방법: 디렉터리 복사

이 문서에서는 I/O 클래스를 사용하여 디렉터리의 내용을 다른 위치로 동기적으로 복사하는 방법을 보여 줍니다.

비동기 파일 복사의 예제는 비동기 파일 I/O을 참조하세요.

이 예에서는 CopyDirectory 메서드의 recursive 매개 변수를 true로 설정하여 하위 디렉터리를 복사합니다. CopyDirectory 메서드는 더 이상 복사할 항목이 없을 때까지 각 하위 디렉터리에서 자신을 호출하여 하위 디렉터리를 재귀적으로 복사합니다.


using System.IO;

CopyDirectory(@".\", @".\copytest", true);

static void CopyDirectory(string sourceDir, string destinationDir, bool recursive)
    // Get information about the source directory
    var dir = new DirectoryInfo(sourceDir);

    // Check if the source directory exists
    if (!dir.Exists)
        throw new DirectoryNotFoundException($"Source directory not found: {dir.FullName}");

    // Cache directories before we start copying
    DirectoryInfo[] dirs = dir.GetDirectories();

    // Create the destination directory

    // Get the files in the source directory and copy to the destination directory
    foreach (FileInfo file in dir.GetFiles())
        string targetFilePath = Path.Combine(destinationDir, file.Name);

    // If recursive and copying subdirectories, recursively call this method
    if (recursive)
        foreach (DirectoryInfo subDir in dirs)
            string newDestinationDir = Path.Combine(destinationDir, subDir.Name);
            CopyDirectory(subDir.FullName, newDestinationDir, true);
Imports System.IO

Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        CopyDirectory(".\", ".\copytest", True)
    End Sub

    Public Sub CopyDirectory(sourceDir As String, destinationDir As String, recursive As Boolean)

        ' Get information about the source directory
        Dim dir As New DirectoryInfo(sourceDir)

        ' Check if the source directory exists
        If Not dir.Exists Then
            Throw New DirectoryNotFoundException($"Source directory not found: {dir.FullName}")
        End If

        ' Cache directories before we start copying
        Dim dirs As DirectoryInfo() = dir.GetDirectories()

        ' Create the destination directory

        ' Get the files in the source directory and copy to the destination directory
        For Each file As FileInfo In dir.GetFiles()
            Dim targetFilePath As String = Path.Combine(destinationDir, file.Name)

        ' If recursive and copying subdirectories, recursively call this method
        If recursive Then
            For Each subDir As DirectoryInfo In dirs
                Dim newDestinationDir As String = Path.Combine(destinationDir, subDir.Name)
                CopyDirectory(subDir.FullName, newDestinationDir, True)
        End If

    End Sub
End Module

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