ' Obtain the name of the child control.
        childInformation.Append(vbTab + "Name:" + vbTab) _
        ' Obtain the control type.
        childInformation.Append(vbTab + "Control Type:" + vbTab) _

        ' Obtain the supported control patterns.
        ' NOTE: For the purposes of this sample we use GetSupportedPatterns().
        ' However, the use of GetSupportedPatterns() is strongly discouraged
        ' as it calls GetCurrentPattern() internally on every known pattern.
        ' It is therefore much more efficient to use GetCurrentPattern() for
        ' the specific patterns you are interested in.
        Dim childPatterns As AutomationPattern() = _
        childInformation.AppendLine(vbTab + "Supported Control Patterns:")
        If childPatterns.Length <= 0 Then
            childInformation.AppendLine(vbTab + vbTab + vbTab + "None")
            Dim pattern As AutomationPattern
            For Each pattern In childPatterns
                childInformation.Append(vbTab + vbTab + vbTab) _
            Next pattern
        End If

        ' Obtain the child elements, if any, of the child control.
        Dim childRange As TextPatternRange = _
        Dim childRangeChildren As AutomationElement() = _
        childInformation.Append(vbTab + "Children: " + vbTab) _
    Next i
    ' Display the information about the child controls.
    targetSelectionDetails.Text = childInformation.ToString()

End Sub

예제 2

다음 코드 예제는 UI 자동화 텍스트 공급자 내에 포함된 개체에서 텍스트 범위를 가져오는 방법을 보여줍니다. 검색된 텍스트 범위는 빈 범위로서 시작되는 엔드포인트 앞에 "… ocean.(space)"가 오고 끝나는 엔드포인트 뒤에 닫는 "."가 와서 포함된 하이퍼링크를 나타냅니다(소개 부분에 제공된 이미지 참조). 검색된 범위가 비어 있는 범위라 해도, 0이 아닌 범위이기 때문에 중복 제거 범위로 간주되지 않습니다.

참고 항목

TextPattern 은 하이퍼링크와 같이 텍스트를 기반으로 하는 포함된 개체를 검색할 수 있지만, 보조 TextPattern 은 포함된 개체에서 가져와야 전체 기능을 노출할 수 있습니다.

/// -------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// Obtains a text range spanning an embedded child
/// of a document control and displays the content of the range.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="targetTextElement">
/// The AutomationElement that represents a text control.
/// </param>
/// -------------------------------------------------------------------
private void GetRangeFromChild(AutomationElement targetTextElement)
    TextPattern textPattern =
        as TextPattern;

    if (textPattern == null)
        // Target control doesn't support TextPattern.

    // Obtain a text range spanning the entire document.
    TextPatternRange textRange = textPattern.DocumentRange;

    // Retrieve the embedded objects within the range.
    AutomationElement[] embeddedObjects = textRange.GetChildren();

    // Retrieve and display text value of embedded object.
    foreach (AutomationElement embeddedObject in embeddedObjects)
        if ((bool)embeddedObject.GetCurrentPropertyValue(
           // For full functionality a secondary TextPattern should
           // be obtained from the embedded object.
           // embeddedObject must be a child of the text provider.
            TextPatternRange embeddedObjectRange =
            // GetText(-1) retrieves all text in the range.
            // Typically a more limited amount of text would be
            // retrieved for performance and security reasons.
''' -------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Obtains a text range spanning an embedded child 
''' of a document control and displays the content of the range.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="targetTextElement">
''' The AutomationElement. representing a text control.
''' </param>
''' -------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub GetRangeFromChild( _
ByVal targetTextElement As AutomationElement)
    Dim textPattern As TextPattern = _
    DirectCast( _
    targetTextElement.GetCurrentPattern(textPattern.Pattern), _

    If (textPattern Is Nothing) Then
        ' Target control doesn't support TextPattern.
    End If

    ' Obtain a text range spanning the entire document.
    Dim textRange As TextPatternRange = textPattern.DocumentRange

    ' Retrieve the embedded objects within the range.
    Dim embeddedObjects() As AutomationElement = textRange.GetChildren()

    Dim embeddedObject As AutomationElement
    For Each embeddedObject In embeddedObjects
        If (embeddedObject.GetCurrentPropertyValue( _
            AutomationElement.IsTextPatternAvailableProperty) = True) Then
            ' For full functionality a secondary TextPattern should
            ' be obtained from the embedded object.
            ' embeddedObject must be a child of the text provider.
            Dim embeddedObjectRange As TextPatternRange = _
            ' GetText(-1) retrieves all text in the range.
            ' Typically a more limited amount of text would be 
            ' retrieved for performance and security reasons.
        End If
End Sub

참고 항목